A Little Festive Note From Me, To You
Well, what other way to start a 2020 Christmas note than by saying ‘What a year’. No one could have seen this year coming, let alone imagined a year like it. From lockdowns, new tiers coming out of our ears, a year working from home, so much time away from friends and family, a scary health crisis to combat, and of course most recently Christmas turned on its head, this year has been one for the books that’s for sure.
Despite the obvious negatives of 2020, of which there are many for many different people, there have been positives for me. My health has personally benefitted from finally pausing, the hamster wheel got firmly dislodged, and the ability to work from home, not commute, slow down and simplify my daily life has been a true blessing. Something I know i’ve needed for years but could never quite create myself, nor had the ability, courage or circumstance to stop and change things. This year did it all for me, and I know many in similar shoes.
Whilst this year has in parts required even more working hours than normal, the reality is, working from home, in my own space, with my own comforts, food and company makes things so much less stressful for me personally. The stress of rushing into and home from London every day, always panicking i’ll be late, stressing about the trains / making meetings on time / running left right and centre is definitely an unnecessary burden that i’ve been grateful not to have this year, and it’s amazing how much better i’ve felt in myself not having those extra stresses.
I certainly didn’t fall in the camp of productivity, new hobbies and tackling my book pile, despite some early attempts – in fact I totally fell out of my usual yoga routine and in the last few months especially I barely found time to go for a walk in the week let alone take up art and crafts, but even still, just time for a cup of tea before I start work and being able to eat dinner at a normal time was enough to be life changing for me.
In fact, this year I fell out of blogging somewhat too, perhaps the lack of travel, exploration and going out, combined with a busy year working, I just felt a bit lack lustre on inspiration and then in turn content to share too. Whilst we did get into our new home, and our renovations are (very very nearly) all finished, we’re still waiting on lots of our furniture to arrive, so it hasn’t felt quite ready to photograph and share over here yet.
But for some reason I feel optimistic about 2021, my creative inspiration is coming back to me, our new furniture will all arrive in the next few months, i’ve got exciting things in the pipeline, posts in my drafts and hopefully i’ll find a bit more time for creativity and life too.
So thank you for bearing with me this year, and for still coming to visit despite the lack of regular posts and inspiration. I know my content has been sporadic but hey, that’s 2020 in a nutshell isn’t it?

Christmas 2020
I know this Christmas has been thrown in the air for those of us in the UK (and in fairness, many other countries too), with Tier 4 in the mix and Christmas allowances cancelled things can feel a little scary and lonely. But if there’s one thing for sure, now is a time for making new traditions as smaller families or couples, keeping up those Christmas traditions that we’re still able to (mince pies for Santa, plenty of Christmas movies, a traditional Christmas dinner and festive games well into the evening – perhaps just over zoom this year, not to mention filling your homes with Christmas decorations and cheer, an immediate way to make me feel happy inside) … and of course being grateful for the things we do all have in our lives.
I know for many this Christmas will be far from perfect or ‘normal’, just know you’re not alone and that you can still create that Christmas magic in your own, new way this year …
and if all else fails, it’s only 367 days until Christmas 2021.
Your photos are so beautiful as always! Have a lovely Christmas! ❤️✨
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog