Why A Weekend In The Country Is The Ultimate Way To Clear Your Mind & Re-Focus
Most weekends I head out of the city, either back home to Winchester or to where Jase grew up near bath, sometimes somewhere further afield for a little staycation. You see, sometimes you have to get out of the thick of it to re-balance and re-focus, and it just so happens that the countryside and the seaside are my ‘happy places’. As soon as I even smell that fresh sea air or find my views filled wth countrside my body just relaxes.
“There’s no wifi in the forest, but I promise you’ll find a better connection”
I shared my tips and journey to living a little more stress free and finding a bit of balance more balance in your life not long ago, but today I wanted to share a few of my more ‘quick fix’ options. For those times when you’re desperate to unwind, need to get yourself back on track or simply relax.

And why the countryside is the best place for it
Walking is something I’ve learnt to be one of those miracle remedies for pretty much every problem you’re facing, least not stress. Even if you’re stuck in the office and up against it with a deadline the benefit of taking a 10 minute break, to walk, breathe and just stop your brain working so hard, far overweighs the time lost working. Walking is one of the most effective ways of clearing your mind, boosting your creativity and not to mention getting you breathing properly again … and so removing tensions in your body and mind. One of the most helpful things I learnt at a week long creative training course a few years back, was the power of taking a walk to resolve things, either talking in your mind, or with another. The power of walking and talking revivals a therapy session I assure you!
For me there’s no better place to get that sense of clarity and calm than taking a stroll in the countryside, exploring new places or walking along my favourite beaches.
We all have those people we can turn to at any time of day, no matter how long ago it was when we last saw them, and know they will be there for us! These people are your tribe, your cheerleaders, your support network. And it’s in those most stressful times when you need a little clarity that they come into their own. Whether it’s talking it out in person, on the phone or even just on email, these friends are those you can rely on to help you get back on track. I personally have at least 5 people I know I could pick up the phone to at any time of day who could help me clear my mind and re-focus, whether it’s work, emotions, life, whatever the topic I know my tribe is there to support.
And if worse comes to worse and you can’t get a friend on the other end of a line – write it out. To Do lists help clear the mind, focus your efforts and give you some direction!
Bloody exercise. The answer to everything right? But truth be told, there’s no denying the impact an hour of pilates and yoga has on my mindfulness and stress levels, and I know so many people who turn to running when they need to shake some shit off.
Exercise is a seriously effective way of clearing your mind, talking through your issues mentally, and finding the endorphins and motivations to re-focus yourself. Often exercise takes a lot of planning and preparation to fit in to busy schedules, but the benefit of something like yoga is that no matter where you are you can practice it, and not only that but there are so many videos, apps and tutorials to guide your practice that really there’s no excuse not to give it a try!
So whether it’s a preemptively signing up to a few classes each week so you’re making time for yourself, or throwing on your running shoes after a stressful day in the office, adding a little more exercise to your life is really impactful.


And of course when time allows there’s nothing better than heading home for a weekend, spending time with your loved ones and for me just cuddling up to Ruby my dog! Animals are another one of those secret weapons that instantly dissolve your worries as soon as they snuggle up in your lap! What more excuse do I need to get myself a little pup in London …
I’d love to hear your tactics for clearing your mind and re-focussing? Do you find walking, talking and exercising to be helpful too?
I love your outfits! Unfortunately, I can’t quite travel to the countryside for a jog or a walk because I live in Hong Kong, but we have hiking here and that’s the same thing!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Now that the weather is getting… a bit better, long walks are definitely my no 1 priority :)
Exercise is a really big one for me on a daily basis, especially running and pilates. I always feel so much better afterwards, it clears my head, and I’ve actually solved many a problem on a run haha! Absolutely love long walks and feel lucky to be close to some lovely countryside…need to make sure I get out there more often.
Love those jeans by the way – they are a great shape!
Sophie xxx | Sophar So Good
Loveeee this post, and absolutely love your bag. It’s so cute!! xxx
Thank you thank you for your tips. Just needed that, i always try to stay focused the whole day but sometimes you just need time for yourself.
I’m not quite the girl for long walks, but jogging and yoga totally does the trick for me! :)
Thanks for sharing
– xx amanda
Walking is definitely my favorite way to clear my mind. I enjoy it a lot.
xx, Melissa
I absolutely loved this post! I completely agree with you and I think just getting out in the fresh air can be the simple answer for so many things! Your photography is absolutely beautiful as well! X
I love gong to the countryside to relax and get my mind back to a functional state. BTW love the bag.