Spontaneity is the spice of life; Prepping for a late minute VIP festival trip.
This weekend is IOW festival, a festival I’ve attended many many a time before (in rain and mud), but one this year I hadnt planned on attending. That was until a private boat, 5* IOW hotel stay & backstage pass came my way. And then of course I was game on. But this rather fabulous VIP trip was entirely spontanious (my favourite kind I hasten to add) and so festival prep & VIP maintenance was rushed, last minute and somewhat non existent. Luckily I’ve been to lots of festivals before so I knew the essentials I needed, it was just a matter of throwing them in a bag and running for that private boat in Portsmouth Harbour (and throwing in some outfit shots for good measure, ahem).

Pack for the every occasion
My number one tip for festivals is to research the weather forecast, constantly, and pack for the forecast. Oh and then pack for what is not forecasted too. The UK festival scene offers no Coachella guaranteed sunshine and pool parties, far from it, and even though the forecast might be glorious sunshine, you’re almost certain to find yourself drenched in a mud pit at some point. So the trick for festival dressing, pack for every occasion. Pack wellies and sandals, denim cut offs & jeans, cami’s & a barbour, sunnies & a poncho. The trick is layering (because it does get cold at night, so things like pashminas, hoodies & trench coats are key) and picking items that ultimately are comfortable. When you’re going VIP the rain proof essentials become a little less necessary, but regardless you’ll want to pack layers & opt for comfort. As we head into the festival itself i’m changing into this outfit, comfy, warm & suitably boho.
Prepare for low maintenance
You want to be doing absolutely no ‘image’ maintenance when you’re at a festival, so be sure to wash and style your hair before you go, and pack enough dry shampoo to see you through the long weekend. My ultimate fail safe is of course a hat (you probably already guessed that right?), not only am I obsessed anyway, but at a festival they help cover a whole world of hair sins. Dry shampoo & a straw hat are guaranteed to become your best friends. And it’s not just hair, makeup wants to be fuss free and a quick affair. Opt for your favourite basics, and ensure you stock up on face wipes.
Don’t forget the essentials.
Food. Drink. Battery Charge. Three things you’ll be searching for all festival long, and the three things you’re most likely to forget (well drink is the exception). I thoroughly recommend packing snacks, breakfast bits & any healthy nibbles you can in your bag because a diet of cheese burgers and gin for three days sounds amazing, but I guarantee that you’ll be desperate for a little normality after the first day (as will your bank balance). Again VIP is a little different with full catering at your disposal, but carrying a few of your favourite treats is still a good idea. And you won’t be without a phone charger (the queues for the pop ups are horrendous), so invest in a portable charger pack (or two) to ensure that you can keep your phone alive, but also on you for the weekend.


The forecast for today was 20 degrees and sunny, as I write this i’m driving down the M4 in torrential rain & not a glimpse of blue sky in sight. So case in point, be prepared for every eventuality, because you want to be warm, comfortable as well as looking festival fabulous.
Are you heading to any festivals this year? What are your festival packing and prep tips? Are you going to IOW this weekend, i’d love to say hello if you are?
Amazing style!
I cannot imagine a festival without wellies, no other shoes can survive it :)
what a beautiful look! Love the sandals!
Fash ‘n’ fudge
Fash ‘n’ fudge
I was planning to go to Download Festival this year (Probably just because All Time Low are going to be there) but I decided I’m not prepared enough. I can’t imagine just getting tickets and then being ready instantly. Applause for that :)
kllaudiiia (My blog)
adore this!
Just fabulous Mel. Must have been great fun. x