You know when you discover something new, and you can’t imagine ever going back. Well podcasts are my latest discovery, and I can’t believe how late to the game I am. My commutes are always spent getting ahead with my blog, catching up on social media and working on my blog emails, but rarely do I listen to anything on my 45 minute journey each day.
However that all changed this year after finally deciding to download a highly recommended podcast series, Serial. It started my podcast obsession and since then i’ve discovered so many more amazing podcast series which I find invaluable, inspiring and often informative too. There’s something for everyone, but there are a few in particular I wanted to share with you today, which i’ve enjoyed and think you might too.

Serial; Season One
I couldn’t not share Serial, Season one is a podcast series documenting and reporting on a 1999 murder case in Baltimore, US, the 12 episode series reviews the case, the alibi’s, the court case itself and reviews and analyses the statements, the facts, the witnesses and the accused himself. It’s a really interesting series, and if you enjoyed Making a Murderer then you’ll really enjoy this.
Ted Talks
Ted Talks are some of the most inspiring and informative talks out there and the best thing about them is the hugely diverse topics they discuss, from politics and culture, to tech and science, to design and creativity. One of my favourite Ted Talks is Amy Cuddy’s ‘Your Body Language Shapes Who You are’ talk … i’ve talked about it on my blog a lot. But there are so many amazing talks out there, the podcast series is a really easy and great way to catch up on all the best talks whilst you’re commuting. Tavi Gevinson(A teen just trying to figure it out), Amy Cuddy (Your body language shapes who you are)and Arrianna Huffington (How to succeed? Get more sleep) have all done ted talks which I have found unbelievably inspiring, and really helpful when it comes to blogging as a business and successfully becoming your own boss.
Chiara Ferranti; Fashion in Conversation
This podcast produced by Apple is less of a series and more of a one off, but nonetheless it’s super interesting to get a glimpse into one the most successful bloggers in the worlds life, her ambition, her blogging journey and her point of view on whether Instagram is killing off the blog. Its only a 20 minute interview, but well worth downloading on podcast for a listen (and a watch – this one comes with a video).
Jen Carrington; Make it Happen
Jens series ‘Make it Happen’ is something I discovered more recently but nonetheless is a blog series I highly recommend checking out, her series if you’re looking to take your blog to the next level, are an aspiring female leader or if you’re starting to think about starting your own business. Jen is like the life coach every aspiring Girl Boss needs by her side, check out season 1 here.
Elise Gets Crafty; On Growing An Audience
Much like ‘Make it Happen’, I discovered Elise Gets Crafty only very recently, but I loved the fact she interviews other successful entrepreneurs and discusses everything and anything important to successfully running your own business. Less focussed on blogging specifically, but a great resource for anyone looking to start their own business or turn their dream into a reality.
Next up on my ‘listening list’ …
I’m still relatively new to the podcast game and so I can’t say I’ve listened to everything there is to offer yet, so I have a few new podcast series on my own listening list which have come highly recommended which I thought I’d share with you too. Girl Boss Radio (an interview series with female Girl Bosses in all different fields, from Courtney Love to Charlize Theron, super inspiring and another series like Elise Gets Crafty which comes well recommended), Stuff Mom Never Told You (taboo topics discussed openly and with true wit and honesty), My Dad Wrote A Porno (this podcast series does what it says on the tin, if you’re looking for a laugh, this is just the medicine for you) and Online Marketing Made Easy (one for the Entrepreneurs, i’m really excited to listen to this series and learn a little more about running a business online) are all podcast producers and series that I will be listening to over the next few weeks.

Are you a podcast fan? Have you got any recommendations that you think I should listen to? I’m keen to discover more great podcasts whether thats for mindfulness, being a girl bloss, achieving success, pure entertainment or blogging as a business, so please do share your recommendations in the comments.
I bacame a huge fan of podcasts last year and have been listening to them all the time ever since! I’ll have to check out some of the ones you wrote about, especially that episode with Chiara Ferragni! Here are some of my favorites at the moment: #Girlboss Radio, Stuff You Should Know, The Lively Show, This Is Your Life, Make It Happen. I did a whole post on them, you can check it out here ;) http://www.alinaermilova.com/2016/02/my-5-favorite-podcasts.html
Have a great weekend!
This is a great list! I love Make It Happen, Serial and Ted Radio Hour (which curates the Ted Talks). I also adore Women’s Hour (yes I know this makes me a middle aged woman!) and Liz Gilbert’s Magic Lessons. Thanks for sharing xx
I just added all of these to my podcasts & I’ll give each of them an episode or two before deciding. Thanks for sharing these, I need more listening material ;) Also I think her last name is Ferragni ;) xx adaatude.com
Thanks for the recommendations. I’m excited to listen to Make It Happen!
Great list! I love a lot of the ones you listen to! Other ones I really enjoy are The Fizzle Show and Entrepreneurs and Coffee for business stuff, Invisibilia (similar to TED Radio Hour), On Being for thought provoking interviews, and This American Life.
These ones are a little more of a specific audience: StoryWonk – analysis of some books and TV shows, very entertaining and a lot of fun! Stuff You Missed in History Class, The History of Rome, and Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History if you like history at all :-)