Feat: Ganni Smocked Seersucker Dress
I often go through periods of splurging and purging when it comes to my wardrobe. I’ll hit a period where I feel fed up looking at a wardrobe of clothes I wouldn’t choose to wear today, and decide to have a ruthless clear out, keeping only those I adore and wear regularly (or for occasions). I’ve been doing this more and more over the years, so gone are the days with stacks of fast fashion clogging my little wardrobe space thankfully. The blessing in this, aside from lots of clothes to charity and space to actually see in my wardrobe, is that I’ve cleared physical and metaphorical space for a considered wardrobe … a moment to think about each item in my clothing collection, space for each piece to shine and have it’s own airtime, and most excitingly (for me, not my bank) space to bring in new pieces that I love and that will not only last this season, but a lifetime. Because not only do i love them, but they fit, they’re quality and their items i’ve chosen to invest in.
In the last 6 months i’ve actually invested in quite a few new pieces that I haven’t had a moment to share with you, mostly new dresses of the midi variety, because you know what, that is my style and I want to invest in pieces that will hold true today and tomorrow. I bit the bullet and made some Rixo investments, and also got some new Ganni pieces. Both brands I love but often withheld from buying, as they’re investments, but i decided with this new ‘space’ and a commitment to a curated wardrobe for the long haul and not an ever rotating wardrobe of ‘cheaper’ fast fashion alternatives, that it was time to make the move.
This Ganni dress was of course one of my first buys. I actually got this last year some time after buying a few reformation dresses and falling more in love with the style. As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted it, in fact I love it so much i’ve just bought the spring / summer colourway in bright pink too.
The black and grey tone were the ultimate companions for my Grenson Nanettes (again, new to the blog but I bought them a little while back) and my Saint Laurent ‘Talitha’ Bag (which I bought myself at Christmas and have been savouring behind the scenes).

I can’t wait to share more of my new pieces with you and actually get back into the rhythm of sharing my outfits, shooting pictures and generally writing on my blog more.
It’s fair to say, with the new moon and 9 weeks in lockdown perhaps, i’ve definitely been thinking about what I want more of in my life. The things I love doing, what I enjoy, when I get in ‘flow’ and really thinking about what I want in my life across career, love, health and play (i’ve been reading Design Your Life which talks about these four things and whether you give each enough time and care) … and every time I come back to writing, shooting, and wanting more time for this passion of mine.
I started my blog back in 2011 because of a love for those things, and they’re still the things I love now and I truly miss when I don’t make time to do it and just ‘release’ the creative side of me!
So I hope this will be the first of a lot more regular and real time content to share with you. I know blogs aren’t the destinations they used to be, but i’m so grateful for those of you who read mediamarmalade and still swing by to say hello and check out what’s new.
The dress looks beautiful on you and I loved the way you styled it! So edgy! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Oh you look beautiful!
Lisa |
Can I ask which size did you buy pls??