Another Saturday and another little how to feature for you all. Since starting this series I’ve had the most wonderful feedback and comments on the advice I’m giving, mostly from new bloggers who are looking to start or have recently started up their own space on the net. So today I thought i’d share some tips specifically for new bloggers, the top things I wish I knew or that I think are worth considering when setting up.
If you like these types of posts or want more blogging tips, then you can find all my editorials and tips posts here.

When you set up your blog, don’t just think about the now, have a little think about the future too, where do you want your blog to be in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years. What do you want to write about and what style do you want your blog to have? Once you have a clear idea of where you want your blog to go and what you want it to be, then spend some time thinking about what platform would work best for you (blogger / wordpress / private website), what blog name best represents you and works best for your blog, and finally what design do you want your blog to have (and which platform allows you to do that).
There’s probably an urge when starting a new blog nowadays to repreat the success formula others have, to write about a common or popular topic or to do things the ‘usual way’. Don’t do that. Blogs are a personal and unique thing and your blog should be exactly what you want it to be, cover topics you love and have a formula that suits you and your plans. Don’t feel pressure to create something you think is ‘right’, you’ll find you have far more ‘real readers’ by staying true to yourself.
This point has two meanings, firstly it takes time to write, run, create and manage a blog. Far more time than I think anyone realises (I certainly had no idea), or anyone could ever anticipate when they set up a blog. So a little reality check up front, be prepared to dedicate time to your blog, to develop content ideas, to write features, to shoot pictures and to engage with the community. Make sure you make a blog plan that works for you, is daily posting feasible, or is weekly posting a better idea?
The second point is that of course a blog takes time to grow. Oh how we probably all long for a million readers the moment we start our blog. Its not going to happen. I think my blog probably took well over a year to get any real readers, and even to this day, three years later, my blog is still growing slowly and no where near where i’d love it to be! It’s sometimes easy to be hard on yourself for not having tons of followers, tons of daily readers or tons of comments, but try not to be, things take time and the nature of the beast is that growth is organic, all you can do is stay committed, keep sharing regular content, keep your quality & integrity and engage in the community. Growth will come in time. You can read I post about keeping blog morale high here if you find yourself being hard on your blog success. I know I do sometimes.
When I first started my blog I’d just rush a blog post out each morning and was more focussed on quantity than quality, I had no plan, no organisation and no real ‘routine’. Now it’s this routine & planning which allows me to keep blogging everyday whilst also having a full time career. The trick to being able to manage a blog is being organised, being productive & having a plan and blog schedule (if you click on any of those you’ll find bespoke posts i’ve already written on each topic). I also write a post with tips for managing a blog and a full time job which you may find helpful.
My little routine is to jot down ideas as and when they come in my head, on a weekly basis i’ll make a list of outfits and posts I want to work up for the week ahead, i’ll spend the weekend shooting & finally try my hardest to write features ahead of time & get them scheduled on my blog so they’re sorted and ready for live without me having to think about them.
The blog community is one of the best things about this little industry, a whole group of like minded people, all looking to chat and engage with similar things, support each others success and enjoy each others content. The twitter community is huge and really one of the main things which kept me going in the early days, having the support from others and hearing other peoples blogging problems or highs. The regular blog chats are a great way of getting to know the community, discovering new blogs and getting yourself and your blog out there.
Now the community and blogging aren’t just blog & twitter based, the industry haas become a super social place. Bloglovin, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest … the platforms available to share your content, engage with other bloggers or follow your favourite blogs are ever growing but I think these are the core social platforms which you should think about being on when you start your blog. You might find you have readers which don’t use the likes of Bloglovin, but do use Facebook regularly, so juggling your content across all of these is a great idea (in most cases you can schedule your blog posts to automatically load onto these platforms without you having to do anything).
One for luck, have fun! A blog is meant to be fun, so make sure you have fun with it. Keep positive, keep enjoying what you do and most importantly make it fun! If you want more blogging tips, head over here where you’ll find all my tutorials on blogging, blogging for business, juggling a career and a blog & more.

The Rise Of The Micro Blogger & What It Means For You, What To Include In A Blog Business Pitch, How Successful Bloggers Get Business & Opportunities, What Brands Look For When Working With Bloggers, How To Make A Killer Media Pack, How To Increase Engagement With Your Blog Content, Why Your Blog Is More Important Than Ever
Do you have any other tips you think would be useful for new bloggers? Make sure you share your thoughts and advice in the comments.
Being a new blogger, this is very handy. Especially making a schedule as I work so many hours! I like the idea of jotting things down because sometimes I have ideas and just hope that I will remember them later! x
Maria’s Adventures
I always look forward to your post about blogging. I like your honesty about the real thing behind blogging that I never find elsewhere. When others say you can be successful in just a few months with your blog, you refute them by saying ‘it takes time,’ Thanks for your encouragement in such a truthful way.
great tips, wish i would’ve known these when i first started my blog!
Rachel // Style Soup
Great tips! I always enjoy these posts. My biggest tip would be to stay positive and hopeful since it does take quite awhile to develop a readership as your still trying to develop your blogging style.
Sunday Brunch
Thanks so much for the encouragement! I’ve been blogging for about 8 months, but despite imporiving on content and posting every day, I don’t have the viewership that I want, so I really appreciate your blog tips!
Lovely! x
Having fun is always the best tip! Blogging is meant to be a great hobby :) x
Amazing post! Love blogging!!
xo Anne
Love these tips! I have had my blog for a while now but these posts are great for a little motivation xx
Great post!
Excellent first time tips! I’d also add: don’t feature content not relevant or because it’s ‘free’ – it has to be authentic to you and your taste. Don’t spam follow for follow as no one likes it, and remember to create quality not quantity – posts three times a week by all means but make sure it’s a good read too!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Lifestyle Food Fashion Beauty – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
I just recently started blogging so thanks for the tips! Great post :) xx
Your tips always make my day <3
I should probably create a schedule..good ideas!
Thanks for the tips, although the ahead schedule is great but for me as. As a blogger I feel it like a homework, so sometimes I just u know skip schedule and I publish
a post whenever I want
great post!! thanks so much!
I always love reading post like thiss, the tips and trickss and the advice other bloggers gave is very useful.. It also motivates me to be more dedicated and determined to blogging :)
The best thing about blogging is the blogger commuity. I love searching for new blogs and finding inspiration in other blog post.
x Kate
Still loving this series! Hoping my blog will start to pick up with your tips, I also LOVE how you style your little desk photos, so pretty!
Although I’m not a new blogger, this was definitely a very inspiring and educational post!
Marissa Jamie || Faithfully, Marissa ♡
I learned so much from this post! It really inspires me to put my 100% into blogging. Thanks for the tips! :)
Colorful Closets
Great tips and totally agree with it!))
This blog was really inspiring and helped me with my new blog – my blog – http://livsw13.blogspot.co.uk/?m=0
that’s so true
as a recent blogger I still don´t have a lot of feedback which makes me sad sometimes, but I really enjoy it
I would like to create a facebook page but I’m a little embarrased
maybe another time
great post though. thanks
I’ve been loving these posts about blogging, they’ve been really helpful!
Thanks for the tips I always need to keep reminding myself about these things taking time…I’m so impatient! X
These are great tips! I’m a new blogger so will definitely be putting these to use! X
Love, love, love and adore this. Especially the advice on scheduling. Thanks so much xx
I love these, being a new blogger myself they help so much! One thing that i really need for myself is a good schedule (some weeks I’ll post once, others i’ll post every few days and I kind of just post on whatever takes my fancy haha). Thanks so much for the tips :) x
– Lana (lana-sultana.blogspot.com)
Very helpful thank you!
Feel free to check out my fashion blog! http://www.buzztosophia.blogspot.com
Thank you. As a new blogger I am loving learning the process of it all. I am now at the point of needing a fabulous blog planner so will have a look through your links to see if you have one or recommend one. Regards Natalie xxx http://www.lifesmantelpiece.com
This is so true! I like the ‘time’ one – there is no doubt it takes a lot of hours to create a blog, plus read blogs, and definitely to build up a readership – but I keep telling myself my blog isn’t yet a year old so it’s ok! I’ve been meaning to get a notebook for my blog planning the past couple of weeks, I think that will help me a lot!
Thanks for the great tips! I feel really inspired and become a better blogger!
Thank you! This is so helpful even for a not completely new blogger like me! x
Blog | Marjorie
Great advice. I have recently started a fashion blog and you do get frustrated when your views dip or you don’t have as many followers as you would like but you just need to preserver. Thank you for this post, encouraging read before bed xx
Thank you for these tips! Can you recommend blogger chats? I always seem to miss them or find that they are focused on fashion bloggers. Appreciate your help!
Thanks for the tips! Great post.
thank you so much for this…im from a small country in africa and im finding it a bit difficult but this is super helpful :) x
Thank you very much for these tips! I’m starting my own blog now and your advices help me a lot!
recently started a blog, joined bloglovin’, and stumbled upon your blog! This is really handy and I will definitely be checking up on this again :)
Your post is really interresting! I just started a new blog and I wil take your advices! :)
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i love this post its helped so much
I’ve always been looking for tips like that to help me be a better blogger. Your tips are very useful, thank you :)
Thanks so much! I am slowly building a blog and shop which will all launch in April. Sort of tackling each design, pic, content, and social media one at a time. This is what I needed to hear! Your pics are lovely :)
Thanks for your kind and knowledgable tips!
I really admire bloggers who also have a career (I see that differently as a ‘job’ as a career takes up more physical but also head space IMO) I certainly wouldn’t have be able to when I had a career in conventional terms. I’m finding my feet and keep in mind sth you said in another post: a blog is’ like being the editor of the mag you were dreaming of as a teenager. I often reminded myself of that, I love learning about SEO and the techie side as I know nothing and I’m dead excited to find out all these new things.
Thank you for the tips.