Room for all my summer essentials & the perfect twist on your standard basket bag
Raise your hand if you’ve been in sunshine heaven these last few weeks? I’m starting to think the universe is giving me just the break I needed – a forced slow down, the chance to pause and be at home and stop rushing around 24/7, and of course some seriously well needed vitamin D.
Don’t get me wrong I know the reason for us all slowing is terrible for many reasons (and if anything work has been more busy during this period, rather than less), but on a personal level I can’t help be grateful for the life gear change its given me. One I needed but haven’t been brave enough to follow through on.
It’s the regular walks, the sitting in the garden and soaking up the sunshine, taking time in the morning before work to have a cup of tea and sit outside, it’s the simplicity of weekends. As someone who barely ever spent a weekend at home, let alone one without a packed list of commitments each day, it’s been a real blessing just to be. I miss my family like no end and I’d love to be at home with them too, but it’s almost like the ‘slowness’ and calm that I get at home, has finally been bought in my everyday life up here in London too. And I’m not willing to let it go now, I just need to find ways to maintain some of these positives as things do move back to relative normality.
Anyway, one of the things i’ve been doing far more of in lockdown is walking and spending time outdoor in my local parks – i’m lucky enough to live right in the middle of Richmond park, Kew Gardens and Kew Green and whilst I always appreciated living where we do, it’s come into it’s own since lockdown. Being able to take a daily walk to Richmond park (a walk and podcast has become my new ritual), a weekend picnic, or taking just a simple stroll to Kew Green has been heavenly. We’ve even taken a couple of beers and a blanket at sun down just to be outside and watch the sunset, something we’d never have time for normally (not least because by the time we’re home from work it’s dark).

It’s been the perfect opportunity for me to take my beautiful Chloe basket bag out for a spin – just the right size for picnic essentials and a good book. I love my bags, which if you’ve followed along here for a while you’ll know well, and I love the fact i’ve now got a little basket bag to add into the collection. It’s a perfect everyday bag for the Summer as well as the perfect holiday bag.
Love the bag so much! So perfect for summer! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
That is a stunning bag! I love that it has the beautiful, flowy fabric at the bottom, it adds to much more than if it was a straw bag all the way.
Thank you for sharing it! And keep finding the positives in the current situation, if it has brought some kind of peace and to you and your lifestyle :) It’s okay if it has!
Julia x
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