The realities of juggling a full time blog with a full time career
As I write this post, my mind is whirling in 30 directions each at 150 miles an hour. There are so many urgent things vying for its attention it’s close to explosion. On the outside, I’m rocking a new season merino wool dress, Reiss boots and my Chanel handbag, with a few extra bags under my eyes. Life isn’t always as simple as it seems from the outside.
For 5 years on the 31st October, I’ve run a full time blog which I’m fortunate enough to call my business now, alongside a full time career in which I’m proud to say I’ve achieved more than I ever thought by this age, and with my next promotion which I hope will be early next year, I’ll have achieved something I perhaps put as my career end goal. I’m driven. I care. And I want to do my best. But sometimes this passion for achievement is darn right tiring.
This week I’m running a new business pitch which has meant arriving home before 10:30pm has been a myth, I’ve been organising travel collaborations for an upcoming trip to Asia, I’ve been discussing 8 partnerships with different brands for the coming months, I’m going through a blog and branding relaunch behind the scenes … And I’m trying to get content live that I’m proud of. Oh and I’m trying to keep my boyfriend happy, see my family and friends, actually feed myself and generally keep functioning. We’re all busy. But today as I sit on the tube to work writing my editorial to go with these glorious pictures my sister and I shot a few weekends ago, I find myself quite literally unable to think. My mind is absolutely exhausted.
And it was in this moment of acceptance, I though rather than give you tips on how to deal, advice on your career or some blogging nuggets based on my experience, I thought I’d just lay it bear. The realities of blogging with a full time career. Because I’m certain I’m not alone, and whether it’s juggling a blog and a career or a family and a career or even just juggling every day as it comes. Sometimes it’s nice to know you’re note alone and that life isn’t perfect all the time.
So here you have it, the realities of juggling more than even Beyoncé can handle.

Time is a luxury
I have cancelled three hair appointments in three months, my hair is effectively an upside down ombré right now. And yes it sounds somewhat cool and trendsetting, but let me assure you it’s not. I’ve picked the shellac off my toes and have tried to cover it with some bog standard red nail vanish which is chipped and reminds me of being a hobo. I’m going to an awards ceremony this evening and I literally have not got a dress, let alone a blow dry, freshly coloured hair or some fresh paint on my nails.
Health is the lowest priority
Whilst I’m being deliberately tongue in cheek this point is truly not okay. I’ve put on over one and a half stone in the last three years. I hate my body, how it looks, how it feels. Sometimes I can’t understand how the stress doesn’t make it fall off. But the reality is, I simply cannot find time to exercise, I’ve had to pull out of my netball team and my gym membership which I pay each month in hope that I’ll use it, has probably been swiped 5 times this year. I want to look and feel my best, I want to be healthy, I don’t want to suffer from migraines constantly and look in the mirror and slay myself. But what comes with too many commitments is not enough time. It’s the worst excuse in the world.
I suffer FOMO
Less so at work, but with my blog especially. I work my butt off to produce content, I run myself ragged trying to juggle everything and squeeze things in, but sometimes I feel as if the blogging world is zooming on past me and I’m left here with my 10k Instagram followers, whilst somehow when I blinked, everyone else got 100k. I see people on projects and working with my favourite brands and wish I had those opportunities, I miss events that I desperately want to attend because I simply can’t find the time or if I do have an hour in the evening I just need to sit down and try and relax. I miss out on a lot. And FOMO does exist.
Holidays don’t exist
Whilst FOMO does exist, your typical ‘holiday’ doesn’t. I mean they may look fabulous (and they are really), but I’m on emails constantly (because life carries on around you even if you’re on a lovely beach somewhere), I’m shooting in every second I can get (because I have time off work which is invaluable for my blog) and I’m writing and working on my laptop every evening (because the evening is mine). But what’s worse is for the poor sods I’m holidaying with , i’m ultimately the worst company in the world. Sorry guys.
Life goes by
But the scariest thing is how time goes by. I remember saying in March how this was the year for me, how I had so many months before my holidays to feel my best again, how this was the year for my blog, for my wellness and for spending time with people I love. And here I am in mid October, thinking holy moly it’s nearly Christmas. Where has this year gone!!
And it’s in moments like this where you must stop. Breathe. And truly assess your priorities. I love my job, my blog and my life, sacrifice is not something I’m willing to accept, but restarting and committing to a healthier balance, to fitness and health and to time out is critical. Sometimes it takes a moment of clarity to realise it.

Now don’t get me wrong, my life is amazing, I’m happy, I’m healthy, I have an absolutely amazing family and friends, I have a boyfriend of nearly 9 years who just about tolerates my manic ways, I have a secure and wonderful job, I have a blog I adore and a business growing by the day. I’m super lucky. But like everyone, sometimes the weight of the world on your shoulders takes its toll, and rather than pretend everything’s gravy and that I’m having a fabulous day at Covent Garden hotel today sipping more coffee than my body has ever been used to (seriously), I thought I’d just be real. And I’m certain I’m not alone.
So how do I cope. I take a deep breath. I do the superman pose. I clear my mind. And tackle one task at a time. And just like that my blog post is done.
What a great post. Gorgeous images (really, so beautiful), and a great message – sometimes we have too much on. Or for some of us, that’s always. I’m the same as you – too many hats to wear, too little time. A job, a freelance business, a blog, a major house renovation (12 days without a shower/bath in my house and counting!), and a new husband (2 months ago today! :-)), and I sometimes feel like I’m falling apart at the seams. Other times the To Do list gets done and I feel like superwoman. Those are the more rare days! But – and this is a biggie – I wouldn’t have it any other way. If I quit some of this stuff, I would find more to do in its place. It’s me, it’s how I like to be, and it’s how I’m most productive. If I have very little to do, I do very little. If I have a lot, well, you get the picture. Thank you for sharing these sentiments and understanding so many of us. xx
Looking so classy, feminine and very Parisienne in this outfit! I’m loving these photos!
I absolutely agree with you on all of these things… I have encountered all of these in my
life as a blogger and CEO for my photography.
You should be so proud of everything you’ve achieved this year, I’ve been loving your content! Make sure you look after yourself though, we can’t always be everywhere at once and your readers will still love you if you take the day off ;)
Sophie x
I love this and it’s so what I needed right now! After coming back to uni from my last free summer, I’ve been thrown into the depths of third year and I’ve started a new job and I’m trying to get back into improving my blog and have to start thinking, searching and applying for graduate jobs as well as have a fun, memorable last year at uni and take part in as much as I can! It’s all a bit jam-packed and I’m finding it hard to juggle – there just aren’t enough hours in the day! It’s good to know I’m not alone in feeling like this. I mean I haven’t got quite as much on as you and I don’t know how you do it! But you’re doing incredible! You should be so proud!
JosieVictoriaa // Travel, Fashion & Lifestyle
Love the honesty of this post. Sometimes I feel bloggers present a false view of the world. And you are here sharing the reality. It’s refreshing :)
Um, wow I can relate to this really really well. I’m currently in my final year at University which is crazy hectic and I’m also on two sports teams. I started getting contacted for sponsored posts in summer and I love that I did because I love making money through my blog but it keeps me so damn busy!
Abigail Alice x
Working and blogging reminds me of good old times when I was working and studying… No rest for the wicked whatsoever, and quite like Uni, no real ‘turn work off’ switch either.
Wow babe, it’s crazy how much you’ve managed to achieve! I wish I could do the same but working as a teacher really meant that I had no time at all for anything else other than create content for my blog and spend a little time with my family. I quit in July this year to focus on my blog and jewellery business and although it’s quite scary relying on my savings, I feel like I can finally do what needs to be done to take my blog one step further and grow it into a legit business.
I loved reading this post, do keep them coming in! ?
Oh darling, I know how you feel! This resonated so deeply with me. I feel stuck in one very full time job as a blogger – my side projects and the new business I am trying to launch just keep getting pushed forward because there simply is not enough time. Even eating feels like a luxury these days at times. All I can say is you are doing so so well, I genuinely am in awe of the fact you manage a full time job as well as a blog so premium and quality. Honestly you do a better job that a lot of women who blog full time. Don’t worry so much about follower count, it’s the quality of followers that counts and I can tell you have great ones. Finally I salute you for all that you manage to do, it’s inspiring. I hope you congratulate yourself too!
Fantastic post!
And your look is so damn beautiful. A new fan over here
xxx, Eva
This post definitely resonates with me. I work full time in finance, trying to secure my next promotion (which are few and far between in a small town- another problem with blogging, small towns) My partner and I just got engaged and are planning a trip to Europe, as well as a house, a wedding and a family. Exciting times coming up. But I want to grow my blog, and currently its at a standstill along with my social media- I continue to upload but opportunities just pass by! So incredibly frustrating. I definitely hear you girl!
Love this post dear. Its exactly what I have been dealing with the past 6 months? I would love to have a promotion next year too and with my masters studies starting in January 2017, girl I better buck up! All of those feelings are so true. Most imporantly the guilt I have for not having enough time for my family. Hope you are doing fine dear and yes my facial sesh is long overduen:p
Viviene Kok
I love how real and amazing this post was :D Too true, sometimes it does just become too much!!
xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT
This is a great post and so relatable! We work a full time job in the corporate world as well as maintaining a blog and sometimes things can get very rough and stressful! I love the quality of your photos and you can really see the effort you put in for your blog! What kind of camera do you use?