The tricks I’ve learnt to use when i’m feeling a little under pressure
Every now and then my work life balance fails considerably, even if i’m not in the office until 11pm, the stress and pace of the day will wipe me out and leave me asleep on the sofa by 9pm. It’s those busy times at work when I can forget to look after myself quite so well, I revert to carb loaded dinners because I’ve not had time to eat all day, I don’t give my mind a rest and generally I just forget to drink water, exercise & spend time calming my mind and body. Ironically, it’s the time I need looking after the most.
In those moments and periods of time when you need to deal with everyday stress and not let it become overwhelming or a big issue, I’ve found a few little things that help keep me going, sane and fighting off the dreaded migraines which always hit when i’m internalising my stress.
Some of my tactics are really simple things which seem to all add up and help me relax, others are bigger things which I have to dedicate a little energy to, but overall they help me cope with the everyday stress work and life throws at me. I hope they might help you too.

First of all, when I start to feel a little stressed, I also find that my neck and shoulders start to seize up (and if I don’t tackle it quickly can lead to migraines). As such I have a little Aspinal makeup bag which my sister bought me for Christmas which is packed with four key things that I always have with me; my This Works stress check breath in oil (I also use the pillow spray at night), a jar of tiger balm which I smother myself in (shoulders, neck, behind my ears, all the points where I cary tension), 4head which I find really helps relax my head (I actually recommend it for migraine sufferers too, whilst nothing makes them go away, this soothes the pain), and finally an Olbas oil inhaler. It might sound weird, but all of these products really help relax my body and mind, whether it’s placebo or not the smells work wonders.
Another thing I find really helps me relax is piano music. I am not a big music ‘follower’ much more of an eclectic consumer of it, but one thing I do really enjoy in moments of stress is piano. I find it really soothing and calming and along with my smelly products, takes me to the zen like atmosphere of a spa. Sometimes if i’ve had a really bad day when I get in I just lay down for 10 minutes with some piano playing out. And if it’s not piano, nature sounds. Rain and storms especially I find really calming. Don’t ask why.
I often find it impossible to leave the office at lunch time, but I know the wonders of a 5 minute break, and even better a 5 minute break outside walking. It’s hard to stop what you’re doing simply to walk, but not only is it wonderfully therapeutic, you’ll also find you’re very productive when you’re walking, and often tackle some of those big challenges you’re grappling within seconds. When you don’t have time to make exercise and the gym a regular thing then the little breaks simply to walk are key.
I don’t mean literally run away, but escapism after work is key to ensure my mind switches out of work and into chill. Reading and movies are my go to way to escape. Sometimes all I want is to get in my PJ’s, lay on the sofa with a blanket and put on Harry Potter or one of my favourite feel good, easy watch movies which require no thinking as i’ve watched them so many times, but are guaranteed to take me to a happy place. Reading can sometimes require the brain power I don’t quite have left, but if i’m feeling awake then a good book is heavenly to sink away into.
It’s really good to have some happy places you can turn to. Heading home, my light & airy Bedroom & Soho Farmhouse are a few of mine. When things are really busy and stressful, sometimes relocating yourself can do wonders for the mind. Of course I can’t just jump in the car and drive to the farmhouse in the middle of the day when I’m mad busy at work, so planning trips on the weekend gives me something to look forward to, and having a happy place near home or near the office is really helpful to spend some time at – even if you just work remotely for an hour or two. Sometimes a change of location can really help shift the dial in your mood.
Finally, i’m a list maker. To do lists keep me sane, I have over 46 pages of lists on my iPhone. It may stress other people out, the thought of so many pages of things to do or remember, but actually for me, writing things down helps remove it from my brain and capture it somewhere secure. Whatever your vibe, simply find a way to break it all down, chunk things up into manageable tasks and set yourself bursts of time to do each bit. And most of all, don’t panic if you get behind or don’t get time to do it, start the next day with a fresh list and start again.
I hope you might have found some of these little tricks helpful if you too find yourself suffering with everyday stress like I often do. I’d love to know the little tricks you have to keep yourself going?
I find that going out and taking a walk really helps. A change of scenery does wonders! ❤️❤️
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Lovely article <3 Also I adore your jumper – where is it from? :)