I always end up writing tips post related to things going on in my life or in my head, and boy am I busy right now. I am a busy bee generally anyway, but this week has become total madness, with a holiday looming i’m attempting to schedule enough content for my blog for while i’m away, juggle back to back meetings all day at work, pre holiday prep, attend blog events and meetings in the evening and a few social commitments too. It’s absolute madness … bring on the beach is all I have to say.
But with this exceptionally busy period, it got me thinking … no matter how hard or busy a day, week or month is, we always get through it. And given I like to keep myself almost unmanageably busy, I thought I should share my tips and advice for juggling a crazy schedule and keeping your head above the water.
First of all, when life gets busy, it’s easy to think we have no time to do all the things we need to do and need to fit in, but we do. I do find that often when I think there’s no physical way I could possibly do it all, sometimes at the end, I have, somehow. You just seem to make time.
Now making time is by no means easy, but there are some easy ways you can make more time from yourself, from the obvious getting up a little earlier and going to bed a little later, to the less obvious like getting a few things off your to do list whilst travelling, commuting, or waiting for something. Making the most of all your time is the secret to the busy bee’s out there. I’m forever tackling the easy things on my commute, whether it’s my emails, drafting a blog post, proof reading work, or simply working on a project in whatever way I can.
The other thing to do when you’re super super busy, is to manage expectations, whether thats clients, family, friends or even your own. It’s really important when you’re juggling a lot of balls, trying to do more than you can really fit in, and stretching your time to the limit, that you make sure you manage expectations. Don’t agree to things that you simply can’t fit in, make sure you’ve left yourself enough time to do each job well, even if that means pushing back on requests or challenging a brief or project.
Really, the main point is to not over commit … don’t promise things that you simply can’t deliver. Ultimately there are times when things have to be prioritised and done, but during those times don’t over commit yourself to other events, projects or ‘things’ that are going to put more pressure on your time.
And sometimes, that means saying no. You just need to say ‘no’ constructively. In fact, from experience taking a more active and firm stance on something ultimately makes you appear in control, and efficient. Being a yes man helps no one in the end.
Whether it’s gracefully declining social events as you know you’re going to be working late trying to deliver work, or pushing back on a client request because the work requires more time, or negotiating with a brand on a blog collaboration to allow you more time to do the work. Sometimes saying no or challenging the demands on you can be a really easy way of easing a situation and helping make all your tasks more manageable.
Most importantly of all. keep calm. When things get super busy and super stressful, it’s really easy for us to panic, get upset or just ignore things, but in reality this really doesn’t help. In fact, it’s keeping positive, calm and in control that will help you tackle things all the more efficiently and productively.
Of course keeping calm is always easier said than done, but finding out the best tactics to help keep you emotionally stable, upbeat and positive is a really important way to help you cope with difficult and super busy periods. For me taking a cup of tea break, writing lists and tackling small ‘annoying’ tasks firsts is a really simple way for me to stay in control and keep calm.
I’d love to hear your tips for getting through a busy patch and juggling a crazy schedule? Do you have any tricks that help you cope or help you manage your business?