Leaning Into Your Creative Desires For The Fun Of It
Every now and then I get this deep longing in my belly, a longing to create, to capture, to make something. It’s like a little lost part of myself longing to come back to the surface, to be nurtured and to be played with .It comes more often than not when my creative hobbies have taken a back seat in exchange for long hours and little to no time spent on my blog.
The piece of me that loves to create needs a bit of focus.
The tricky thing is, I often have such high standards for what I want to create and share on my blog, I want the perfect outfit in the visuals, I want my hair done and makeup on, I want the locations, compositions and lighting to be spot on, and to have all of that is often a rarity and takes a lot of work and effort. But this bank holiday weekend, after spending the day chilling in the garden, I really felt a longing to do something creative and so I decided to bring my fuji camera on a little walk in the forrest outside my house. I was sweaty, and wearing nothing special, but it was beautiful light and the golden hour tones lit up the forrest beautifully.
Whilst I didn’t expect to do anything with some of the photos I took – this would normally stop me taking them, as I’d focus on shooting for my blog rather than just playing with my camera (the shackles of meaningful content n’ that)- the process gave my inner creative a little bit of love. I shared a few of the photos on my stories, and you guys said you’d love to see a post with them. So here we are.

So whilst these shots aren’t my usual style, and most definitely not my best photos by any means either, I wanted to share them anyway because it was the principle behind them that meant something more. Listening to my body and knowing I needed to fuel my creativity, and spend a little bit of time creating something. I didn’t think I had anything to shoot in particular, and I certainly wasn’t prepared to have photos of me after a long day in the sunshine wearing an old dress and my hair swept up, but going for a walk and taking my camera with me was enough to fill that gap and longing I had. And whilst the plan wasn’t to create a blog with the images, it turned into something anyway.
So the lesson learnt, pick up that camera, paint brush, book or pen. Even creating without purpose has it’s purpose in fuelling your creative spark x
Love your photos – as always! You’re so talent!

Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
This is exactly what I needed! Thank you lovely!
x Lisa | lisaautumn.com
These photographs are beautiful! X