Search results for: “mindfulness”




    Tackling Stress And Anxiety, For Today & Tomorrow

    Over the course of the last year or so I’ve been focusing a lot more of my attention and energy on myself, specifically looking after myself. After years of self neglect and overwhelming volumes of stress as a result of my career, it’s fair to say my health had never been worse.

    I talked a little about this here and here, but looking back I can see I suffered for 6 years with rather chronic stress and anxiety that I didn’t really acknowledge let alone do anything about (I still suffer now but am becoming much more aware and conscious of it). The tail tail sign was weekly debilitating bed bounding migraines, every single week, for years, yet even then I didn’t really stop and consider that this was my body trying to make me stop, let alone realise the stress that was causing them.

    As a confident, high achieving person, you wouldn’t really think on the surface there was anxiety and stress riddling away from the inside out. It was only really when I reached peak ‘unwell’ and finally got diagnosed with auto immune (Colitis) that I started to think about my health and started to realise the level of stress and anxiety I was dealing with. And sadly probably another year again until I was compelled into making some lifestyle changes and to re-frame my priorities – my migraines, skin problems and colitis reached peak, and I couldn’t continue with the constant battle of trying to feel well. It was only really this moment (a mere matter of months ago) that something clicked and I decided it was time to put myself first, over my job, and get a handle on my health properly.

    Anxiety and stress affects everyone differently, it’s personal, it’s scary and it’s often invisible. Looking back, suffering with stress and anxiety isn’t new for me, I spent my late teens pretty unwell and had three years of therapy to help me through it. And here I was again in my late twenties, with a completely different manifestation of my anxiety – auto immune disease, but ultimately being driven by the same underlying issues – stress and anxiety.

    Perhaps it was turning 30 or perhaps it was just feeling utterly fed up with living in such an unwell state, but in the last 6 months or so I’ve made a serious concerted effort to adjust my lifestyle to start living WELL. Finally making a commitment to myself above my commitment to my work. Seeing a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) doctor has really helped, of course western doctors have too and I am on treatment for life for my colitis, but the TCM approach helped open my eyes to self healing and the real importance of looking after yourself, from the food you put in, to the management of stress to simply taking some time out each week for treatment. It also opened my eyes to how interlinked my migraines, skin and colitis is, and critically how stress terribly impacts them all. I’m now dairy and gluten free, I obviously have medicine for my colitis, as well as supplements (tumeric, fish oil, digestive enzymes & probiotics) for overall inflammation, I am having weekly acupuncture, I’ve restarted Pilates and yoga, and am working much more consciously at managing stress, dealing with anxiety and ultimately trying to create more CALM in my life everyday.

    It’s funny, as I’ve written SO many posts about managing stress and living more mindfully in the past – and whilst I still stand by those tips now, in reality they were my own cries for help and advice to myself, and as with most things you never really take your own advise. But this time it’s different, I am practicing a more mindful approach, there’s tons more I need to do, but for the first time in years I am looking after myself and I am seeing health improvements.

    So whatever your situation, however stress and / or anxiety manifests for you – it might be one off bursts of stress, constant anxiety, IBS, IBD, migraines, panic attacks, a general feeling of depression, fatigue … whatever it is – taking some super simple steps to calm down is really important, and HELPS.

    And not just calm down in the moment, but create more calm in your life so the impact of stress and anxiety doesn’t happen so often and so intensely. So today I wanted to share a few of the ways I am trying to be more mindful and some of the techniques I am finding are helping me be more calm.

    Lets talk: Tackling Stress, Being More Mindful, Creating Inner Calm

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    Tackling Stress, Being More Mindful, Creating Inner Calm



    There are so many mindfulness journals available on the market that there really is something for everyone. I am quite particular about the sorts of journals I enjoy and would use, anything too laborious just doesn’t work for me, but journals that offer quick tasks that can be done without any effort are exactly what I need. I recently bought two 5 minute journals from Anthropologie (one is mindfulness and one is for the morning) and these are pitched at exactly the right level for me, 5 minute mindfulness activities that can be done anywhere, at anytime, and don’t require anything more than a few minutes of brain power.


    Apps like Calm and Headspace are absolutely brilliant ways of adding a touch of mindfulness and calm to your day everyday, both offer free or paid for services and have such a great array of tools at your disposal. I love both for different reasons, and regardless of what you’re feeling or struggling with each day, they have an activity, meditation or calming story for you. I highly recommend both of these apps for a super simple but effective way of practicing well being and re-balancing yourself.

    At it’s most basic, spending 10 minute simply ‘being’, with no phone, no TV, no computer, no noise, no anything … sitting for 10 minutes doing nothing is enough to achieve a little bit of mindfulness everyday. When was the last time you did nothing?


    Another very simple practice is taking some time each morning or evening, just a few minutes is required, to set your intentions, think about some things your grateful for, or simply framing your day positively. Often starting the day or ending the day on the right note can make a big impact on how your day actually goes (it impacts your ability to deal with situations, and therefore manage stressful situations more positively). Intention setting is a really easy but positive tool for embracing calm, feeling hopeful and generally getting yourself into the right state to handle the day (and whatever it throws at you). State management is a super important part of mindfulness.



    Regular practices such as Pilates and yoga are fantastic tools for mindfulness, they are great for breathing, releasing muscle tension, generally clearing your mind and relieving stress within your body and mind. I find when I do regular Pilates and yoga I  feel much better both mentally and physically. It doesn’t have to be expensive classes, even doing a 40 minute yoga session from home is incredibly positive, or if those activities aren’t for you simply running or getting active is often a great release for people. The key is finding an activity that allows you to clear your mind, move your body and focus on proper breathing – you’d be amazed how bad many of us are at breathing properly.


    Whilst walking has never been a big love of mind, a good hike does wonders for the body and mind. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with great scenic hiking routes, creating a regular time to get out and walk is incredibly powerful. But if you don’t live in the beautiful countryside, by the sea or in great hiking spots, it doesn’t mean walking can’t be done. A simple stroll during your lunch break, walking to work or jumping off the tube a stop early, or just ditching the car can be a great way to add some calm into your everyday – walking is a great tool for calming down and getting into the right ‘mental state’. The important thing is to be aware of what is going on around you, take in nature, breathe, appreciate the little things you observe and generally be present in the moment.


    I am a big investor in both massage and more recently acupuncture. I find massage a really important part of my ‘de-stress’ routine and it does wonders for both my physical tension in my neck and shoulders which happens more when I am stressed, but also it forces me to take a mental break too.  Whenever I can i’ll book a 60 or 90  minute massage (usually once every month or two), but I also schedule bi weekly 30 minute chair massages at work too. More recently I’ve embraced TCM and have acupuncture each week – i’m really finding this process is helping me heal – addressing the levels of cortisol in my body, healing the ‘damp heat’ I have, but also forcing me to take an hour out of my day each week for self care. Both massage and acupuncture can be  expensive, and it’s an investment I am consciously making – but if budget doesn’t allow for this, don’t let it stop you taking an hour out for some self care each week, even a regular time for a bath & face mask can do wonders.



    I find ‘getting away’ from everyday routines and stresses a really important part of my wellness. Weekends at home, spa breaks, holidays, city breaks, anything that involves getting away from the day to day stresses of life, an opportunity to engage with something completely different and a chance to be more engaged in the ‘present’. There is nothing more mindful and calming to me, than exploring a new city, embracing the culture, architecture and food. Of course these things can cost a lot of money if you’re travelling afar, but even a trip ‘home’ or to stay with friends can work wonders. For me these are really important and something I aim to schedule for every other month or so throughout the year.


    Assuming you’re not reading a stressful thriller or horror novel, reading is another great way of having some ‘me time’ and escapism from everyday stresses. Making time to read, investing in books that bring you joy and calm, and indulging in a few hours of reading each week or day even, is another very simple but often incredible effective way of generating some inner peace and tranquility. Both of which are really important when you’re trying to de-stress and manage anxiety.

    It doesn’t just have to be reading though, really it’s about finding activities and hobbies that offer you calm and a chance to unwind – art, gardening, cooking, surfing … whatever the activity if it allows you to relax, and not feel stressed, embrace it.


    What it really all comes down to is creating new healthy habits in your life to reduce stress, help you establish time for self care and creating calm, and ultimately establishing positive new routines and rituals that help ease anxiety overall.

    The techniques and tools are endless really, but working out what works for you is key – anything that helps you live in the present, be more ‘aware’ of yourself and what is going on around you, and helping you find practices that release stress and help you maintain a calm and positive mental state (rather than adrenaline fueled for example).

    Paying more attention to the food you consume and actively fueling yourself with better more wholesome food, ensuring you get a solid night sleep (sleep is so much more important than we realise and it’s become a hugely important part of my daily routine now), getting a coach to help you build self esteem and confidence so those stressful situations become less daunting, or filling your home and garden with plants to grow and care for, taking up a regular art class or simply spending 5 minutes writing down your thoughts of the day – there are so many small and big practices you can embrace to help relieve your stress, calm your mind and relax your body, all of which help gradually ease anxiety, stress and increase your ability to live more mindfully (and ultimately, WELL).

    They just require a commitment from you, to practice them regularly, to help achieve an overall state of calm, positivity and strong physical and mental health.

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    At it’s most basic mindful practice is as simple as focusing on the present, focusing on your body, paying attention to your breathing, appreciating and being grateful for what you have, finding things that bring you peace and calm (a stroll in the garden, drawing, writing, listening to music), and setting an intention of positivity for your day. It can be done in a few minutes each day, from anywhere at anytime, and the impact will be far greater than the effort involved in finding calm.




    The Overwhelming Nature Of Choice & Why Going With The Flow Is Sometimes Better For Mental And Physical Health

    I’ve been reading a lot lately. i’ve always been a fan of a good wellness or philosophical book – in fact, its a weakness of mine. My regular amazon drip of mindful living, beautifully illustrated, self help books is a deeply embedded addiction. It’s less about ‘finding answers’ and more about self exploration and general understanding … and a pathological need to buy things.

    Anyway, my latest reads (and still to read book pile) covers everything from The School Of Life: An Emotional Education, The Power Of Now, Miracle Mornings and The Secret, to Yoga: The Mantra For Life, Mindfulness Journals and every book on Zen living ever made.

    I love the practices they preach, I love understanding more about human behaviour and psychology, and mostly I love the positive intent towards creating a life of better balance.  The possibility and power to design your life and create a 10/10 design in all areas – health, love, career, wellness etc.

    During lockdown i’ve been reading more and more, and as you well know by now, have been thoroughly thriving in the work from home set up – so much so, i’ve been thinking about how to design a life that facilitates the balance we’re getting a taster for now, permanently.

    But what I’ve come to realise in the last week or so, is how overwhelming ‘choice’, ‘purpose’ and designing a dream life without limitation can be. It sadly forces you to be dissatisfied with what you have, to focus on ‘more’ and to believe deep down you can have anything you want – which I don’t disagree with (PMA all the way), but, innately throwing everything open to choice and decisions can actually be quite overwhelming. What if it’s the wrong choice, what is the right path? I’m an over-thinker, worrier and stress head by nature and what i’ve realised, is that whilst I love the premise of many of the books I’ve read lately, and I of course would love to maintain some level of flexibility and have more of the things I love in my daily life (yoga, time out, travel etc), ripping up what you have now and have worked so hard to achieve, isn’t always the right answer.

    If you’re happy – you don’t need to rethink everything. Instead of paralysing yourself with choice and a million alternative lives you could lead (because if anything is possible, then anything is a go-er), simply think about doing more of the things you already love doing.

    Design Your Life, but perhaps with some parameters.

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    For me, this means alongside my thriving in my job and career that I truly do love (and wouldn’t want to leave despite the standard working hour restrictions), finding better balance and making time for the other things I love – blogging, reading, yoga, travel, relaxation. Yes maybe one day i’ll own a wellness store (packed with the books, journals, stationary, wellness products & mindful living tools for others to buy) and even have my own coastal retreat for others to use, to spend time unwinding and re-finding their own balance (putting it out there, might help it become a reality); for now simply finding my own utopia (balancing  my career, my health, my happiness, my passions) and sharing my learnings on my blog with you, is absolutely perfection.

    Choice and unlimited access can be really quite stressful if you’re not clear on what your ‘purpose is in life’ or perhaps you’re actually happy and don’t need a total 180 or a life purpose to give you joy. From my experience, simply going with the flow has bought me tons of joy and success.

    I realise now my ‘Human Design‘ strategy and ‘not self’ themes are undeniably true – for me, waiting to ‘respond’ to opportunity has always been my opportunity driver, not seeking and forcing things to happen, and when i’m not in a good place, and trying to force things I end up over thinking, fixating and causing myself stress. NB: If you haven’t discovered Human Design, it’s another mind blower – combining astrology and chakras, it’s like horoscopes on steroids, but I’ve found it quite reassuring and a good guide for when I do start to overthink of worry (and freakily accurate).

    So for anyone else on the ‘design your life’ bandwagon – don’t over think it. Sometimes gratitude, taking time to reflect and focus on some small tweaks to your life is really all you need … and those big things might just flow in time.





    Losing My Way On The Gram: 5 Ways I Am Trying To Tackle The Rut & Get Inspired Again

    The last week or so I took an accidental beak from my blog and Instagram. I posted a couple of pictures on my feed, but half heatedly as I wasn’t feeling entirely motivated and rewarded by it creatively or ‘numbers wise’ (damn those numbers for always bringing me down), and unintentionally its been well over a week since I posted a blog feature too. I actually loved my last two posts I shared, a travel guide from a hotel I loved and a personal post on health, both with photos I felt particularly proud of an excited to showcase over here. But since posting those and ‘using’ the last set of photos I had time to properly shoot on my grid … I’ve gone quiet.

    The truth of the matter is I’ve felt a bit out of sorts creatively (mostly with instagram), lost even, in what I am creating versus what I want to be creating, I’ve become swamped in an Instagram comparison trap comparing the visuals I love to the reality of what my content on instagram looks like, and there’s of course a disconnect between what I want it to be versus what it is. Being honest half of the problem is my severe lack of time – blogging and instagram after all is my side hustle and not my only career – and my control freak nature on the quality of visuals I want to produce. I want to embrace the ‘care free’ visual style I admire so much, often shot on iPhone or film, but yet I struggle not to shoot on my DSLR or be satisfied with anything other than those high res professional shots. It’s a grapple that’s limiting not only my opportunity to shoot for instagram (because I don’t currently capture content unless i’m deliberately out with my camera) but also my inspiration and enjoyment of it too.

    On top of all this mental grapple, my Instagram followers have been gradually declining (only -100, but still, it’s devastating for morale) exasperating my feelings further, there’s nothing more disheartening and affirming that what I’m doing ‘isn’t quite working’ right now than losing followers. Whilst my issues are with my instagram rather than my blog, because actually i’m quite content with what I am doing over here and this is my space where there’s no algorithm or ‘popularity’ contests to be had, the reality is my instagram grapples are impacting my overall creativity, motivation and enthusiasm to produce and share. My creativity is being stifled by the sheer nature of what instagram has become and the formulaic nature of what content is ‘popular’ and instagram boosts – and ultimately what is required on instagram to achieve success today.

    So in the wake of utter creative despair, and really losing my way with instagram i’ve decided to challenge myself to a few creativity sparking tasks. These 5 tasks are self designed to release the shackles I have, encourage me to shoot more often and not just when I’m on an organised shoot for outfit posts, and also to shoot a greater variety of content … regardless of whether it makes it onto the grid or not.

    My goal is to clear my mind, bring back inspiration, and just have a little more fun playing around with my visuals – I think these 5 challenges will help with just that.

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    Sometimes your environment is as much as driver as it is a prohibitory of creativity.  I’ve always wanted to fill my space with things I love, but actually I realise there’s more I can do to make sure my ‘space’ is fuelling my creativity, as much as my travels do. When I am away I am constantly inspired creatively, there’s so much to take in, to capture and of course far more time to play around with my camera. We’re going through a huge renovation shortly, so i’m mindful that things will change, but I want to task myself with shooting something inside my house each week, to explore more corners, more spaces, more ‘props’. And not just that, perhaps even the office, my commute to work or simply the places I visit but forget to stop and look at.

    Starting with todays photos which I shot in just a few minutes when I got home this evening … task one complete.


    I am shackled by my DSLR. I admit it.

    I know it, but I struggle to do anything about it. I admire and love so many peoples photos on instagram which are clearly taken with a phone, but for some reason seem paralysed to use mine for the purpose of my ‘grid’. Fear of the image not looking good enough combined with a reality that I am not an iPhone photographer, I am a camera photographer. I don’t really know how to get the best out of my iPhone to truly capitalize all the moments I could – everyday life. I wrote a post about shooting with iPhones recently, and want to go back to some of that motivation and inspiration I had. I am going to challenge myself to shoot a daily photo on my iPhone, and as much as possible share this on my instagram feed.

    I am at the point where I truly need to change things up, and I think this will help me. It’ll also encourage me to think more about composition, lighting, props etc when taking phone photos, as it’s easy to point and shoot and not think creatively like you would when using a camera, but ultimately it still needs the same care and energy to get a great shot.


    Part of re-finding your creativity comes in simply taking the pressure off. Creativity comes into it’s own when we feel our best, when we are relaxed, calm and when our brain has a little space to breathe and wonder off. Going for a walk, taking a bath, even sitting on the loo is often when our brain sparks, and there’s a reason for that. The more relaxed you are the more creative you’ll be.

    I realise I need to create some space for that, and so whilst it won’t immediately generate content for my feed, I hope practicing a little more mindfulness will get me into a better space mentally, to be inspired to shoot, create and play around with my visual style. I recently picked up two mindfulness journals in Anthropologie as well as a cute notebook to work in, I often find myself buying note books and book when I am seeking a little more creative fulfilment or feel I want to sit and write whats on my mind and this was no different, so last week I embraced the urge and picked up these books as a little treat to myself. I’m already looking forward to using my journal to complete daily mindfulness tasks and capture creative ideas when they spark.


    I think the idea / challenge with the most potential is my film camera. It will immediately remove all the shackles of my ‘phone versus camera’ photography debate, because you simply cannot see the result until it’s developed. It’s a format that really inspires me and has it’s own unique visual style, a style I feel most drawn to right now. Finally, it’s a relatively easy piece of kit to carry around and I hope as such I might broaden the horizon of photos I take, be inspired to play about, test and learn, and try something new.

    I’m going to carry my film camera around with me, and aim to shoot at least a couple of pictures everyday with it. Anything and everything goes.


    And the final point, and one I found worked for me today, is simply shooting something new. Shooting outfit pictures is difficult as I need a helping hand to capture my looks, it can often take quite a bit of time to get from conception to editorial and of course you you need ‘new things’ to wear to make it worthwhile when it comes to blogging and instagram. All of these things, on top of my time limitations, often means I can struggle to share lots of outfits on my instagram unless they’ve been shot already for my blog. But switching up the subject makes things so much easier, for me this means shooting things that aren’t me.

    Actually I often find when I play around with a new subject, whether it’s trinkets like today, home decor & interior posts, shots from my travels, or simply random things in my daily life, that it actually sparks even more creativity and motivation to create. Taking the ‘need’ to shoot away, and instead just playing around and experimenting, often leads to greater work and a far more enjoyable creative process.

    Even shooting these visuals this evening has made me feel more positive and actually quite excited to produce more.

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    These shots, taken on the spur of the moment with no effort or real thought, represent the style of photos I want to create more of.  So simply putting my own tips into practice this evening has already moved things forward and got me a little more excited to shoot more, more often and release the shackles a little.

    I’d love to know your tips for getting out of a creative rut and how you stay inspired on instagram?




    Why A Weekend In The Country Is The Ultimate Way To Clear Your Mind & Re-Focus

    Most weekends I head out of the city, either back home to Winchester or to where Jase grew up near bath, sometimes somewhere further afield for a little staycation. You see, sometimes you have to get out of the thick of it to re-balance and re-focus, and it just so happens that the countryside and the seaside are my ‘happy places’. As soon as I even smell that fresh sea air or find my views filled wth countrside my body just relaxes.

    “There’s no wifi in the forest, but I promise you’ll find a better connection”

    I shared my tips and journey to living a little more stress free and finding a bit of balance more balance in your life not long ago, but today I wanted to share a few of my more ‘quick fix’ options. For those times when you’re desperate to unwind, need to get yourself back on track or simply relax.

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    And why the countryside is the best place for it 


    Walking is something I’ve learnt to be one of those miracle remedies for pretty much every problem you’re facing, least not stress. Even if you’re stuck in the office and up against it with a deadline the benefit of taking a 10 minute break, to walk, breathe and just stop your brain working so hard, far overweighs the time lost working. Walking is one of the most effective ways of clearing your mind, boosting your creativity and not to mention getting you breathing properly again … and so removing tensions in your body and mind. One of the most helpful things I learnt at a week long creative training course a few years back, was the power of taking a walk to resolve things, either talking in your mind, or with another. The power of walking and talking revivals a therapy session I assure you!

    For me there’s no better place to get that sense of clarity and calm than taking a stroll in the countryside, exploring new places or walking along my favourite beaches.


    We all have those people we can turn to at any time of day, no matter how long ago it was when we last saw them, and know they will be there for us! These people are your tribe, your cheerleaders, your support network. And it’s in those most stressful times when you need a little clarity that they come into their own. Whether it’s talking it out in person, on the phone or even just on email, these friends are those you can rely on to help you get back on track. I personally have at least 5 people I know I could pick up the phone to at any time of day who could help me clear my mind and re-focus, whether it’s work, emotions, life, whatever the topic I know my tribe is there to support.

    And if worse comes to worse and you can’t get a friend on the other end of a line – write it out. To Do lists help clear the mind, focus your efforts and give you some direction!


    Bloody exercise. The answer to everything right? But truth be told, there’s no denying the impact an hour of pilates and yoga has on my mindfulness and stress levels, and I know so many people who turn to running when they need to shake some shit off.

    Exercise is a seriously effective way of clearing your mind, talking through your issues mentally, and finding the endorphins and motivations to re-focus yourself.  Often exercise takes a lot of planning and preparation to fit in to busy schedules, but the benefit of something like yoga is that no matter where you are you can practice it, and not only that but there are so many videos, apps and tutorials to guide your practice that really there’s no excuse not to give it a try!

    So whether it’s a preemptively signing up to a few classes each week so you’re making time for yourself, or throwing on your running shoes after a stressful day in the office, adding a little more exercise to your life is really impactful.

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    And of course when time allows there’s nothing better than heading home for a weekend, spending time with your loved ones and for me just cuddling up to Ruby my dog! Animals are another one of those secret weapons that instantly dissolve your worries as soon as they snuggle up in your lap! What more excuse do I need to get myself a little pup in London …

    I’d love to hear your tactics for clearing your mind and re-focussing? Do you find walking, talking and exercising to be helpful too?




    Ah the age old quest for a stress free life, yes I know those of you who know me well will chuckle at the prospect of a stress free life, but let me tell you, the fight is real and i’m making some good progress. How ? I stopped just saying, and actually started doing.

    Because truth be told, stress won’t disappear on it’s own, you my dear friends, must take control yourself, and trust me when I say i’ve learnt the difficult way.

    You are the captain of your own ship, you’re in control of the thoughts that pass through your mind, the focus you give to emotions and most importantly the choices you make in certain situations. You, and only you, have the power to say no, to change course, to take action and to start living more mindfully.

    Sometimes you need a rude awakening, mine was as such, sometimes you just need to decide now is the right time. Either way, when you’re ready, a stress free life is yours for the taking, and it’s actually not quite as hard as you may thing. Today I wanted to share what I’ve been doing to help banish my stress and tensions and start living a more balance and more healthy life.

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    First of all, you can only truly banish stress and manage your emotions if you take back control. Take control of the moment, the feelings that you’re experiencing and importantly the emotional reaction your body is having. Mindfulness might sound lofty and wanky, but really it’s simply this. Being in control, accepting situations and momentary emotions, and managing them with pragmatism.

    More often than not my body internalises my stresses and often I don’t even realise I’ve become stressed until it’s too late and a migraine hits. Stress isn’t always obvious and momentous, it can be silent, gradual but equally as debilitating. And when it comes to managing this kind of stress, you must be even more in control than normal, because triggers may not be grand, they may be everyday, ongoing and small things that ladder up to a bigger issue.

    For me taking back control has simply meant accepting that my current life balance wasn’t conducive to a healthy life, and changing certain things like the pressure I put on myself, my ambition to achieve the best as quickly as possible & my desire to always go above and beyond was key to de-stressing for good.



    One of the biggest issues for me was not setting good enough boundaries (for myself) regarding work and life, my time versus the time I’m paid for, time with my boyfriend versus time for myself. I was letting my work time take over my life and it wasn’t helping anyone. The other boundary is a little more subjective rather than simple setting an evenings cut off time, and that was about setting boundaries to the care, effort and energy I put into certain tasks. Going above and beyond is a great trait, but it doesn’t have to be this way for every single task that requires completing, and cutting myself some slack has been a huge huge relief. Only I could have made this change, but the reduction in pressure I have on myself has made it so worth it.



    I loved pilates a few years back, my commitment to my Gymbox Tuesday lunchtime session was almost religious and I actually looked forward to an hour spent working my body and resting my mind. But as my time got more stretched, my weight started to increase and stress took over pragmatism, I ditched exercise entirely and actually began to fear and dread any form of exercise. The mission to get my body and health back to it’s normal state was (and still is a bit) so daunting, starting was an impossibility.

    But as I mentioned up front, change will only occur when you start doing and not just saying, so after my little health scare and rude awakening to my wellness, I signed up to not just pilates but yoga too, you may remember me mentioning it here. Both lunch time sessions (also enforcing a break from the desk, tick, tick, tick) and both very convenient for me (they’re both classes that run in my office) so as to combat any sneaky excuses I decide to make up. I’ve been doing them with a friend from work (who was equally as novice) and I’m absolutely loving it. So much so I’d genuinely love to do it everyday if I could find classes.

    Yes I dreaded it originally, but when I finally decided to make a change and give it a go, I truly enjoyed it. I applied no pressure to myself, in fact I actually cancelled my gym membership which was making me guilty and costing me a bomb, and instead committed to a 6 week course of Yoga and Pilates, which has helped inexplicably. I started small, but the impact has been big, and I’m looking forward to continuing with this new hobbie and hopefully continuing to see positive impacts, to both my mind and my body (which is a bonus).



    Whenever I take or have time off work, I fill it with something else, I pack it to the brim with all the things I never have enough time for, I squeeze it full. I forget to rest. And my packed agenda of ‘life’ activities, becomes in itself stressful to manage.

    Juggling a blogging business and a career isn’t for the faint hearted. Naturally my time spent away from work incredibly valuable for and my consultancy, but actually what my body was crying for, is time to do simply nothing at all. Rest time. You know, a leisurely day with no agenda, a weekend left to it’s own devises, time off line, time to simply not think. It’s not a concept i’m familiar with, i’m not sure i’ve ever even taken a holiday where i’m not working, on my emails, or at least planning shoots and content for my website. And whilst my blog is enjoyable and a passion, it isn’t down time in any way at all, its a business.  Resting is not something I’m good at, but its something i’m working hard to embrace.

    Even that hours commute to work, to sit back and just be, is a real novelty (and challenge).



    Which leads me to my final point, and a subject I continually have forced on me. Are you practicing mindfulness? Have you tried meditation? Whether it’s my illness, my migraines or my posture, it all comes back to this, am I doing enough to be more mindful?

    The answer is this; i’ve downloaded headspace and tried a few, but I will finally make more of an effort to have some proper quiet time I promise. I accept I need to rest my body AND my mind, and meditation along with my regular pilates and yoga is going to be a huge help in achieving this.

    If you’re looking to try a little meditation, then i’m told even 10 minutes before you start your day is enough to make an impact, and Head Space is a really simple way of starting to practice meditation and great for lives lived on the go.

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    I’d love to know if these tips and my experiences are helping you combat your own stress issues, and i’d love even more to hear your tips and advice for creating the ideal work life balance and how you personally manage your stress levels, so leave me a comment below & let me know.






    Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style


    It’s another week, and another week of the day to day grind. But recently i’ve been trying to make everyday that little bit better, to try and keep my stress and tensions at bay but also to live a little more mindfully, something that everyone from my colleagues, to my osteopath to my regular massage guy has suggested to me. I get the picture guys. Anyway, mindfulness is all about living in the now, focusing on the present, enjoying the moment, aways, and it takes a little bit of practice everyday to master. One trick I always suggest to anyone who’s feeling a little below average is to start the day by thinking about and acknowledging the 5 things you’re grateful for … from your morning coffee to that grand plan you’ve been working on.

    No matter how big or small, its important to appreciate the things that bring you joy and make you happy. Positivity breeds positivity and for me, this is one of the easiest ways to spark a little chain of happiness

    Which leads me to today’s post. You may remember earlier this year I opened up a little about my struggles and stresses, and how I planned to start my year afresh. Well that’s exactly what I did. And as we’re now well over two months on, I felt compelled to tell you a little bit about how i’m gradually turning things around, reducing my stress, living a little more well and generally practising mindfulness a little. Now don’t get me wrong, i’ve not mastered it (yes I’m talking about you Mr Migraine from the weekend), but truth be told I do feel like that spring is back in my step, like i’ve gained some more perspective (most situations just need a little rational perspective to shrink the stress they induce).

    Often it’s the small things that bring you joy, and adding a few more of these to your life can make all the difference in the world.

    Mediamarmalade | Coffee[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0″]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style




    I used to absolutely love doing Pilates a few years back, not only did it transform my body without me realising, but it cleared my mind, chilled me out and provided an incredible break from the daily grind. As my work load got bigger, taking breaks was something I neglected for far too long, but a few weeks ago I decided to sign back up to not just Pilates but Yoga too. And not after work, but during my lunch break. A triple success story, i’m taking breaks, i’m doing exercise and i’m distressing. I’m already starting to look forward to my next sessions which is a great sign.


    I don’t know what it is, but a good coffee in the morning brings me so much joy. Whether it’s the notion of walking through my village to the coffee shop, having a fresh brew to wake me up, or just the few minutes to myself before the day begins. I don’t quite know how or why my morning coffee brings me so much happiness, but it does. It’s a sacred ritual that starts my day with a little positive spark.


    Getting dressed each day is more of a struggle as a part time fashion blogger than it should be, but I really do find it difficult to pick a look each day and actually look my best. On a working week I often find myself reverting to the same kinda look day in and day out (tiredness & early mornings are to blame), but recently, whether it’s a result of my new Yogalaties (all the love for The OC & Sandy Cohen for coining this term) or general positive mood i’ve been getting my style mojo back a little. The better I dress the better I feel. It’s a fact, so making sure I make a little effort goes a long way to making me feel better each day. And there’s nothing like one of my favourite bags to give me that extra boost of happiness … boy those babies make me happy!!


    When I get busy the first thing to go is my evenings, it’s all to easy to fall into a routine of getting home at 8/9pm everyday, eating dinner, falling asleep and simply spending no real time away from my desk. But since I got back from Hong Kong a few weeks ago now, I’ve made a commitment to leave on time as much as I possibly can. Really, just to prioritise myself more, say no, be pragmatic, take back control. Getting home at 630pm opens up a whole world of possibilities for fun, relaxation, time with friends, movies with Jase, time for an evening pamper (i’ve rediscovered baths and the sanctuary they offer).


    I just adore photography, taking pictures, editing pictures, creating stories with them. Its probably my most favourite thing about blogging and one of the things I focus most my energy on. But juggling a career and a side hustle means it’s not often I actually can shoot and enjoy spending time taking photos, making the most of the light & generally appreciating my surroundings. When I travel i’m in my absolute element; unlimited time to take pictures, capture moments, and spend time creating content for my blog. But I wanted to bring a little more of this into my everyday life, not just the odd weekend or when I’m travelling.  So i’ve recently started carrying my Olympus Pen around with me and making the most of my iPhone 7+ … so that when a moment crops up, I can capture it.

    I’m also spending more time on my instagram (which Is finally starting to grow a little, hooray), pinning inspiration to my photography boards and planning my upcoming shoots. I really want to take my photography to the next level and spend more time shooting. It’s my passion project if you will …

    Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[one_half padding=”0 5px 0 0px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half][one_half_last padding=”0 0px 0 5px”]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style[/one_half_last]Mediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street StyleMediamarmalade | Chloe Hudson | Russell & Bromley Loafers | Street Style



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    And this look sums it all up, a weekend spent back home chilling with my sisters, taking time off from stressing, shooting in the morning sunshine after i’d grabbed a coffee from my favourite coffee shop back in Winchester, and wearing my new suede trousers and Chloe Hudson. It doesn’t have the be grand adventures and big achievements that bring you joy and happiness, you can find happiness in the mundane, the everyday, the little and the small. The key is to open your eyes to these things, acknowledge them, and maximise them.



    Time To Sort Your Shit Out & Start Living A Little More Mindfully.

    After writing this post last week I had so many lovely messages, email and calls from readers, friends, family and fellow bloggers, sharing their love and support and generally just giving me a little virtual hug. It was lovely to have so much kind and genuine support, and it was lovely to hear your words and advice too.

    Off the back of my realisation that it was time I sorted my shit out I decided it was time to act. It was time to live more mindfully.

    Firstly I picked back up my latest Sarah Knight Book ironically called ‘Sort Your Shit Out’ (my sister knows me well, a Christmas present put to good use already) and secondly, I decided it was time I started to live a little more mindfully. Mental health after all is just as important as our physical health, and mindfulness is one way to help keep that mental health in tact.

    Being mindful and well is something I have strived hard to achieve in theory, but not tried hard enough to practice in reality. But in my quest to get my life and health in a stable position, I’ve decided to take the practice of mindfulness a little more seriously, and that means not just buying the book, but reading it and actually acting on it too. It doesn’t have to require big, timely and life altering actions, in fact I’ve realised its often the small, quick and simple things that over time, can have the biggest impact.

    And so today I thought i’d share five of the very simple things I’m doing to help me live my life a little more mindfully, and hopefully inspire you a little too.

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    mindfulness | ˈmʌɪn(d)f(ʊ)lnəs/ | noun

    a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.






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    Have A Hard Cut Off

    It’s easy to let work trickle into life, to let life slip away into promises of ‘tomorrow’ and it’s easy to forget to prioritise the things that you should be demanding for your health and happiness when you have work demands that eat all your time and energy. I get it. But truth be told working this way isn’t only unhealthy but its also unproductive in the long run, because burn out (whether its motivation or health) happens.

    Learning to work smart is key, and for me that means committing to a hard cut off everyday.  If I don’t I can work until 11pm and be back on emails at 7am. But the more this happens, the more it comes to be expected, and that is really no good for my mindfulness let alone overall wellness. So in order to free time for other things … i’m trying to commit to a hard ‘work’ cut off. You know, leave the office on time, stop checking emails after 7pm, saying No to extra or unnecessary work, and most importantly stop picking up other peoples slack.

    Make More ‘Me Time’

    And what this hard cut off means, is that everyday I get a little more ‘me time’.

    Me time that I can fill with the things I love, the things that make me feel content and the things that I know help me relax, unwind and feel positive. Reading, blogging, taking a bath, watching a movie, grabbing a coffee, taking pictures, visiting my favourite cafes and restaurants, going to the cinema, listening to music … simple ‘everyday’ things that boost my positivity, give me a feeling of content and overall help me live a more mindful life everyday.

    It’s incredible how different you can feel when you just spend 30 minutes doing something you enjoy throughout the day, whether it’s reading a book on your commute rather than checking your phone, listening to music whilst you walk to work, popping to your favourite coffee shop for lunch, and making time to enjoy an evening, even if that evening is simply sat on the couch watching that infamous box set.

    Don’t Get So Busy Making A Living, That You Forget To Make A Life.

    Go To Bed On Time

    There’s a viscous cycle that it’s too easy to fall into, I for one am only just crawling back out of the terrible habit. Up Early, Work Late, Eat Late, Sleep Late, Up Early, Work Late, Eat Late, Sleep Late … zzz. Makes me exhausted thinking about it and how I’ve been living.

    It’s too easy for work to fill your waking hours and sleep to become the only way to relax. So as part of my hard cut off commitment, the plan is to have an actual evening everyday, an evening to relax, enjoy dinner, unwind and have time to myself all the while still managing to get to bed at a much earlier time than normal. The older I get the more I realise how much my body needs 8 hours sleep … so it’s about time I gave it 8 hours.

    Talk About It

    I mentioned lots of people got in contact after my post last week, and it reminded me how important it is to talk to people, about anything and everything. It’s amazing how much you lock up inside of you, worries, concerns, stresses and strains, and sometimes simply talking about it can lift a whole load off your shoulders.

    And if it isn’t talking about it, writing it. Writing is an incredibly effective therapy (it’s why I own 4,000 note pads), to do lists, bullet journals, 5 things your grateful for everyday, a daily diary or even just drawings, scribble & doodles can have an incredibly positive impact on your life. I always carry a note pad with me to capture ideas, make ‘to do’ lists so things can stop buzzing around my head like flies, and write my goals and ambitions out. Invest in a journal and simply jot down things that come into mind …

    Get More Active 

    Being active forces you to breathe, to fight, to be strong. It’s an incredible therapy and one I used to rely on heavily to help me feel well and strong in the past, but one in recent years i’ve neglected due to a lack of time and all the other workaholic excuses I have mustered up. But getting active; walking, running, cycling, going to the gym, truly does wonders for you, your mindfulness and your overall health.

    Whilst my new years resolution of getting to the gym more hasn’t happened (what a surprise), what I have tried to do is walk more, get outside, into the air, into nature and just walk, even if it’s from one meeting to the next. In London it often takes the same or less time as a taxi to walk, but does so much more for your mindfulness than back to back traffic.

    I find being outside, and walking, taking in your surrounding even if it’s for 10 or 20 minutes, is often all you need to clear your head, regain some perspective and find some inner peace and positivity.

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    So there you have it, five very simply ways to help you live more mindfully  and the five things I personally will be doing to help my own everyday mindfulness. I’d love to know how (and if you) practice mindfulness and the things you do in your life to bring that feeling of everyday content and positivity?




    How A Work Hard, Play Hard Mentality Works For Me

    When I tell people I’m going on holiday, often their reaction is ‘again?’, and well yes I suppose I am going on holiday again, I like to go on holiday multiple times a year (as often as my money and annual leave allows in fact). And I know full well that makes me very fortunate. But truth be told, I need to go on holiday frequently, because it’s this break from  high pressure work and this time to revitalise and recouperate that allows me to be able to put all my energy and focus into my career and actually run a full time blog alongside it when i’m not on a break.

    If anyone asks me about my work or career, my answer is always this, ‘it’s work hard play hard’. We go through periods of working 16 hour days and weekends in pitch or planning times, but equally at other times we enjoy fantastic perks, jolly’s and travel. And it’s this mentality, or mantra if you will that I believe allows me to achieve the goals I want, without losing my shit all together from stress.

    It’s not for everyone mind, but for me exerting 150% in my career (and my blog lets not forget), deserves me a blow out every couple of months or so. And for me that blow out means saving my pennies and booking myself a luxe holiday or break away. Work Hard. Play Hard. Today I thought i’d share some of my tips and advice for mastering the work hard, play hard way of life.

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    Here are my three principles to living ‘work hard, play hard’


    If you’re going to live work hard, play hard then you need to commit to it. You need to commit to giving your career and job your all when you’re there (you need to earn that break), but you also need to commit to yourself that light at the end of the tunnel. The most terrible feeling for me, in periods of high stress and business, is not seeing the end in sight. And thats where a little break, a trip, or even a holiday provides an effective light or carrot if you will. But it only works if you commit to both. Respect yourself enough to know you need time out after a really busy period.

    Look After Yourself

    Work Hard periods are hard work, that’s the point, so it’s really important when you’re not jetting off somewhere for a lovely three day break, that you’re still looking after yourself. Keeping your wellness, mindfulness and health in check, just as much as your work to do list. Yes you might be working all hours, but there’s really no excuse not to get active, drink lots of water, keep your stress in check and generally be ‘well’. It’s super easy to let things slip and let all encompassing stress takeover. Trust me, rewind 12 months and that was me, but that period was the biggest learning curve in my career and ever since then I’ve got a lot more perspective, respect for myself and generally manage to keep stress at bay these days (even in the same, if not more pressured situations). It’s also super easy to take ‘play hard’ literally, and party hard when you’re not working hard; and yes i’ve been there before too, and burning the candle at both ends doesn’t end well for anyone! The point is this, it’s easy to let work takeover entirely, but make sure you still make time to look after yourself (and those around you).

    Find Your Happy Place

    Now I mentioned holidays, but it doesn’t actually need to be holidays, your ‘play hard’ periods should just be about finding time for yourself and your happy place. For me, I feel super relaxed and content when I travel, and so I like to try and travel as much as possible. But equally a weekend back home with some trips to the coast, a weekend in Tetbury, or just a day to relax at home is just as effective (and obviously far less pennies). So it’s not about spanking all your earnings on 10* spa escapes in the most exotic places; it’s just about committing to and maximising your ‘play hard’ periods of time out.

    Et voila. Experience has taught me that work can be as stressful or as enjoyable as you make it. Turning stressful periods and high pressure times into manageable tasks is absolutely possible, and for me having a light at the end of the tunnel is one way of doing this. Do you ‘work hard, play hard’ did you find these tips helpful at all?




    The Importance of Taking a Break

    When you’re self employed or career driven, taking time out, a break from work, and genuinely cutting off from the working world can be exceptionally difficult, because in reality no matter what the day of week, business goes on. But actually this bank holiday weekend is the perfect moment to embrace a little time out, and truly give yourself some time off work, and the benefit of doing so will be so worth it …

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    Boost Your Creativity & Motivation

    There’s no denying that when you’re sat at a desk for 12 hours a day and churning out work or content, trying to keep on top of emails, running from meeting to meeting and not to mention hitting project deadlines, creativity and inspiration can get a little lost. Creativity itself is something that flows most naturally when you’re in a relaxed state of mind, so actually taking a break from work itself is one of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing again.

    More than that, the reality of blogging full time means often you can find yourself spending a whole day (or week) trying to tackle emails, attending business meetings & generally keeping on top of the admin side of business. But actually taking a break from the day to day is the perfect opportunity to get a little more on top of your actual content if your a blogger especially … from shooting whilst you’re out & about, to getting inspired by life around you.

    Read more: How to boost your creativityHow to survive a creative rut & get inspired again & How to get over a blogging dip & get motivated againWhat makes content good

    Time to Get Organised

    Life admin easily piles up when you’re a busy career girl or managing your own business, from needing your roots doing, to putting your car in for an MOT to simply seeing friends and family, or giving the house a well needed clean up. But when you’re busy finding time to tackle your life admin is limited, and these tasks end up being a niggling thought that sits in your head, and ultimately makes you feel stressed and under pressure. The bank holiday weekend provides the perfect opportunity to tackle that life admin, so that you can start the week fresh feeling more in control of your life.

    Read More: How to get more organised5 distractions you need to ditch now & How I blog daily & have a full time job

    Get Back to Reality

    And more than anything it’s a chance to get back to reality a little, to leave the tech and demands of work behind for a few days, to focus on happiness, mindfulness and your overall wellbeing. I wrote a whole feature on the benefits of a digital detox and the bank holiday weekend provides the perfect opportunity to do this.

    Read More: How to take a digital detoxHow to unwind, destress & be more mindful & Three life changing books you need to read

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    The pressure to work work work is always there, but it’s important to take a break sometimes and accept that taking some time out from the daily grind can actually benefit you in the long run.

    How are you planning to unwind this weekend & will you be using the bank holiday weekend to get inspired & creative again?