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    Every new year, we all seem to get a renewed sense of passion and determination to kick start our hobbies & refresh our lifestyle to make improvements to our wellbeing. Whether that be starting a diet, looking for a new job, or more simple tweaks like home improvement, a more motivated outlook on life or planning some exciting things for the year ahead. I too seem to start the new year with a big burst of renewed motivation, and this year that was particularly channeled towards my little old blog (there’s no point me making resolutions around exercise and diet as i’ll never deliver on it), so to kick start the new year I decided to make some changes (all to be revealed soon), have a think about broadening my content & make a serious plan of things I want to achieve. The most important thing is that these things are all personal to me, and very much things I want to achieve based on my own passions and interests! As with all improvements & plans, these won’t all happen at once, but are things I plan to work on achieve throughout the next year, setting me up to be in an even stronger position as we enter 2016!

    I’ve got my little improvement plan in place, but thought i’d share some thoughts & inspirations for things you guys might like to think about this year, as simple ways to improve your blog and content! They’re by no means exclusive or right, but they should give you a little inspiration for things to think about.


    The first, and probably most easy thing to think about is your content, the themes you right about and the topics you generally look to discuss! These should all be things you love & feel passionate about, but if you’re keen to evolve your blog or get a little more motivation, then looking at your content themes could be a good place to start! Maybe there are other things you’re super passionate about (cooking, exercise, reading, travel) which you don’t currently talk about, but might like to introduce this year! Looking at your content & making a plan for themes and topics is a great way to give your blog a little refresh!

    I for one used to write mostly about fashion, but in fact it’s my tips posts which you all seem to love the most, and because I also love to write them, this year I want to expand this area of my blog to bring you even more advice, thought pieces & tips and tricks!

    DESIGN .

    There’s nothing like refreshing your design to bring a little excitement back to your blog! Whether it’s simply updating your profile picture and bio, or adding some new functionality to your blog to make things a little easier to navigate or more engaging for readers. There’s always tweaks to be made, and so why not use the excuse of a new year to start making those changes you’ve been thinking about for the last 6 months!

    I for one certainly am … stay tuned :)


    I love photography and 2014 was a big year for photography for me and my blog. I decided to put a real focus into learning how to take better images, I bought myself the kit I really wanted and spent the year improving my blog images & the look and feel of my features! Whatever your blog genre, i’ve no doubt that imagery plays a part. Taking a moment to think about what you want your blog to look like, and what you want your images to ‘say’ is a great way of making little improvements! Spending a couple of hours each weekend playing around with your photography will help you improve considerably over time.

    I like to seek inspiration from magazines, books and blogs with my photography, I’m constantly seeking to improve things so that my blog is even more enjoyable for you guys!


    I’ve no doubt most of you are all over social media already, but why not take a look at your current social channels, and your social strategy (even if you don’t think about it like that, it is really) and find areas where you could improve or make tweaks to bring more enjoyable content to your readers & followers. I for one have been having a particular look at my instagram account and really want to improve this and grow it in 2015. For me this is all about sharing more and new lifestyle content on my instagram, so that you guys find different inspiring content on there, as to what you find here.

    Don’t forget Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram & Twitter are all places people come to engage with you!

    BE YOU .

    As always, you shouldn’t do or feel the need to be anything other than yourself and do the things that you love and feel passionate about! It’s the reason blogging is so successful and why we all love to read each others content, because it’s unique & our own personalities coming out! So whatever improvements, tweaks or changes you decide to make (if any), make sure they are you, through and through! Perhaps this point in itself is a little improvement that could be made, more of ‘you’!! 

    I’d love to hear your thoughts & ideas for improving your blog this year, have you decided to make any changes or tweaks to your blog or blog content? Are there any things i’ve missed which would be great to think about?




    After sharing my tips for juggling a career and a blog & tips on keeping organised I thought it was about time I shared my advice on improving productivity, after all being organised is only one half of the story. If you’re not productive then you’re work, blog, life isn’t going anywhere.

    Productivity is often something we all wish we were better at, goodness how many hours i’ve wasted procrastinating, not wanting to crack on with the task at hand, whether that be house chores, uni work all those years ago, working on a project at work, or even working on your blog.

    Being productive is the key to getting stuff done, and without a sprinkling of productivity in your skill set, keeping organised & making sure you have a good work life balance becomes near impossible.

    Running mediamarmalade, working full time & juggling general life demands is seriously challenging, as i’m sure you all know yourself, but mastering organisation and learning how to be productive are two tricks which seriously make things a little more manageable.


    First off is a tip i’ve already mentioned in a couple of my other ‘how to’ posts, but a little trick that I couldn’t be without. A to do list. It may seem the most obvious thing to do, but writing a to do list, not just for work deliverables, but life admin, blog tasks and projects, really helps give you a clear picture of what needs doing and by when.

    Not only does having a to do list help you to keep organised, when it comes to productivity it’s extremely helpful as it helps clear your mind of all the tasks that are no doubt buzzing around your head stressing you out, so that you can focus on your work. A clear head is crucial in being productive, so before you start your day make yourself a to do list of all the key things you need to get done. And if you’re anything like me the process of ticking on all those you’ve cracked will give you a burst of glee too.


    Very much linked to having a to-do list to help manage deliverables, having a diary (or using your mobile calendar) to help keep on top of key project dates, meetings, work or blog deliverables, events and of course fun and games with friends and family is also a key tool in increasing productivity.

    Knowing when you’re busy or free is key in managing your time more efficiently, and directly related to increasing your productivity. Having a full picture of everything that’s going on will help you keep on top of your diary and also help you schedule time dedicated to getting jobs done.


    Once you’ve got your ducks in a row through your to-do list and of course keeping your diary up to date, you can start to dedicate time to getting jobs done. An hour in the evening dedicated to blogging, 2 hours on a Saturday while your boyfriends at football or an entire weekend dedicated to working on features – whatever it might be, however long or short the time you can give, block it out in your diary. Schedule it, and commit to it.

    There’s something about having a time marked out in your diary or a day blocked out on your calendar that makes things feel more certain and in turn gives a feeling of commitment, scheduling time to dedicate to your blog & clearing your diary and mind for this time will help you focus and get things done.


    Of course you can’t do everything, it’s still something i’m trying to accept now, but sometimes it’s just not possible to do it all and accepting that is very important. I am constantly trying to juggle too much, committing to too many things & pushing myself to do it all, but ultimately this just ends up stressing me out and getting me down. And if there’s one thing that hinders productivity its stress, worry & negativity.

    So every now and then say no, don’t’ feel pressure to accept every invitation, to take on every blog collaboration or attend every event you’re invited to. Your time is not limitless and often trying to juggle too much just ends up making things worse in the end.

    Lately i’ve been extremely selective with blog projects I take on, events I attend & have been very conscious of not making my diary too jam packed. Sadly that’s meant turning down many projects or events that I just can’t easily juggle with my diary and work / family commitments. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but sometimes it’s the right thing. Don’t dwell on it, if it’s meant to be it’ll be.


    There’s nothing worse than logging into your email and seeing 400 emails waiting for you, even if half are blog comments and the best emails of all, it’s still a lot to get through. Keeping on top of your mail is critical to keeping organised and as a result productive. I have my emails on every device I won – table, iPhone, laptop – and check them at any possible moment. Now I am all for keeping your mobile devices locked away at the dinner table / bed time / when you’re with friends etc, but the times in between these moments I always like to quickly check my emails & respond to any needing actioning / filing those that need to be dealt with later etc. My favourite time to get on top of my emails is during my morning and evening commutes, with WIFI now available on the underground (hell yes) I now use my full 45 – 60 minute journey each way to check my mail.

    Even prioritising this otherwise ‘wasted’ time travelling as an opportunity to do my emails is upping my productivity, and overall helping me to keep on top of things.


    Energy, inspiration and time aren’t a combination you have all at once often, so in the moments you do USE IT. Linking directly back to my post on organisation (read it here), maximising those situations when you either have time on your hands, some incredible ideas or even just an opportunity to get images will be the moments when your productivity spikes. If you’re full of ideas then try and make the time to jot them all down, if you’re inspired to write, then do it and if you’re full of energy, channel it into getting stuff done. Even if you don’t need a post for today, but you feel inspired to write or develop blog content, DO IT. And then schedule it.

    Mastering productivity is brilliant, but staying ahead of the game is even better.

    . HAVE A BREAK .

    I’m not sure how long it’s taken me to fully accept that sometimes actually having a break helps. Often when you’re juggling a lot or working on something quite demanding you can start to feel a little overwhelmed, stressed and of course tired. Usually we’ll push ourselves to get things done, the ever looming deadline playing on our minds and the stress preventing us from thinking clearly. This is when the all forgetn break plays a crucial role. Whether it’s a 5 minute break to grab a coffee, an early night in the week, a weekend off to see friends or a week away laying on a beach doing nothing, it doesn’t matter, but giving yourself a break is extremely important.

    In the last couple of years I’ve learnt the hard way how important breaks are. As a migraine sufferer I often find myself getting very ill and sick from migraines, usually triggered through stress & not giving myself a proper break.

    The funny thing is that keeping yourself revitalised & rested is innately linked to productivity levels & efficiencies. It’s just often we don’t think clearly in our moments of stress or business to think logically & accept that a break in the long run will actually help your productivity.

    One of my biggest tips, and mantras, is about managing your work life balance & keeping check of your wellbeing. Time out is absolutely key, so make sure you give yourself a break to help keep any stress at bay and boost your overall ability to be productive.

    Whether it’s a 5 minute coffee break, making sure your in bed by 10pm or booking yourself a little time off, make sure you think about ‘me time’ as much as you do ‘work’ or ‘blog’ time.


    And of course the most important thing of all is keeping positive. Positive mind, positive vibe, positive life. The more optimistic, positive and calm you keep your self, the more able you’ll be to handle life, demands, deliverables and jobs to be done. The more productive you will be, the less time you’ll spend stressing, flapping and panicking, and the more time you’ll spend focussing on doing, acting and delivering.

    If you read my post about well-being here, you’ll know that I was utterly inspired after meeting Arriana Huffington and hearing her point of view on achieving wellbeing and how it’s an absolutely critical element of success and how it affects productivity particularly in the workplace. Arriana (founder of the Huffington Post) dedicated an entire book to the topic (Thrive) and having listened to her story during a conference recently and related to thing’s she talked about regarding juggle a career & all else that life throws at you, I felt totally relieved to hear an influencer talk about how important positivity, work life balance, wellness and general rest is to life success, productivity & happiness.

    As per the usual caveats, there’s of course no right and wrong, but for me I think these 8 factors really help drive overall productivity and really help me keep on top of my blog, my work, and my social life. Productivity is a huge drive in success and so trying to master your own productivity is well worth a go.

    I’d love to know if you agree with my tips or if you have any other tips that really help you’re productivity?




    I’ve decided to make this a Saturday thing, a regular feature full of tips and tricks from anything like blogging and careers, to happiness and life. I’ve been really enjoying writing the features and I cannot even believe how well they’ve gone down each time (seriously, thank you). Whilst I can’t guarantee I won’t run out of topics, whilst the ideas are fresh in my head I’m going to keep going.

    Ironically today’s how to post is actually going to be just about that – a plethora of content ideas so that you never run out of topics to write about. This post is less of a tips and tricks feature, more a selection of ideas or topics to keep your inspiration flowing. I always find having a list of content ideas in the back of my mind a really helpful tool in making sure I always have something to talk about or share.

    So below is a long list of fab content themes, treat it like a ‘go to’ for moments where inspiration lacks or for moments where you’re looking to get inspired to write about something new. These are by no means a definitive list, just a few topics that open up a whole world of editorial opportunity to get your content flowing.


    My personal favourite of course. Mediamarmalade is predominantly a personal style blog, 5 days out of 7 I share an outfit with you all. It’s my favourite thing to document and to photograph and I love seeing the end result of a quality set of outfit pictures.

    Not only are outfits my favourite thing to blog about, they’re also my favourite thing to read about too on other peoples blogs. I love checking out peoples styles, the looks they compile, how they work an item and the garments they’ve been buying. My favourite outfit features are always looks in situ, an outfit from a day out or a weekend away. It’s not something I’m able to do myself that often given I work full time, but if I had my way every day would be a new excursion and outfit to boot.

    Why not take your camera on your next trip out, whether it be with family or friends, ask them to snap your look, and if you’re feeling fancy, snap theirs too and create a mini lookbook.Content ideas: personal style feature / street style / style series (by brand / product / style) / Seasonal style edit / how to wear an item 5 ways / product wish lists / recreate the look / How to style X /


    This isn’t a topic I frequently read or write about, it’s not a core passion of mine & it’s something I feel more practically about rather than emotionally like I do with clothes or shopping. But nevertheless, beauty is a huge industry in it’s own right and the editorial opportunities within this genre are absolutely endless, whether it’s features on your favourite products (which is as far as my own beauty pages go), or tutorials on how to create your favourite look, or even reviews & recommendations on a range of products or a brand there’s an endless amount to be written on beauty products.

    If you have a beauty look that’s quite unique to you why not produce a tutorial,  or if you have tried a product you absolutely loved (or hated) and want to share it, write up a review, or even if you are looking into products and want to share your findings or wish lists, why not create a post on the topic and share it with your readers. There’s plenty of content ideas when it comes to beauty, hair, skincare & makeup!

    Content ideas: beauty haul / product reviews / beauty wish list / new product launches / beauty tutorials / recreate the look / your beauty regime / favourite skincare products / monthly favourites /worst product fails / skincare routine / best products for breakouts / 


    An obvious one, but something that’s easy to forget to share is of course your favourite recipes. I’m constantly whipping up my favourite dishes and baking my favourite cakes and forever forgetting to get some pictures so I can share my recipes & baked goods with you all. It’s such an easy thing to do, but creates a piece of content that will look beautiful, inspire people and genuinely encourage people to try something new. Some of the top bloggers out there are constantly sharing their best cake recipes, dinner dishes or cocktail / juice tricks.

    Don’t forget you don’t have to be a professional cook to have a speciality dish …

    Content ideas: favourite cakes / how to make X / favourite cookbooks / signature dinner recipes / brunch ideas / healthy lunches / juice recipes / best cocktails / seasonal recipes / dinner party inspiration / canapé ideas / 


    Restaurant or cafe reviews make for fabulous reads & can be really helpful for people looking to try out new places – I for one love to find a new place to eat & constantly browse blogs or websites for recommendations. If you’re going to write a restaurant review make sure you capture a good variety of images from your visits and give a thorough review of the location, the staff, the decor and of course the food.

    Even better is to create restaurant guides for your local area, why not build up a selection of reviews and tie it into one big feature, for example the best brunch spots in Chelsea, or top burger joints in East London etc.

    Sharing this type of content is not only visually pleasing (I mean whats better than mouth watering food) but really popular too. I frequently search blogs for recommendations on where to eat & drink in London, most of my favourite places have been discovered through others recommendations.

    Content ideas: favourite cafes / restaurant reviews / local hot spots / top new restaurants to visit / favourite bars / pop up cafes / best places for brunch – lunch – dinner – cake – coffee /


    Us bloggers are all nosy parkers aren’t we, so don’t underestimate how interesting your daily life can be for readers. Particularly if you’re putting in the effort to capture beautiful photos too. Why not take your camera on a day out or on a weekend away and create a little post from your break.  Not only will people love to see your pictures, you might also be introducing them to a new area to visit or giving them some inspiration for imagery.

    Whilst loads of people love images (we’ve all been guilty of skimming through the images I’m sure), people also love to read a good story too, so why not let your inner journalist off it’s leash and compliment your images with stories from your day / trip / holidays too.

    Content ideas: a weekend in pictures / holiday photo edit / inspiring pictures / pictures that make you happy / event photos /


    You can share as little or as much as you like, but writing what is on your mind will not only help you and your mental wellbeing but may also help others too … others feeling a similar way, or experiencing similar situations and equally people may have advice and tips to help you too.

    But it doesn’t have to be about serious issues or current topics, it could simply be anything that you feel like writing about. I frequently write posts like this, usually when i’m feeling inspired or down, and just want to get things on pen and paper and off my chest.

    Content ideas: diary feature / what makes you happy / issues your facing / hot topics / FAQ’s / 10 Facts / Favourite things /

    . (WISH)LISTS .

    If you’re anything like me you spend your days creating wish lists of all the things you want to buy, do, wear, watch, read. I’m forever making lists, and actually sharing this can be really interesting and inspiring to others too (after all, it’s half the reason Pinterest is such a hit).

    Whether it’s a monthly or seasonal shopping wishlist, a ‘dream’ beauty haul feature, must watch movies or must read books, a compilation of places you want to visit or even a bucket list of all things you want to achieve, why not share it. Your favourite things & ambitions can be super inspiring to others, and it’s a great way to document your own lists to make sure you actually start doing the things you want.

    Content ideas: clothes wish lists / birthday lists / sales finds / seasonal edits / favourite books / favourite movies / new years resolutions / career aspirations / 


    DIY and ‘How To’ tutorials are the biggest trend on the web right now, in fact even google & youtube are on to it. People are constantly searching how to do things online, if you think about your own www dot usage, how many times do you search how to wear something, do something, make something, bake something. Frequently I bet. Well why not tap into this and share your own skills with those people searching to learn.

    A DIY / HOW TO feature could cover absolutely anything, from web design, html tricks & photography tutorials in the blogger sphere, to interior design DIY’s or shabby chic furniture upgrades in the lifestyle sector, to sewing or painting in a more art genre. If you have a skill and a passion for making things, why not share this with your readers.

    Content ideas: how to make (anything) / home upgrade tutorials / design Ideas /


    Very much linked to personal edits & tutorials, is posts sharing advice and tips. If you’ve learnt something new, or feel like you have advice that can help others, then why not share it.

    In fact, my ‘how to’ features over the last few weeks have sort of evolved from a personal diary edit (about the blogging industry & positive wellbeing) to more solution based posts as I got my head back into gear (how to juggle a career & a blog / how to keep organised / how to take great photos).

    I’ve been absolutely amazed how my personal tips & tricks have helped you all and how much positive feedback i’ve received. It’s really opened my eyes to a whole other side of blogging which i’d never thought of before. Advice & tips is going to become a big part of my blog moving forwards.

    Content ideas: how to posts / tips & tricks / personal advice / career tips / job reviews / interview tips / blog advice / 


    If you’re lucky enough to be travelling, or simply lucky enough to live or have been somewhere worth visiting, share it on your blog. Travel and city guides are always wonderful to read & super interesting to those who may be visiting soon or looking for travel ideas.

    Travel guides don’t have to be diary edits of exotic hot spots which most people will never get to visit, sharing your favourite places, or things to do in your local town or even doing a round up after a holiday of the best places to visit, eat or drink can be really engaging.

    I love to read city guides, especially those with lots of pictures to boot.

    Content ideas: city guides / top places to visit / favourite cities / travel aspirations / holiday diary / travel essentials / festival guides / packing tips / 


    Sharing the love. The easiest type of post to produce, but one that can be so rewarding. Have you got a list of favourite blogs, instagrams, pinterests, websites, magazines or online stores? Why not share them with your readers. I’ve seen many bloggers do regular features on their favourite posts or articles from the week, their favourite new blog reads or even their favourite web links. These posts are a really great way of supporting other bloggers and building the community, but also can be really great reads & introduce people to new sites they may not otherwise have discovered.

    Content ideas: top blog reads / favourite bloggers / favourite apps / top sites / best online stores / favourite pinterest – instagram – Facebook – twitter accounts / weekly round ups /


    There’s nothing I love more than snooping into peoples home, getting inspired by home decor or even getting tips for easy home improvements (seriously, have you seen my pinterest?). You don’t have to own a house to have an interest in home decor or be able to share your favourite decor ideas. I love reading posts all about the little things in a home, whether it be books and trinkets, vintage finds or simple decoration ideas.

    My favourite decor posts to read at the moment are all about creating a beautiful looking office space. Whilst I don’t work from home, I love my little blogging area (mediamarmalade HQ if you’ve not already seen it) and really enjoy seeing how other people set their work space up.

    Content ideas: home decor updates / top new home purchases / home inspiration features / office space / bedroom ideas / best home buys /


    A seriously hot topic in the blogosphere but also general news right now, with strong being the new thin, there’s an increased interest in keeping fit, healthy & happy. And it’s a good thing too. Whilst I love sport, health & diet isn’t a topic I write about on my blog, but it’s one I love to read on others. Whether it’s features on fitness regimes, healthy diet tips or recipes or even inspiration for juices or healthy supplements. There’s tons of inspiration to be had, so if you’re trying out a new gym class, embarking on a new healthier lifestyle or even a fan of knocking up healthy lunches, why not create a series of features sharing all your experiences or tips.

    Content ideas: juice recipes / healthy eating / diet tips / fitness regime / workout class recommendations / fitness routines to try / 

    Wow, I think that’s enough content themes to keep a blog running for a few years. The key thing to remember is that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to blog topics or features, and there’s definitely no requirement to talk about every genre, I for one love blogs dedicated simply to style or food (and my own blog is style focussed 95% of the time). The idea of this feature is to help keep us all inspired & provide a go to destination for moments when blog post idea’s are required.

    My biggest tip of all when it comes to blog content is to write about the things you care about, have a passion for or a real interest in. Don’t feel pressure to write about things (or write features at all) for the sake of getting a feature live or joining in on a new fad product or hot debate, save your energy for the topics you love or get excited by. Passion and integrity are the two things which make any blog stand out & make content enjoyable to read, and as long as you write with those two things at the heart, your blog will be engaging and interesting to read.

    i’d love to hear about any other content themes you love to read or write about, or any examples of blogs you think write about these genres well?




    After the unexpected success of my last ‘how to’ blog post (‘how to run a blog; keeping organised and inspired‘ in case you missed it), I thought i’d do another on the topic, this time talking about how to juggle a daily blog (or a blog generally) and a full time career. As many of you who’ve read my blog for a while now (or read my abouts’ page) will know, is actually a hobby of mine (I say hobby, but it’s like running a small business) and that I actually have a full time job which is my career and focus.

    Whilst I admire and often dream to be one of those bloggers who takes the leap of faith and quits their job to do blogging full time, i’ve been working on my career for a number of years now and have progressed to a level that I never thought I could for my age and years in the industry. To quit my career now wouldn’t be the best choice for me, given my blog in relative terms is extremely small. Having said that, it by no means means that my blog is not a huge part of my life, a real obsession and a huge passion of mine which i’m extremely dedicated to. Far from it. The fact i’ve blogged daily for almost three years now is a proof of my passion and dedication to my little www dot. If anything I like to think i’m juggling two careers at once …

    And if that sounds easy. Bloody hell it’s not. As any of you will know, who work and blog, managing your time to deliver on both work and a blog (plus ensure you have time to actually LIVE your life, see family and friends, go on holiday and spend time having real life fun) is actually an extremely difficult task. Even for the best of us multi-taskers.

    This exact point (and the fact I frequently get comments asking how I manage to blog daily & have a successful career) is what spurred on today’s blog post. As with my last ‘how to’ post, this is by no means a dictated way of doing things, it’s simply my tips and tricks for running a blog and working full time. After three years I’ve experienced some seriously challenging times, juggling demanding work hours, business travel & extreme levels of stress, but somehow i’ve managed to never let my blog slip. Here’s how I think I’ve done it …


    Time management, one of the hardest skills i’ve had to develop over the last five years, it’s something that takes practice, dedication and patience to achieve. The amount of times I’ve felt like i’m spinning plates and only just keeping my head above water goes well beyond 10 fingers and 10 toes, and time management is a critical key to success. It’s just a shame it’s so hard to do. But through my job i’ve learnt some great tricks & ways to help manage my time & deliverables, they may sound simple, but combined they work.

    First of all, write a to-do list. It’s not just for us anal control freaks, to-do lists help – they help get the huge list of things you have to do out of your brain (leaving it clear to focus) and onto a piece of paper (or computer) where you can start to logically work through what needs to be prioritised and delivered and by when.

    Prioritisation is key to being able to fit everything in, not just in work but in your life too. Sometimes work will have to take priority, for example if i’m working on a pitch or doing annual planning for clients I may end up working until 11pm at night for 3-4 weeks at a time, during this period work has to take priority, but so long as i’ve planned for it, it shouldn’t affect my blog going live daily as usual (all should hopefully seem consistent and groovy for you guys, even if i’m burning the candle my end).

    Secondly use your calendar or diary to pre plan, make sure you keep a note of events you are attending, big projects that have to be delivered, blog posts you want to get live, weekends away with friends – anything and everything. If you have a clear timing plan for everything you have going on, you’ll have a much better idea on what you need to prioritise getting done & when you can block out time to dedicate to writing some blog posts.

    Thirdly, focus on one task at a time. Yes us women (and some men) are great at multi-tasking but that doesn’t literally mean doing 4 things at once. You need to keep your focus on one thing at a time, else you’ll end up doing every job by half. In working hours, dedicate your time to your job, during ‘blogging hours’ focus on writing the posts you need to get live in the coming days. Dedicate time out to do this, even if it’s 30 minutes during your commute to draft some editorial in an email.


    Directly linked to time management, is obviously using your time wisely. While life should’t be regimented and organised to the second – spontaneity is the spice of life after all – it’s always good to maximise your hours & really optimise the time you have. For example, if you’re a londoner commuting around the city or travel to work by train, try dedicating your half an hour commute to working on your blog (that’s an hour a day you’d otherwise be sat staring out the window). If you don’t have a commute, then even better you’ve just gained two extra hours to use for whatever you fancy gym, blog, TV etc. For me my commute to and from work is a really key time for me to get my blog ducks in a row and two hours I could otherwise easily waste.Lunch time isn’t just a time to eat lunch, if you’re able to take a moment out at lunch (unfortunately I often don’t get time) then dedicate 30 minutes to prepping a blog post, getting a feature live, or simply sharing your blog on your social media channels.

    Spare time is a luxury these days I know, but even if you finish work and get home by 8pm, you’ve still got 3 hours to play with before bed calls. That’s a long time, so use your evenings. I like to spend an hour in the evening catching up on my favourite blogs but most importantly writing my blog posts, but still ensure I have time to have dinner & unwind. For example i’m actually writing this on Wednesday evening whilst dinner is cooking & I am waiting for Jase to get home. Just an hour here or there can really help keep things on track.

    As I mentioned in my post last week, using your time wisely also means optimising your opportunity to capture content for your blog. If you’re cooking a great dish, spending the day hanging out with friends, taking some time out to get your home in order … then don’t forget to document it. Keep your camera close and maximise your time by doubling up these occasions with capturing photos for your future posts. Restaurant reviews, a day in the life, outfit of the day, home decor updates or a cheeky little recipe … this is all really engaging content that you can capture for a future post.


    I won’t dwell on this point too much, after all my entire post last saturday was dedicated to just this, pre planning and scheduling features. There are many businesses that have use planning and scheduling to manage a project, I’d like to think that also comes with blogging but on a lesser scale that you would with a business. Quite naturally there will be times when you simply can’t even think about your blog, but so long as you’ve got your plans in place & can prep before hand, this should be no biggy.

    I’m forever pre-planning and scheduling features (like I said, i wrote this on Wednesday when I had some time, but its going live today when i’m busy hanging out with my friends) and without this level of organisation I wouldn’t be able to keep blogging. So long as you’re motivated and inspired to develop content, then pre-planning should be no issue.

    Make sure you read my post how to run a blog; keeping organised and inspired for more information and tips on this.


    Blogging isn’t just about your daily post on your blog, it’s about chatting with the community on twitter, sharing your day on instagram and posting your favourite things on Facebook. Keeping up your social presence is a key way of keeping your blog ‘out there’. If I have 5 minutes spare whilst walking to a meeting, grabbing a cup of tea or even popping to the loo (I can’t believe i’m admitting that one) then I’ll use it to grab my phone and quickly share my blog feature, instagram a few snaps from my blog or my whereabouts (definitely not the toilet in this instance, i’m talking things like this) or link up a brand or product i’m lusting over on Facebook page. We’re all speedy on our mobiles nowadays, so optimise any free moments in your day to keep yourself social.


    This is probably the most important thing to remember, your blog is a hobby. Something you started because of your passion towards fashion, food, beauty, travel, writing, photography, whatever. Even though sometimes your blog may feel as demanding as a job (trust me, mine frequently does). It’s not. You are your own boss here, it’s your rules and your blog, if you want to skip a week to go on holiday, then do it, if you simply don’t have time, then just don’t worry or if you’re feeling like it’s a chore. Then just take some time out.

    If your blog isn’t your full time job, then don’t make it one. It should be fun, enjoyable and you should want to produce content, write features and photograph things, the moment it’s not fun you should just give yourself a break. Take a reality check and come back to it when you’re in a better place.

    Well being is of upmost important (you may have already read the feature I wrote about wellbeing here, if not it’s worth checking out), but your happiness, positivity and general wellness should always be priority. Don’t run yourself into the ground trying to juggle too many things, make sure you dedicate time to actually living your life and seeing your loved ones. It’s easy to get wrapped up in work, your blog and for things to become stressful or a worry. But life’s too short for that, I urge you all to keep check off your work-life balance and make sure you’re giving yourself the rest & care you need.

    But on this point, work life balance is achievable, your work shouldn’t be left to take over your life (periods of manic-ness is fine, but working until 9pm everyday isn’t healthy) and as long you are keeping this in check, you should always manage to spare an hour in the evening to dedicate to writing something on your wee little www dot.

    Today is proof of that, whilst my work schedule and personal life are rather hectic right now, this evening i’ve found a spare hour to dedicate to writing. And look what i’ve achieved in the time that i’d have otherwise spent unenthusiastically biding time watching TV waiting for the cooker to bing & dinner be served. I’ll grab 30 minutes Saturday morning to get my photos & voila. Job done.

    So there you go, a second feature in my ‘how to’ series, like I said before, there’s definitely no right or wrong answer, but these 5 little tips are definitely factors which help me manage a full time career & keep up my daily blogging.

    I’d love for you to share your tips & tricks for managing a blog and a job? Do you use any of my tips already?




    I like to mix my posts up at the weekend, posting something slightly different to my usual outfit features whether that be beauty, lifestyle or in today’s case books. I’ve developed a bit of a hard back book obsession over the last year or two and my lounge walls are now filled with beautifully covered lifestyle, style, food or travel books. I have a few firm favourites (36 hours in Europe & What Kate Ate) but also have a few new books I’ve really enjoyed which I wanted to share with you all.
    I received a couple of fab books for my Birthday back in April –  Paris Street Style (a fab book, beautiful pics & some great tips for effortless style), Fashion & Couture (a stunning hardback with incredible couture pictures featuring all our favourite designers) as well as some foodie books Let’s Do Brunch, Three Sisters Bake and Food Lovers London (all of which have some great recipes & cafe recommendations in them) which all take pride of place on mediamarmalade HQ (my desk). I have Alexa Chung IT & my favourite 36 Hours In Europe book on my bedside table (as well as a pile of chick lits for the summer), but i’ve also been treating myself to a few books lately too. Today I wanted to share with you my latest purchases – The London Style Guide by Saska Graville and Parisian Chic by Ines De La Fressange. Both these books are hardbacks i’ve been eyeing up for ages in my favourite homie stores The Hambledon (in Winchester) and Oliver Bonas (a fab chain in London), both the books are super cute, full of gorgeous pictures and most importantly packed full of practical tips & recommendations. They’re really pretty reads but also books which look fab on the coffee table too which is a bonus.
    The London Style guide is broken into a series of sections based on various London locations ranging from London Fields & Bermondsey to Chelsea & Hampstead. Within each location Saska talks about the best style, foodie & general hot spots to visit in each area. There’s also an interview with a local business person about their own store or cafe which she loves. I love books like this as it not only lets you in on the cities hidden gems, but encourages me to explore other towns outside of my usual favourites.  I was glad to see i’d already explored and would also recommend a couple of the places she’s recommended. A fab pressie for a londoner friend or even a treat to yourself if you’re a fan of going on little weekend adventures.
    The second book I bought –  Parisian Chic, is a book i’ve spied many a time but never bought myself. It’s an extremely practical book about the do’s and don’ts of Parisian dressing … many things you’ll know already, but perhaps forget to put into practice. It’s a thorough book so one you could dedicate a couple of days to reading and getting through. The book is fully illustrated but teamed with fashion pictures from the Streets of Paris. A great book for anyone into their style or the Parisian way of life. It’s not advanced styling, which makes it a really great easy read.
    I’ve also recently received Arianna Huffington’s new book THRIVE, which I picked up (and got signed) at a conference she held at my work this month (I wrote a bit about it here),  I’ve not yet read the book but after getting extremely inspired by Arianna’s success but quest for wellbeing, I think it’ll be a really worthwhile and inspirational read. One for my summer holidays when I have a few days to dedicate to reading. I also bought Jase a book for our anniversary, the recipe book Poplo. Polpo is a favourite restaurant of mine in London which i’ve been to many a time over the last few years. After Jase and I went for dinner there a few weeks back I thought it’d would be a good anniversary present, not least because our first ever trip was to Venice and Polpo is full of venetian recipes. The book is beautifully presented, simplistic and clean in style, but jam packed full of ‘must try’ tapas recipes.

    So there you go, a little round up of some new books i’ve been reading and a few recommendations for those of you looking for a new read.

    Have you read any books recently that you’d recommend I give a try?




    . BLOGGING .

    The sun has come out and my mood seems to have totally rocketed, it’s amazing what a little sun does to your mood and general well being. On the wellbeing point, it’s something i’ve been thinking about more and more lately, particularly following a series of inspirational talks at work yesterday from the Huffington Post & Arianna Huffington herself. As a very ambitious and career focussed female, it’s great to hear from other successful women but also be reminded of how important it is to maintain your well being on the road to success. After all the more physically and mentally ‘on form’ we are, the better we perform. So i’ve vowed to spend a little more time looking after myself, getting an extra hour sleep at night, praising myself for my achievements, looking after my tummy & cutting out the things I know makes it worse, spending time with my loved ones & generally focussing on the happy things in life (Thanks to Susie Pearls talk, i’m now already feeling bubbly & more consciously happy).

    Happiness is infectious too, so if we all spend a little more time being grateful for the little things in our lives that make us happy & spend more time celebrating happy moments and channeling positive thoughts, rather than dwelling on the few things that really piss us off we’ll all be more positive … and healthy with that too. As you can tell, yesterdays inspiration talks seriously rubbed off on me and actually it was a really pertinent time for this to happen. There’s been lots of ‘chat’ amongst the blogosphere about the way our ‘industry’ (yes we’re now an industry!) is progressing and whilst the opportunities are endless right now, it does seem this new ‘business’ mode can give us a whole world of contradicting emotions – happiness, excitement, pride, the feeling of being overwhelmed, tired, and sadly self depreciating. This emotional rollercoaster can take it’s toll on us bloggers who maybe don’t do this full time or haven’t rocketed to the same success us others, and whilst we’re nothing but delighted for the success of others, there’s no point denying it does become a new benchmark for us to compare ourselves to, and if you’re anything like me (ambitious and constantly striving for perfection and success) then this new benchmark can make us a little self deprecating and in my case really hard on myself.

    But in light of my new ‘mindfulness’ i’m changing my attitude to this, I work so so hard on my blog, and I juggle my full time career, family, friends and boyfriend with it all, and sometimes that’s nothing short of a miracle. So rather than spending my hours woe-ing that I wasn’t featured in X magazine article or involved in X collaboration or that I don’t have 27,000 followers and 100k subscribers to my instagram, i’m going to spend more time celebrating how bloody hard i’ve worked, all the fabulous brands I do get to work with, the incredible magazine features I have been included in, the events i’m invited to and every single one of you readers that do tune in, leave me comments, like my posts, as well as the fab people i’ve met and the great hobbies i’ve developed throughout my 2.5 years blogging (photography & journalism). If I was to ask my family, friends and colleagues about my blog, they’d do nothing but rave of all that i’ve achieved. So it’s about time I, and you, do the same.

    I’ve read and heard a lot on this topic, and I think it gives us a good moment to take check of what we’ve achieved, where we’ve come from but most importantly WHY we blog. It’s a time to go back to the roots of why we even started our own blogs, for me it was a place to talk about my uncontrollable shopping addiction, love of clothes and my space to share how I like to style my looks with people that actually cared (clearly this was just me for a long while). Any ‘perks’ were exactly that, a perk, and definitely not the reason I started One of the best things about blogging is the fact that we’re a like minded bunch of people who share similar passions and hobbies, and in my mind that’s what it’s all about, and it’s important we all remember it and stop being so hard on ourselves if we don’t quite ‘match’ one another. We didn’t start for commercial success and there’s no point setting benchmarks based on other people, if there’s one thing to keep in mind it’s that integrity is what makes a blog, there’s no point trying to conform to how others do it, because that just defeats the entire purpose, plus it doesn’t debut the real ‘you’ which is what we all tune in for isn’t it? It’s absolutely easier said than done, but from here on in, we all need to spend more time congratulating ourselves than beating ourselves up. Success in the blogging world is subjective and undefined, so there’s no point chasing an intangible measure. Instead get back to your roots, blog what you love and write what you feel . A blog is about you, whatever you may be!!

    I have to say I didn’t intend to write all this (this was originally a Friday outfit post …) but there you go, it’s what a blogs for, and it’s what I felt like ;)




    Officially the first day back to work today for me … two weeks off work to unwind and finally relax was absolutely needed, but I know full well that today life will return to reality in full swing, so I’m glad I made the most of my time off & feel a little more human again after two weeks of de-stressing. To keep my spirits high & to motivate me to keep my work-life balance in order, todays outfit post is of an outfit I wore multiple times throughout my festive holiday break, it’s full of presents from family & the pictures are taken back home in Winchester. It’s a little reminder of tranquility & fun times, before the  work storm hits in full.

    . Topshop Snakeskin Skirt . Tartan Scarf . ASOS Hocus Heeled Sandals . ASOS Grey T-Shirt . 
    . Accessorize Fedora . Topshop Fur Clutch Back .
    Following yesterdays post, THE EDIT, today I am showcasing nearly all my accessories in one outfit, in particular my fur clutch bag which I was holding out to share properly. This was a present from my Mum and something I’d been wanting for ages. I absolutely love this little bag and have used it daily since I got it on Christmas morning, in fact I’m even using it for work today – swapping my big Prada tote for this little cute shoulder bag. I’m starting the year travelling light. I’m one of those girls who carries about 10kg on my shoulder every day, a bag full of god knows what, but I’ve decided it’s time to cull that back, not only to help my posture but also because It gives me a fab excuse to use my new bag.
    I know it’s typical for everyone to go on a ‘health kick’ as soon as the festive break is officially over, but I think there’s something in it! The new years break gives you time to reflect and it’s fair to say that this last year has been so intense for me, changing jobs has been as equally rewarding and exciting as it has been stressful, pressurised & demanding (but something I’m so glad I did), as well as running my blog and posting daily AND moving in with my boyfriend in our own flat has all made this year (in hind sight) really really tiring & challenging. I don’t regret any of it, but with all my commitments & demands, some parts of my life – like fitness & down time (by myself & with my boyfriend) – got totally put on hold since March 2013. I’ve realised over the last 10 months how crucially important these are, not just to helping your jeans fit (JESUS, mine are tight), but also for wellbeing and general health (i’ve had flu / colds about 5 times this year). My resolution to myself is to get the work – life balance back in order, and first things first is getting my netball matches and Pilates classes back in the priority box, no excuses, i’m going to commit.  Secondly, and a very difficult one, is going to be down time (and that’s not down time on my blog), Jase moans at me 24/7 about how i’m on my laptop blogging every night, and whilst I don’t want to let my blog drop, I do want to dedicate some time to doing absolutely nothing. To actually unwind & relax. It’s not a ‘i want to lose 5 stone’ health kick … but more of a well being one. And today is officially the start of my new work-life balance overhaul. Wish me luck.
    What do you think of this holiday season outfit? Have you set any resolutions per se, what are you hoping to change in 2014?