#WednesdayMotivation: Motivational quotes to inspire your inner #GirlBoss
There are most definitely times in life when you need a little push, some inspiration or motivation. In those times of need I have some fail safe resources which I go to time and time again, firstly of course I love to read blogs focussing on careers, well being, or simply healthy living, secondary I like to write my own features on the topic as I find the process so therapeutic and immediately motivating, thirdly and finally I love to read quotes, pin quotes & seek new quotes. I love a punch statement that gives you a kick up the bum. I have a whole pinterest board full of quotes that I find inspiring or motivating that I turn too, and I’m constantly adding new ones to my bucket list.
I actually shared some of my all time favourite quotes in a blog post a little while ago, I really enjoyed writing the feature and you guys seemed to really enjoy reading them too. So I thought i’d do something similar, but this time focussing on motivational quotes for your career, your blogging goals or just your #girlboss ambitions … and seeing as it’s officially #WednesdayWisdom & #WednesdayMotivation it seemed like the perfect time to share them!

“Do something everyday that will inch you to a better tomorrow!
Often when we have high ambitions and some serious drive, we can overwhelm ourselves with the end goal. But the reality is things won’t happen immediately, so what’s important is focussing on the small things you can do everyday that over time will help edge you towards your end goal and overall success. For blogging in particular it’s about defining your goals and setting yourself achievable steps to get there.
“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
More and more I realise that success is the result of someone pouring everything in to something they love or something they’re passionate about, yes strategic thinking, business savvy-ness and a general plan of action are often required in business, but truly, if you put everything you have into something your passionate about, often success arrives without you even noticing.
“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”
Money can be such a distraction sometimes, yes it’s imperative to live, but actually the more you focus on money as opposed to your passion or your product (your blog in this instance) the more you lose that spark, that creative energy, that uniqueness and originality. So of course if you want to run a successful business then financial security is essential and money is most definitely one success measure, it shouldn’t take priority or all your energy. In fact, taking money out of the equation can often result in better creativity and results.
“Admire someone else’s beauty without wanting to change your own”
On our journey to career or blog success, we can easily get side tracked by other peoples successes, other peoples fortunes, opportunities and work. Admiring or feeling inspired by someone else’s business, life, successes is fine, but it’s incredibly important not to let them become your focus, your benchmark or even a point of self comparison and self depreciation. Avoiding the blog comparison trap is really important if you want to truly be happy and achieve your own success.
“Pull over to the side of your journey & look how far you’ve come”
And to that point, more often than not we’re comparing our behind the scenes to someone else’s show real, so not only is it unhealthy it’s also unrealistic too. It’s important to focus on your own journey, your own achievements and your own progression, comparing your latest achievements to those of your past, setting yourself as your own benchmark, and importantly taking time to celebrate your own successes. We don’t do this often enough.
“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life”
Productivity is at its best when you have a healthy work life balance, time to focus on work and your career goals, but equally time to rest, get inspired have fun and live healthily. Sometimes in our quest for success or our drive to become a Girl Boss we can forget to accept this fact, we push ourselves so hard we take little time to breathe, to enjoy ourselves, to actually live. However, the reality is “success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success” … so don’t spend all your time and energy on trying to achieve success and make your living, and forget to actually do what makes you happy and live the life you want to lead.


“Wake up early. Drink coffee. Work hard. Be ambitious. Keep your priorities straight. Your mind right and your head up. Do well, live well and dress really well. Do what you love, love what you do. It is time to start living.
Check out all my favourite quotes here & you can read my most inspirational quotes here.Do you have any quotes that help boost your motivation and inner #GirlBoss, did you find these quotes inspiring?
Haha, my Pinterest is full of quotes too :) I would also recommend downloading Momentum if your web browser supports it! You won’t regret it.
Absolutely wonderful and such a true quotes! I’m loving your outfit, the photos are stunning, as well as the location. :)
Great great great great great look! Love that black and white look for summer! <3
XO :)
I agree wholeheartedly with following your passion and not so much on money. I’ve recently launched my own wedding videography business because it’s sometimes I truly love doing! If you’re passionate about what you do, you will go far, have that motivation and drive to success and generally kick ass!
Love the pictures Mel. As always they are perfect and the things you write so inspirational Keep it. :)x
Wow how beautiful is this imagery!! The deer’s are so cute! I also love your outfit here, especially those sandals! Great quotes xx
Jenny | Krystel Couture
I love this post, motivational quotes are my fave!
Also I love that outfit.
Great quotes! Love the jumpsuit! xx
First off, gorgeous outfit and photography!
I think the second quote here is my favourite, it’s definitely something that scares me as well. I never want to be so busy that I forget to actually enjoy each moment in my life.
Such a gorgeous post!
So needed now and so nice. Love that jumpsuit too. And thanks for the reminders!
Amazing post! Amazing quotes <3