How A Colour Can Boost Your Confidence
Ironically, a post about red bringing you confidence and I wasn’t feeling confident to share with you. Call me a perfectionist, but I only want the content I share with you on here to be the absolute best of the best. It was a decision i’ve really stuck to since I stopped blogging daily and started blogging only two or three times a week.
I didn’t want to post content for contents sake, but I still wanted to share those everyday outfits, along with those more considered thought pieces whether it be travel, lifestyle or careers advice. Anyway, this outfit is one i’ve been waiting and holding off sharing for a long time, for no real reason, it just didn’t really excite me much.
But that being said, the red blazer, especially as we move toot sweet into Autumn, is one I did want to share with you. So i’ve decided to post it … maybe it’ll be like those instagrams you think you want to post & then quickly delete (not sure i’ve ever done that on the blog before) but I guess if you’re reading this, it’s live and still here haha!


But the point … When i started in media an incredible and very intelligent lady really inspired me, her sophistication and super super respected intelligence made her a top woman in my industry. I was lucky enough to sit next to her for quite a while and I feel i soaked a few of her nuggets up. One, very random nugget, was something she once said about her outfit. She was wearing a beautiful, very elegant and very professional red dress, and when I told her she looked fabulous she said to me, “When in doubt, wear red”.
Despite her position in the industry and being a very successful female with huge amounts of respect and kudos, she (like us all) sill found herself in moments of doubt and nerves. And much like the super woman pose (a great tip given by Amy Cuddy in her Ted Talk), clothes and colours can be one of your greatest weapons.
So since that moment, i’ve had a special love for red. It’s a colour you must feel confident to wear. It’s bold, its a statement and it’s most definitely loud. But when you do wear it, it brings you this overall feeling of girl power & stature.
Great philosophy on wearing red! It’s such a bold colour that it always makes you feel good! :)
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
You look gorgeous and I hope you don’t end up deleting this post, I love the outfit! The blazer looks amazing – I think I need something like this in my office wardrobe too to bring a bit of very much needed colour to my weekday life! x
I do love red very much, even though it doesn’t really suit me. In red I go less confident, more zombie, haha.
Red is everything! There is some magic in that colour and it does make me feel amazing and empowers me
whenever I put on my red blazer or red lipstick for example.
You’re looking fantastic in this boho-ish combo!
I loved this – it really is such a powerful colour! Glad you decided to post this one, I’ll remember ‘When in doubt, wear red’ for a long time now I think :)
Sophie | Sophar So Good
I definitely agree on the power of red! I just recently got a pair of gorgeous red ankle boots, and as soon as I put them on I feel like I’m on top of the world haha :D