As the new year kicks off we’re no doubt all full of ideas, fresh passion & ambition for what we want our little blogs to achieve in the year to come. I know I for one started 2015 full of blog ideas & a real drive to make something of this. But naturally as work gets more demanding, we get more tired, and those ideas start to run out, our motivation can take a little nose dive. But fear not, I have 5 tips which I think really help boost your motivation and give you a renewed sense of drive to get to work on your little blog!
They are by no means exclusive, but these 5 things do the trick for me …
The easiest way to get a little more motivated is to reignite your passion, and what better way to do that than spend some time getting inspired. Whether that be an hour dedicated to browsing pinterest and collating your favourite things (food, outfits, locations, photography styles etc) – I do this a lot, you can browse my boards here if you’re looking for a few inspirations, a walk around town with your camera in hand, picking up your favourite magazines for a read or even just reading other blogs or a few books. Theres tons of ways to get inspiration (I wrote a post with tips on inspiration here which you can check out) and actually once you’ve seen a few things which tickle your taste buds you’ll find in no time at all that new ideas are starting to come into your mind!
With all this new found inspiration, you need to make sure you capture it, and the best way to do that is to jot down all your ideas, however big or small! This is something I do constantly, i’m constantly jotting down small blog ideas, and equally brainstorming for bigger ideas and content topics. The most important thing to do is to capture all your thoughts, so you’ve always got a list of things to write about when your content begins to run dry! I take notes in a notepad, I jot down thoughts and ideas constantly on my iPhone, and I’ve even printed an A4 calendar out so I can start planning ideas into a proper schedule!
If you’re feeling out of ideas at the moment, then pop over here and read this handy list of content ideas to help keep your content flowing!
There’s nothing like having a break and a refresh to reignite some motivation. Whether that’s planning a week or weekend off to give yourself some time to refresh & come back with a clear head and renewed sense of motivation, or equally giving your blog a refresh, a few upgrades or tweaks here or there to get a little excitement back into things!
I for one spent quite a long time keeping my blog consistent and not really making changes through fear of messing up what worked, but a few years back I really wanted to make changes, to make my blog more unique, my own. So i dedicated some serious hours to making the changes I wanted, and theres nothing like a bit of a blog refresh to make things feel new & exciting again!
I’m currently in the process of working on something similar for mediamarmalade.com com in 2015 … so stay tuned for that!

It’s not something we often do with blogging, seek advice, as it’s our own thing so we don’t usually invite others to input. But over the last few years I’ve increasingly leaned on my sisters, Jase, mum and dad to get their opinions on things, from outfits & photography, to blog design & formatting. My dad and I even made a blog business plan for media marmalade.com together whilst we were in Dubai last year. Getting advice and opinions from loved ones is a great way of sense checking what you’re doing but also getting new ideas & opinions that you might not have already thought about! Getting my family involved in my blog always re-motivates me & spurs me on to keep going and do more!
It’s also other people who’s praise you’ll genuinely listen to, and its always worthwhile taking a moment out to pat yourself on the back for what you’ve done. Making sure you’re rewarding yourself for your hard work is another great way to keep your motivation up! Make sure you put goals in place and regularly check in on how you’re doing, if you meet a goal then be sure to celebrate and reward your efforts!
The procrastinators dream this one, but one that really works for me. If i’m ever feeling a little lethargic or non motivated, sprucing up my work tools is always a great way to get me motivated again (it’s that whole new trainers, will spur you to go on a run idea)! You don’t have to have an office to renovate to tick this box, it could be as simple as buying a new diary or tidying your work space, to something a little more extravagant like buying some new kit to try out (lens / camera etc) or upgrading your computer or software you use! Sprucing up your workspace can be as big or small as you want it to be. For me this year I’ve bought a new computer and desk as I was looking to make a more dedicated space to blog, and having this little space has seriously made me want to spend more time sat here working & writing on mediamarmalade.com!
So there you go 5 tips and ideas which can help boost your motivation if it starts to run a little low. Most are free and not time consuming, so they’re great things to try and do every now and then anyway to keep yourself inspired!
I’d love to hear your tips for keeping motivated?
I love reading these kinds of posts – especially for new year’s inspiration! Yours has definitely inspired me more – just your blog photography is delightful! :)
Ilia’s Cup of Tea
Fabulous tip!
Xo Candice Mue
Very helpful tips, love :) Thank you for sharing this! I’ll make sure to apply these tips when I’m feeling down and lazy
Keep up the great work <3
Love these tips! Reading other blogs always motivates me!
This is really useful, just what I needed to read at the moment!
Hannah x
I always enjoy reading your blog so much, and your post on blogging tips are always very informative :)
Could you do a pot showing the steps to making a good business plan for your blog?
I love your blog tips posts – in fact your photos of your desk has inspired me to move my work desk from my studio back home so I can blog the moment I wake up- keep them coming! x
Jasiminne | Posh, Broke, & Bored
great tips! I’m trying some of these at the moment since it’s been really cold and difficult to blog lately! thanks for sharing :)
Thank you so much for sharing these tips! They will definitely come in handy!
xo, Kyla
Thank you for sharing your tips!
Lovely tips! x
Blog | Marjorie
I like to delete some old posts and just take a small break, great tips though x
Great tips. I always lack motivation when it starts to get colder. I only started my blog a couple of months ago, so I struggle and feel down when I lack motivation some days x
Very helpful tips ! Thanks!
Loved this…
I am the same, once my desk is organised, so is my brain!
Annabel ♥
Mascara & Maltesers
Great list – thanks for sharing!!
Great post! And I also firmly believe in the power of new stationery x
Love this post! One of my goals this year is to start taking my blogging more seriously and stick to a consistent schedule, these tips were SO helpful :)
Cloudy Coconut
Love your tips series – I like to clear my mind and step away for a while, and list various ideas when they come to me and see how they fit with the month. Just did it this morning and so much inspiration came :)
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
These tips are great!
Awesome post! I adore your tips posts, they’re so helpful and you can really relate to them :) I stay motivated by reading other blogs, it gives me inspiration and spurs me on to think ‘I can do that too!’ x
Love those tips, they really are so helpful! I always find if i’m stuck for inspiration that reading other blogs helps me :)
Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
Thank you for your lovely tips! I will try to use them in my life too:)
Kisses from Croatia :*
P.S. visit my blog, I just started writing it, and , as you know, new readers are always welcome :)
Would You like to follow eachother on GFC ? That way we could stay in touch :)
Let me know on my blog so I can follow back.
Nice one…tks for the tips,very helpful.
I think this time of year can be the worst for motivation. It’s not as easy to get outside and explore when it’s super cold, plus I think going back to work after the long holiday kind of gets everyone a little down! You’re right though, you just have to seek out inspiration and it will come. :-)
Silly Medley: Lifestyle and Travel
These are really great tips, thanks! And I love the inspirational photos you took :)
great post, my new year’s resolution is to try to stay motivated! xx
elly from alldeathbydiamonds
Thanks for the great tips as always!
One of my ideas for improving posting this year is sharing other people’s content on my blog & sm (think I got this from a certain person’s earlier posts?!) and would love to include these posts in my series – I learn so much! Would that be ok?
Thanks for the tips! I think this will help me :D
Omggg! I can never thank you enough for these amazing tips! I’m a new blogger and I can really benefit from your advice :3 From time to time, I lose inspiration because I don’t want my blog to be just like everyone else’s and write cliched thoughts. I want to stand out if you know what I mean. Bloglovin is a useful tool for dosages of inspiration! :)
Lee // http://www.lastnightwithlee.blogspot.com
Love posts like these, always writing down your ideas so you have something to refer to when you feel the need to post something but are drawing up a blank. That is definitely something that works for me too. The only thing is that I swear sparkly doesn’t have an ‘e’? But, no worries, great post as always!
Love Kiran x