Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style


It’s another week, and another week of the day to day grind. But recently i’ve been trying to make everyday that little bit better, to try and keep my stress and tensions at bay but also to live a little more mindfully, something that everyone from my colleagues, to my osteopath to my regular massage guy has suggested to me. I get the picture guys. Anyway, mindfulness is all about living in the now, focusing on the present, enjoying the moment, aways, and it takes a little bit of practice everyday to master. One trick I always suggest to anyone who’s feeling a little below average is to start the day by thinking about and acknowledging the 5 things you’re grateful for … from your morning coffee to that grand plan you’ve been working on.

No matter how big or small, its important to appreciate the things that bring you joy and make you happy. Positivity breeds positivity and for me, this is one of the easiest ways to spark a little chain of happiness

Which leads me to today’s post. You may remember earlier this year I opened up a little about my struggles and stresses, and how I planned to start my year afresh. Well that’s exactly what I did. And as we’re now well over two months on, I felt compelled to tell you a little bit about how i’m gradually turning things around, reducing my stress, living a little more well and generally practising mindfulness a little. Now don’t get me wrong, i’ve not mastered it (yes I’m talking about you Mr Migraine from the weekend), but truth be told I do feel like that spring is back in my step, like i’ve gained some more perspective (most situations just need a little rational perspective to shrink the stress they induce).

Often it’s the small things that bring you joy, and adding a few more of these to your life can make all the difference in the world.

Mediamarmalade | Coffee[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0″]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style




I used to absolutely love doing Pilates a few years back, not only did it transform my body without me realising, but it cleared my mind, chilled me out and provided an incredible break from the daily grind. As my work load got bigger, taking breaks was something I neglected for far too long, but a few weeks ago I decided to sign back up to not just Pilates but Yoga too. And not after work, but during my lunch break. A triple success story, i’m taking breaks, i’m doing exercise and i’m distressing. I’m already starting to look forward to my next sessions which is a great sign.


I don’t know what it is, but a good coffee in the morning brings me so much joy. Whether it’s the notion of walking through my village to the coffee shop, having a fresh brew to wake me up, or just the few minutes to myself before the day begins. I don’t quite know how or why my morning coffee brings me so much happiness, but it does. It’s a sacred ritual that starts my day with a little positive spark.


Getting dressed each day is more of a struggle as a part time fashion blogger than it should be, but I really do find it difficult to pick a look each day and actually look my best. On a working week I often find myself reverting to the same kinda look day in and day out (tiredness & early mornings are to blame), but recently, whether it’s a result of my new Yogalaties (all the love for The OC & Sandy Cohen for coining this term) or general positive mood i’ve been getting my style mojo back a little. The better I dress the better I feel. It’s a fact, so making sure I make a little effort goes a long way to making me feel better each day. And there’s nothing like one of my favourite bags to give me that extra boost of happiness … boy those babies make me happy!!


When I get busy the first thing to go is my evenings, it’s all to easy to fall into a routine of getting home at 8/9pm everyday, eating dinner, falling asleep and simply spending no real time away from my desk. But since I got back from Hong Kong a few weeks ago now, I’ve made a commitment to leave on time as much as I possibly can. Really, just to prioritise myself more, say no, be pragmatic, take back control. Getting home at 630pm opens up a whole world of possibilities for fun, relaxation, time with friends, movies with Jase, time for an evening pamper (i’ve rediscovered baths and the sanctuary they offer).


I just adore photography, taking pictures, editing pictures, creating stories with them. Its probably my most favourite thing about blogging and one of the things I focus most my energy on. But juggling a career and a side hustle means it’s not often I actually can shoot and enjoy spending time taking photos, making the most of the light & generally appreciating my surroundings. When I travel i’m in my absolute element; unlimited time to take pictures, capture moments, and spend time creating content for my blog. But I wanted to bring a little more of this into my everyday life, not just the odd weekend or when I’m travelling.  So i’ve recently started carrying my Olympus Pen around with me and making the most of my iPhone 7+ … so that when a moment crops up, I can capture it.

I’m also spending more time on my instagram (which Is finally starting to grow a little, hooray), pinning inspiration to my photography boards and planning my upcoming shoots. I really want to take my photography to the next level and spend more time shooting. It’s my passion project if you will …

Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street StyleMediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style



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And this look sums it all up, a weekend spent back home chilling with my sisters, taking time off from stressing, shooting in the morning sunshine after i’d grabbed a coffee from my favourite coffee shop back in Winchester, and wearing my new suede trousers and Chloe Hudson. It doesn’t have the be grand adventures and big achievements that bring you joy and happiness, you can find happiness in the mundane, the everyday, the little and the small. The key is to open your eyes to these things, acknowledge them, and maximise them.



  1. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog avatar

    I love evenings off too. After a full day’s work, having time to relax by myself is my favourite and really cheers me up.

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

  2. Laura avatar

    I’ve found getting home early is definitely a key to a better life – at least a little bit! I try to take as many baths as I can, watch a few episodes of something and actually try to calm down a bit by staying away from my phone and computer by reading actual books! I’ve also been getting into yoga lately – Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube is a lifesaver!

    Laura // Middle of Adventure

  3. Natali avatar

    I’m all about appreciating and recognising small things in life, because those small things combined ARE the big things in life.
    You’re looking great in this outfit and I’m loving your shoes and bag very much.

  4. Aleksandra avatar

    I love your photography, but it makes it just this little bit special to know it makes you happy too :)

  5. emily avatar

    you take the dreamiest photos!

  6. C's Collection avatar

    Morning coffee with my husband is definitely one of the things I enjoy and try to do each week! Love this round up & your loafers!

    C’s Collection |

  7. Laura Worsley avatar

    I really loved this post, it’s so important to find happiness in the little things in life and definitely something I need to focus on more.
    Also love the shots in this post, your photographs just keep getting better and better. Total blog goals!

  8. Lydia avatar

    I completely agree with you – little things that cheer me up daily include reading the papers on my morning commute and watching an episode or two of my TV shows when I get home from work in the evenings. And looking forward to the weekends too, that definitely is the highlight of the week!