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    Is It Time you Started taking More Care of Yourself?

    If you’ve been reading my blog for a while then you’ll have no doubt seen a good few posts in the last few years about my health, my quest towards a better work life balance, and importantly my desire to get more active, less stressed & generally live a little more mindfully. One thing i’d say is that I’m very good at talking about the things I know I need to do to improve my health, but in reality, less good at committing to them! Of course I’ve made improvements, I’ve managed to find a better balance with work and me time, i’ve slowly started to get de-stressed through my yoga and pilates and i’m certainly more considered with my social diary (#notsorry), but I have a long way to go.

    After suffering from yet another migraine this weekend (frustratingly at one of my best friends weddings too) it was then my friends, jase and even my friends parents commented on how poorly I look after myself!

    Initially I was thrown. I mean I felt like I had made such big improvements that surely I was looking after myself better now than ever! But truthfully when I dug a little deeper, they had a point! Despite living with bowl disease I realised I hadn’t taken my daily and life long medication for the last two weeks. Let alone actually adapt my diet to help my symptoms (and stop saying yes to gluten filled goodies which I know I shouldn’t eat). Despite knowing about my friends wedding for over a year, I still had a last minute panic due to a sheer lack of organisation (giving myself time is not something I’ve learnt yet). Yes my yoga helps but the tensions i face require far more action than I take, not to mention some actual cardio to shed this 1.5 stones which I fundamentally hate). And at nearly thirty years old I still have not managed to suitably water and feed myself … having breakfast is one change I am making immediately. You get the picture?

    Put simply it’s the basic care I seem to forget about. Drinking enough water, looking after my bad tummy, giving myself time to rest, fuel myself and prepare for the things I need to do! Don’t get me wrong I’m not starving and living in debt, it’s more just that healthy lifestyle that I know I need to give myself and prioritise.

    So with that in mind. Here I go again with my acknowledging of the situation and my promises to sort things out! I’m confident I can do it, and I have three healthy habits already in mind which I truly hope will make a difference. To me, and maybe even you too, because I’m sure I’m not the only one right?

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    Small Steps To Better Look After Yourself 



    I’m sure I’m not alone with the morning struggle. For me most mornings look like a 45 minute snooze, a mad panic to get my train, and a sweaty sprint to the office, usually resulting in a 40 minute late arrival. I’ve tried to be better, but I can’t. I am constantly tired in the morning. I barely function before 10am and the thought of getting up with time to have breakfast, a cup of tea and maybe even a 20 minute work out is laughable.

    But one thing I’ve realized is that this morning routine is setting me off to a bad start everyday.

    First of all it’s not helping stabilize my blood sugars which I know hinders my migraines, it’s certainly not helping me balance my work life balance with my constant lateness, and really it’s not eliminating stress, it’s adding it.

    I’m not going to promise myself a 6am start, a morning yoga session and a hearty breakfast every morning because I know I won’t deliver on it. But what I am promising myself is a better bed time. I’m going to start hitting the hay at 10:30pm so I really am getting a good amount of sleep. I’m going to give myself an hour to get ready in the morning – it will mean waking up earlier, but it will importantly mean I have time, time to do whatever I need to do! And I’m going to start having breakfast …


    Which leads me to healthy habit number two. My diet.

    Now i’ll start by saying this: Generally speaking I am a very very healthy eater so ‘diet’ is a funny one for me. However the regularity of my eating and my evening portion sizes are an issue. I also am not the most religious person regarding my need to cut our gluten, which clearly isn’t helpful especially given my UC. And Alcohol is also a sore topic.

    I’ll start with the first issue which is my regularity. As mentioned breakfast is non existent. I’ll run on coffee until mid day before hitting starvation around 2pm. And my evening meal is what I live for, which inevitably means I eat a portion for 4 people (a healthy meal, but probably way too much)! I’ve never eaten breakfast, i’m not hungry until 11am earliest, I don’t have time and I don’t really want to eat more (I know I know, stupid mentality). However I’m starting to come around to the idea that breakfast could be quite a simple solution to not only my energy problems but also my migraines AND my desired weight loss (according to theory). So I’m committing to some breakfast alongside my daily coffee, starting today!

    Secondly, gluten! Now gluten has become a rather hot topic in the last few years, it’s an ingredient that almost seems fashionable to cut out. But trust me when I say embrace gluten if you can! I’m intolerant, not celiac, but was advised to pretty much cut it out 6 years ago. I would say on average I lead a 85% gluten free diet (i’ve never eaten bread on the regular, it’s pasta and sausages that let me down), but I am renowned for over indluging on special occasions! The problem with that is that special occasions can become regular, and before I know it i’m doubled up with stomach issues! Add to that the problem of bowl disease, it’s fair to say i’ve not customized my diet to better help my problems! A friend at work is a nutritionist and was gobsmacked I hadn’t been advised to change my diet after being diagnosed with UC, so with her help i’m hoping to make some positive changes to what I eat, and not just how often!

    And finally alcohol. It’s been a problem since I first discovered it. I’ve never been able to properly digest it (the UC revelation explained A LOT), it makes me exceptionally sick the next day (and I mean really sick) and it also makes me fat. However, I enjoy it, I love the process of celebrating with fizz or enjoying a bottle of wine with my friends and my job means social events and parties are a regular! This isn’t about cutting out alcohol, but it’s about being careful, being hydrated enough to tolerate it, and choosing my drinks and quantities carefully to avoid a day spend in bed worrying I might not make it through.

    Oh and water. I must must must drink more bloody water.


    I’m the girl that’s always late. For everything. I’ll be late to my wedding and my funeral i’m certain. I am terrible. I’d like to blame my mum as we’ve always been late, but the truth is i’m old enough to manage my time better and i’m still useless. I never allow enough time, I always end up running behind and I am constantly stressed as a result.  but it’s not just that … it’s prioritizing time for exercise, time for myself, time out with Jase! It’s saying No to protect my time. It’s saying yes to myself and my own time needs.

    The irony is I am very organised and time proficient at work (it’s something people often comment on), but it’s almost like I use all my energy up inside the office and so my time management outside of work falls by the wayside. I commit so much time and energy to my career (I have got much better at this I should say). I often forget to prioritize that time to go to the gym, or to actually relax before work starts, or rest, or run my errands, or simply fit in a massage every now and then!

    I am a total contradiction in and outside of my work when it comes to time, getting things done & running a tight ship!

    My personal life, but more specifically ‘my life’, is always what slips. And I know I need to change this! My #NotSorry revelation was a revolution, but there’s more I must do to give myself the time I need to be mindful, well, healthy and balanced. The morning and bed time routine is part of it. But perhaps a little being a little more demanding and protective of my personal time is what I need to do! If only just to give myself time to actually look after myself! And just time out, time on the weekend to do nothing, time away from the blog, away from work, away from others demands, time to just sit, walk, potter and be! More time at the beach …

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    It’s a funny topic, one I’d love to know if you relate to or not. Most my friends around me are totally together and have a wonderful and much more healthy lifestyle and balance. Whether it’s a regular morning routine, a healthy gym habit or a better perspective and balance as a result. Yes I have good career success, but do I have good heath? No! Not even close! And really what is life without good health? I’ve accepted the truth, and I’m going to start trying to make improvements today!




    Five Ways To Get MORE Happy Every Day 

    Happiness is one of those emotions which I only wish we could bottle up and store in it’s gallons ready to guzzle down in thoes darker moments when we look back and long for those happy times, those moments of joy and those fond experiences, places and people that made us fill up with happiness.

    Happiness is something we should all feel, embrace and share! Not something we should have to try hard for. But sadly some days we all do.

    That being said, for me happiness often comes from the most subtle and small of events or moments, not just those grand gestures or celebrations. And there’s so much we can do on an everyday basis to help fuel those little moments and bring an aura of positivity to our lives.

    As I near the big three zero, I’ve certainly learnt that positive lives require great amounts of empathy and perspective, empathy for those around you and the emotions they may impart on you, and perspective to help us process and deal with the things every day life throws at us. It’s easy to let even the smallest hiccup ruin a day, cause a row, or create a rippling earthquake of negativity in your life. But this is where perspective can save you! Understanding, accepting, processing and dealing with things in a much more pragmatic and empathetic way, not only ensures you live and feel more positive and happy the majority of the time, but also this sense of calm also rubs off on others, passing on the positive effect.

    It’s easier said than done for you! And happiness is something that some days we do have to work hard on and focus on achieving! In those times and on those days, I find a few simple little tricks help to positively impact my day and add a little more happiness to my day, every day. I thought i’d share them with you today.

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    Whatever you want to call this theory, it works. The pass it on theory suggests that a positive action will have a perpetually positive impact on those you pass it on to! For example hold a door open for someone in the morning, or let someone take that seat on the tube, and not only will you envoke a positive and happy feeling on them, you’re also inspiring them to pass on the positive gesture too! Not to mention that actually it feels good to do good!

    One of my favorite gestures is the morning coffee treat, purchasing a coffee for the person behind you in the queue so that when they come to pay, their coffee is a treat courtesy of you! It’s such a lovely and small action, but that will no doubt ignite happiness and delight for the person you treated.

    It doesn’t have to be paid for things like coffee though, simply being nice, kind and polite can have just the same impact. It’s incredible when you think about how someone else’s behavior can impact you and your day – don’t be that grumpy dick that ruins someone elses day!


    Being positive all the time is of course hard, but as I mentioned perspective is your friend on those bad days, and practicing a little bit of positivity will soon become an intrinsic and not a forced habit. Finding what brings you positivity is key, for some it’s walking, or running to clear their head, others it’s the innocent joy of a dog, or meditating to start each day correctly. There’s not one size fits all, but I’ve most definitely found that my weekly yoga and Pilates classes certainly help channel my positive energy, relax me, clear my head and help me rid my mind and body of negativity. Find what works for you and add a little of it to your day or week.


    As I mentioned above, sometimes it’s the smallest things which bring you the biggest amounts of joy and happiness. It’s quite remarkable to think how much happiness my morning coffee gives me, but that walk to the local coffee shop and motion of ordering my favourite drink each morning is one I cherish and something I continue to do simply because it helps start my day right!

    Whatever that ritual or thing is, if it makes you feel happy and sparks a positive emotion, then embrace it and give yourself that moment each day. It’s important to make yourself happy as much as we expect those around us to make us happy too!


    Whilst I have plenty to say about instagram (we’ll save that for another time) one very positive thing it brings in my opinion, is the idea of capturing a moment, sharing the things in life (big and small) that bring  you joy and happiness, and sharing it and being exposed to others moments too! I find myself constantly looking at anything and everything i’m exposed to in daily life now with a different perspective, i’m looking at the beauty of it and wanting to capture that moment as a way of showing my appreciation.

    Take the perfect sunset, a beautiful view, a delicious glass of wine, a blossoming flower, stunning packaging, a person you adore, a funny picture … anything! Those little things we see everyday can go missed so easily, but by spending more time looking, seeing and appreciating your surroundings the more happiness and positivity you’ll feel!

    It’s finding happiness in those little things that makes the biggest impact.


    The ones you love and adore are often the ones that bring true happiness to your lives and days, but of course the side affect of a busy life is often that you don’t get to spend the quality time you’d like with the people you love the most. That doesn’t mean they’re not there though – making time to place a call, sit down and chat, catch up, laugh, cry and share your day is a super simple action that can really bring a shed load of happiness to your day! It’s easy to forget to call, lose track of time, and even just feel too tired to squeeze in that coffee, but making a little bit of time everyday for some lovin’ with your favourites is a miracle cure for any bout of sadness! just give it a try.

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    I’d love to hear how you practice positivity and how you embrace happiness in your daily life? Did you find any of these tips helpful?




    My journey to finding balance & living stress free.

    Ah, the wonders of a stress free life. Is it even possible I hear you cry? I don’t yet know the answer, but as I near thirty and my health becomes ever more important combating stress for good is a really high priority of mine.  At the end of last year I got diagnosed with bowel disease, specifically Ulcerative Colitis (Chrons being the other type), and my health got pushed to the forefront for the first time in years and years. It’s not something I’ve talked much about as it’s all new and i’m finding my way with things still.

    But what I’ve learnt is that your health has to be your priority. No excuse is good enough for not looking after yourself and respecting your body and mind.

    It’s easy to forget your health, mental and physical, and for it to slip to the bottom of your priority least … not least when works busy and you feel like you have no time to breathe let alone stop, but being so ill for the last 18 months and then finally finding out I had a chronic disease (which is significantly hindered and flared by stress) was the ultimate low point. Add to that the fact i’m bed ridden, on a pretty much bi-weekly basis by migraines which makes me sick and wipe me out for days at a time … change and a stress free life was no longer a luxury, but actually a necessity.

    I envy those who live without stress, who find work life balance without pain and who seem to have the ultimate life balance.

    But through a mixture of the career I’ve chosen and the fact i’m an exceptionally driven and hard working person (and run a full time blog alongside a full time career) it’s fair to say my life set up was (and is) a pressure ridden stress inducing one. I didn’t listen to my body … and it was only a migraine that would eventually make me stop, breathe and de-stress!

    But I can no longer live like that, my UC itself requires a much healthier and stress free set up and so change was non negotiable.

    And while i can’t say I’ve discovered the perfect stress free routine or daily life yet, i’ve definitely found a few tricks and habits which are helping make life a little more joyful and a little less fast pace, pressure driven & stressful for me. And truthfully … my migraines have even started to become less regular, so I think it’s working.

    Today I wanted to share some of those things with you, in case you too suffer from stress and are looking to find a little more balance in your life. It’s time to start living the life you want to lead.

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    the five ways i’m combating stress & living a more balanced life


    I’m a firm believer in helping yourself, to help yourself (its up to you to start living the life you want to lead), and when it comes to stress the first thing anyone suggests is meditation or a little yoga to not only start carving time out in your day for a little ‘me time’, but also to calm your mind, relax and stretch your body and generally relieve the tensions that everyday life ensues.

    I’ve always loved pilates, but at the beginning of this year I finally decided to get active and sign up to a pilates and a yoga class, in order to get a little healthier, stronger and most important stress free. I had a friend who joined the classes so we spurred each other on to join, and before I knew it 6 weeks was gone, I was well and truly loving my classes and most importantly my stress levels felt significantly lower and my migraines considerably less frequent.

    Right now I’m looking at ways to add a few more classes to my week & even feeling ready to get a little more cardio in too. But if you’re searching for ways to de-stress your mind and body, I couldn’t recommend yoga and pilates enough.


    It’s all to easy to let work trickle into all your time, whether it’s checking emails, forgetting to make the point of leaving work on time, or even finding yourself thinking about everything to be done whenever your mind starts to relax. Before you know it, you realise you don’t actually have any time ‘off’, add to that my blog, for me personally if it wasn’t my job it was my blog and I really wasn’t allowing myself anytime to just stop all together.

    But there are three things i’ve been doing in this space which are making a big impact.

    Firstly, I make a point, on any day I can, to leave work on time. And i know all to well there are days when 11pm finishes are inevitable and a choice is out of the equation, but if this is becoming your everyday, for months on end, then something isn’t right. Either you need to consider improving your productivity and effectiveness (whether that’s where you work or how you work), or you need to have a serious conversation about work and resource with your bosses. But, as I said, on an everyday basis you should be able to leave the office on time, but it is up to you personally to make that happen. I’ve been making a concerted effort to leave the office by 6pm this last couple of months, and having an evening has revolutionised my wellbeing.

    Secondly, and this relates mostly to my blog but work emails too, actually committing to time ‘off’ is the only way to truly let your mind relax. Holidays, weekends, evenings, previously I was always available, always logged in & always keeping on top of emails (even when I was the other side of the world on trips to Thailand etc). But once again I’ve made a concerted effort to turn things off in my personal time. The liberation once you get over the urge to check is undeniable. It’s also important to make sure your home is a a relaxing place to be.

    And thirdly and finally, any excuse for a weekend away of course, but I’ve genuinely found making the most of my weekends and in particular booking a few spa weekends or staycations is the ultimate sanctuary and chance to unwind. It’s not always possible, but simply weekends out of London and back home make the world of difference.


    Perhaps the biggest change was the mental shift. It’s taken probably 10 years so this is no quick fix, but most the stress i was feeling, was a result of how I was reacting, behaving and dealing with situations. I am an exceptionally driven and ambitious person, and I know that’s fantastic, but what this drive trapped me into was the feeling that nothing was enough, good enough and that only the absolute best delivered the absolute quickest would be good enough.

    This pressure on myself has no doubt helped me achieve all the successes I’ve had in my career and enabled me to run my blog full time at the same time, so I wouldn’t change it for the world. But I needed to release the pressure I was putting on myself if I was going to start living a little stress free, if I didn’t change my goals I’d feel anxious I wasn’t working on things, so I had to re-think big!

    First of all I changed my attitude to blogging, i worked so hard for nearly five years producing daily content on my blog and felt consistently disheartened by a lack of success (success in my eyes) and found myself constantly comparing my work and successes to others, I focussed solely on my blog and got left behind on Instagram and overall just found myself slipping further and further down a rabbit hole. Until I changed my attitude …

    I focused on quality over quantity, real relationships over social ones & generally updated my strategy and goals to reflect the times & my life.

    And it wasn’t just blogging, it was at work and general things too. I stopped putting so much pressure on myself, i relaxed my goals & deadlines I’d set myself and focused on living a little more instead. All my travels at the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017 were the perfect opportunity to reset my way of thinking.


    The key to truly making new habits and behaviours stick is a true commitment to them, and that’s what I did, I made a commitment to my time.

    Leaving work on time & having an evening, and a commitment to actually going to bed on time too! They sound simple, but ensuring you have a proper work life balance and a proper amount of rest time is key if you want to negate stress. Your body and mind must feel rested, strong and content to deal with situations pragmatically and calmly. The more tired you are, the more you’re likely to get stressed by situations that perhaps don’t really warrant the stress!

    Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.


    And finally, and the bit I’m still working on now, is nourishing my body from the inside out. Much like sleep, having enough and the right food is another super important factor in feeling well and importantly balanced. It’s incredible how much rest and food can affect your mood and emotions, and innately your stress levels.

    Alcohol is incredible detrimental to my UC and so overall I’m trying to limit that, but perhaps the biggest shift is trying to eat more regularly and I’m hoping to embrace a few more vegan principles into my diet too! I’m a huge healthy eater in terms of what I consume, but I often don’t eat until the afternoon, and end up over eating at dinner because I’m starving.

    But as part of my quest to combat stress, healthy routines are key, so from leaving work on time, to switching off my emails for proper down time, to getting to bed on time and waking up to a proper breakfast and healthy diet. Food prep isn’t easy, it’s time consuming, but this is one area I’m continuing to work on and hope in time will only help the balanced life i’m working towards.

    Banish Stress For Good

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    Five Ways To Banish Stress For Good

    Five Simple Ways to Live A Little More Mindfully

    How To Start Living The Life You Actually Want To Lead

    Why It’s Okay To Admit You’re Struggling & Need To Reset Your Year

    Whatever your situation, there is hope and most definitely ways to reduce and start combating stress and importantly find better balance in your life. If you’re struggling with a stressful period right now, just stop and commit to resetting your life again, start small, but gradually find ways to live a little more mindfully and importantly start living the life you want to lead. Start small. In time the impact will be big.

    I’d love to know how you’re managing stress and whether my personal journey and tips have helped inspire you to start living a little better?



    Live The Life You Actually Want to Lead Today.

    You may have noticed that a lot of my lifestyle editorial in 2017 to date has been about living well, setting goals for a better life balance, admitting struggles on the quest for perfection, and finding ways to be more mindful everyday. I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, editorials on mediamarmalade truly come from my heart and as such they’re often reflective of the things i’m thinking, feeling, struggling with. More often than not my blogging tips or lifestyle tips are written as much to help me as they are to hopefully inspire or help you too.

    So it goes without saying that the editorial focus on wellness and creating a lifestyle that fits your life goals and career ambitions this year to date, is something I’m truly striving to achieve this year. Work, Life, Health Balance. Once & For All.

    Yes I failed at first (well in all honesty i’ve been failing to find that balance for the last 4 years), but after a well timed two weeks adventure in the philippines, I have the opportunity to start a fresh, re-set, set my boundaries again, agree some principles for my life and make sure I commit this time around to giving less fucks to the things that aren’t either in my control, making me happy or helping me live healthily (aka life balance, stress, getting active), and more fucks to the things that matter to me.

    Time to truly master the art of happiness. #notsorry.

    So today, I thought i’d start the working week with a little something to help inspire me, and you, to truly start leading the life we want to lead, and actually making sure it happens!

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    Your Basic Happiness.

    Happiness doesn’t have to come from material things in life, nor societies norms (like marriage, material possessions, salary & promotions, the things that often we can get caught up on without truly thinking if they really fuel our own happiness). Understanding what actually fuels your basic happiness is really important if you want to lead a content life everyday, because that should become the basis of everything you do!

    I wrote a whole article about defining your life KPI’s last year (if you want to set yours then definitely check it out), but ultimately it’s the process of defining what it is that makes you actually happy and what ultimately you want in your life in the long & the short. What do you want your life to look like?

    For me, good health, adventures and travel, quality time with Jase, my family & friends and a feeling of achievement (in my career & blog, as well as my personal life for example) are key to my  feeling of happiness. So fucking off my career (and the severe stress that I know comes with it), to have a simple life & a low pressure job sounds great at first, but ultimately I know it won’t make me happy forever because I am driven to achieve and so for me, it’s more a case of crafting a balance!

    Of course there’s lots of small milestones that will help me achieve these very broad (and not very SMART) goals and there’s also lots of very small habits or rituals which also bring me little bursts of contentedness (my morning coffee is one for example), but generally speaking knowing what it is that makes me happy, means I can spend more time focussing on doing those, and less on the things that don’t, and importantly gain perspective in moments when my happiness or health is being jeopardised.

    Principles For Life.

    Once you know the things that fuel your happiness and inner content, you have to start prioritising them. Now this. This god awful principle in itself is one that’s so much easier said than done. Trust me. I’ve written goodness knows how many posts in a  similar vain to this over the years, sharing my journey to get my life back on track and find better balance … and my biggest learning?

    I need to take my own advice.

    So the next few sentences I say with gritted teeth, because I truly understand that it’s all very well in principle to want to work your contracted hours yet be CEO by the age of 30, go to the gym whilst spending time socialising, set up a successful business alongside smashing your career, be the best girlfriend, sister, daughter and friend, all the while doing the things you want, living the dream and looking like Giselle. It’s laughable.

    But, we can help ourselves. And I for one am finally ready to start doing and not just saying. Principles for life are rules, they are binding and should be committed to like your daily teeth brushing routine. They are principles that enable you to achieve your basic happiness. They are the guidelines that will help you achieve your milestones without sacrificing yourself along the way. They’re simple. They’re effective. They should be achievable.

    Many successful women turned ‘self help’ authors like Arianna Huffington & Sarah Knight for example have talked about the value of setting life principles or ‘fuck budgets’ if you’re a ‘Life Changing Magic of Not Giving A Fuck’ convert, to help achieve a better balance in life.

    Your priorities should be your own, there’s no right and no wrong, but they will help you achieve happiness. For me, ensuring that every working day isn’t spent in the office until 10pm and ensuring extra pressure and stress is going to add value to my career and not just kill me on the way is key. A better commitment and prioritisation of my time will help ensure that being active becomes part of my life, ensure that when I spend time with loved ones it’s quality and not distracted, ensure I have time to travel as much as possible and give quality time to my blog (and ultimately my future) and importantly to ensure that stress is something that is significantly reduced as a result.

    Commitment to You #NotSorry.

    Sometimes it requires a little selfishness. An attitude of #NotSorry if you will. But mostly it just requires some commitment to yourself. Focus on your priorities. A commitment to put yourself, your health, and your happiness first.

    No one else can do it for you, and this is where i’ve slipped in the past.

    Hoping external factors will respect my goals and my personal health and happiness, letting my principles slip once too often and as time goes on, slipping back into that rut and that unbalanced work life balance becoming the norm. Where i’m sat wishing I could just start living the life I want to lead. And promising that tomorrow will be the day.

    Well Tomorrow Has Arrived. It’s Time To Start Doing. And Not Just Saying.

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    I’d absolutely love to hear about your principles for life, if you have any that is? And if you don’t I’d love to know if you can relate in anyway to my experience and my drive to set principles that will hopefully help me live a more balanced life? If you’re looking for more help or inspiration on the topic then have a little browse here.




    Finding Balance, In More Than Just Your Wardrobe & Bank Account.

    When it comes to balance in your life, it’s not just about balancing colours and monochrome, or designer shoes with your bank balance, balance is so much more than that. Balancing work and life, friends & family, health & fitness, wellbeing & career, money & socialising … balance is one of those never ending quests in life.

    As we start to think about wrapping up 2016, my mission to balance my work and life, my health and happiness with everything else life throws at you feels more important than ever.

    As it stands 2016 has been a real mixed bag, full of wonderful life & career highs (like travelling to Thailand & relaunching my blog, to presenting at Cannes Lions, winning a multi million pound piece of business and having some incredible blog collaborations to celebrate) but balanced with the usual health and wellbeing struggles I always have. But this year shit got a little more real as I faced some health issues that i’d been ignoring through being ‘too busy’ to make time to visit a Dr. (i’m fine, fear not).

    So as the new year draws ever closer, so does the opportunity to find that balance i’m sure we all seek every year (at some point we do have to start looking after ourselves you know) and what better time to begin than the official start of the Christmas Holidays …

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    The Christmas holidays tends to be the only time of year we all truly stop to take a break, if you’re anything like me holidays are always working trips (when everyone else is still working at 120mph its hard to truly switch off) and weekends are the opportune time to do my blog as well as cram in spending time with all my nearest and dearest. The point is, there’s no rest for the wicked right?

    I saw a post Lucy wrote recently about how being a workaholic is almost a badge of honour these days, and I can’t help but agree. My commitment to work and my drive to achieve the best in my career and run a successful blog is great, admirable perhaps & certainly well respected, but it’s fair to say i’ve sacrificed my health and wellbeing in my quest for success! And there’s nothing great, admirable or respected about that. But this year has caused me to rethink a little, yes id like to be MD if not CEO one day and yes I’d like my blog to grow & achieve the same successes I see others getting (a bad goal I know), but i’d also like to feel healthy, happy & spend more time enjoying life itself this year.

    “Don’t get so busy making a living, so that you forget to make a life”

    So as well as focussing on balancing my savings with my shopping addictions (easier said than done my friends), my ever growing bag collection with my shrinking wardrobe space (as much as I love my bag collection, my own house wouldn’t be a bad investment either), my quest to travel with my ambitions for my two full time jobs (my career & my blog aren’t the simplest of things to juggle), i’m also going to be more committed to balancing my health, my wellbeing and my happiness too (that work hard play hard ethos I’ve talked about before and a goal I talk about every year but never quite deliver on). Because after all, whats more important than health & happiness.

    Have you mastered that work life balance in your life? Have you set yourself any life goals for 2017?







    Sometimes A Little Re-Priorisation Is Needed, To Help Us Get Back That Work Life Balance We Crave So Much

    This weekend I spent my time enjoying the sunshine (where’s that gone already?), catching up with some of my best friends, cramming in too much (I nearly missed my red carpet Bafta’s walk as a result) and generally just focussing on having a little fun rather than work and my blog. And whilst this isn’t entirely rare, it’s fair to say that occasionally I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work, blogging and the demands of life that I forget to take that moment out just to enjoy myself, to forget about all the things I need to do, and to simply just laugh and relax, and truly shut off. The irony is, the stress and pressure we often put ourselves under to get things done and push ourselves to be the best we can, actually makes us less productive and less creative as a result. And if you work in a creative industry or run your own blog, then you’ll know how important productivity and creativity are to the successful running of your business!

    The truth is, sometimes we spend so much of our energy and focus on making a living, that we forget to make a life. And every now and then a little re-priotisation is needed to help us get back that work life balance and for us to focus a little more of our time on simply living. This weekend was just that for me, and in fact just to prove my point, it inspired todays post and the tips I wanted to share with you, to ensure that you …

    “Don’t get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life”

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    Prioritise You

    It’s human instinct to want to please people and be liked, but sometimes an affect of this innate quest to say yes to everything is that we actually just over commit and end up sacrificing the important things to us, to please other people (not to mention run ourselves ragged trying to do everything). But Sarah Knights #NotSorry theory was quite the awakening for me, and rang true to how I felt about my own life … what was clear to me after taking a moment to truly think was that actually prioritising yourself a little more is a simple, but effective way of allowing you to focus on living the life you want to lead, and not the life others want you to or the life you feel as though you should. So try a little #NotSorry this week and see how you get on …

    Try An 8pm Digital Detox

    I’ve spoken about digital detoxes and the importance of them on your wellbeing a few times before, but it’s fair to say the digital world we live in means switching off has become almost non existence, and work is always in the palm of our hands. One really simple way to prioritise living a little more and ditch the constant niggle of work is by committing to a digital detox in the evening. Why not try turning off your phone & emails from 8pm in the week, giving you a couple of hours simply to enjoy your evening, rather than spend them on social media or responding to emails. Not only will you give your mind a rest, you’ll set a precedent for a healthier work life balance moving forward. If you want some tips on how to take a digital detox, check out this post.

    Schedule Time Off

    Sounds simple but more often than not when you lead a 100 mile per hour life, scheduling time off becomes a last minute panic, rather than a well thought out and prepared event, or worse a prospect that feels near impossible. This is likely to be even more true if you’re self employed and constantly juggling work. But scheduling and dedicating some time off work is a really great way of ensuring you balance work with living … if you work a 9-5 then perhaps the weekend IS actually your time off, but if you’re like me and juggling blog, work and god knows what else, often weekends are still ‘working days’, so time off needs to be a little more scheduled to truly equate to a break!! If you need more persuading, then read this post all about the benefits of taking a break & get inspired by this post!

    Focus on Working Smart Not Hard

    Another topic i’m super passionate about is working smart, and not just hard, and this itself can be a essential in giving you the opportunity to live more, and not just spend all your time trying to make a living and working. Success isn’t dependant on the hours you work and the amount you take on, it’s mostly dependant on quality of performance and the output you deliver (and working 14 hours a day and being a martyr to it is most definitely not the answer). And working smart doesn’t mean sacrificing your career, or your blog, it just means juggling things more effectively and more productively – I actually shared how I juggle a full time career & blog here in case your interested.

    Commit To Leaving work On Time

    In the week, evenings can become non-existent and simply a passing moment between work and sleep, but my goodness when you commit to leaving work on time and truly have 6-1opm to do something with, life feels so much more full and your day feels so much more than just work. Whether it’s a dinner with friends, a walk or run in your local park, or even time to dedicate to a hobby (like blogging), making sure you give yourself an evening (as often as possible) will truly create a feeling of far better work life balance, and of course ensure you’re not spending 90% of your time making a living, and only 10% making a life. And even though it may feel impossible, it’s up to you to set this rule & live by it.

    Stay True To Your Life KPI’s

    And if more time spent doing the things you love isn’t enough for you, think a little longer term. What do you want to get out of life, what is it that brings you happiness and joy, ultimately what are your life KPI’s & goals (not just your career goals). If you need some perspective to truly help you dedicate a little more effort to living, then i’d recommend crafting your own life KPI’s and prioritising your life, time and effort accordingly.

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    Do you struggle to have a healthy work life balance or are you quite good at making sure you set aside time for yourself? What things do you do to help create that healthy mix, i’d love to hear your advice?




    The Importance of Taking a Break

    When you’re self employed or career driven, taking time out, a break from work, and genuinely cutting off from the working world can be exceptionally difficult, because in reality no matter what the day of week, business goes on. But actually this bank holiday weekend is the perfect moment to embrace a little time out, and truly give yourself some time off work, and the benefit of doing so will be so worth it …

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    Boost Your Creativity & Motivation

    There’s no denying that when you’re sat at a desk for 12 hours a day and churning out work or content, trying to keep on top of emails, running from meeting to meeting and not to mention hitting project deadlines, creativity and inspiration can get a little lost. Creativity itself is something that flows most naturally when you’re in a relaxed state of mind, so actually taking a break from work itself is one of the best ways to get your creative juices flowing again.

    More than that, the reality of blogging full time means often you can find yourself spending a whole day (or week) trying to tackle emails, attending business meetings & generally keeping on top of the admin side of business. But actually taking a break from the day to day is the perfect opportunity to get a little more on top of your actual content if your a blogger especially … from shooting whilst you’re out & about, to getting inspired by life around you.

    Read more: How to boost your creativityHow to survive a creative rut & get inspired again & How to get over a blogging dip & get motivated againWhat makes content good

    Time to Get Organised

    Life admin easily piles up when you’re a busy career girl or managing your own business, from needing your roots doing, to putting your car in for an MOT to simply seeing friends and family, or giving the house a well needed clean up. But when you’re busy finding time to tackle your life admin is limited, and these tasks end up being a niggling thought that sits in your head, and ultimately makes you feel stressed and under pressure. The bank holiday weekend provides the perfect opportunity to tackle that life admin, so that you can start the week fresh feeling more in control of your life.

    Read More: How to get more organised5 distractions you need to ditch now & How I blog daily & have a full time job

    Get Back to Reality

    And more than anything it’s a chance to get back to reality a little, to leave the tech and demands of work behind for a few days, to focus on happiness, mindfulness and your overall wellbeing. I wrote a whole feature on the benefits of a digital detox and the bank holiday weekend provides the perfect opportunity to do this.

    Read More: How to take a digital detoxHow to unwind, destress & be more mindful & Three life changing books you need to read

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    The pressure to work work work is always there, but it’s important to take a break sometimes and accept that taking some time out from the daily grind can actually benefit you in the long run.

    How are you planning to unwind this weekend & will you be using the bank holiday weekend to get inspired & creative again?





    Today is International Women’s Day, a cause centred on feminism and a day established to celebrate female achievement and reinforce the quest of achieving true female equality. Feminism, equality & female empowerment is something I personally believe in and back whole heartedly, the sentiment of female empowerment really is at the heart of my blog and all the career tips I write … I really believe the opportunity is yours for the taking, whether you’re male or female.

    Feminism? “Men think it’s a women’s word and it’s only for women, but really it just means you stand for equality. If you believe in equality, you’re a feminist. Sorry to tell you.” Emma Watson

    Feminism, despite the incredible changes the movement has helped create (especially that achieved by the suffragettes & suffragists in the 1900’s), has been tarred in the past with feminists seen as man hating activists or “screeching bra burning lesbians with hairy legs and armpits that castrate men for fun” ... but thankfully in today’s age most people understand feminism is actually about equality (equal opportunity, equal rights & equal treatment for both men and women). And if you’re still not sure, then please go and read or watch Emma Watson’s UN talk ‘HeForShe’ on the matter, follow Sheryl Sandberg & her pledge for parity, watch the This Girl Can ad created by Always, or even better watch Makers content series all about female achievement & equality (I love Kathrine Switzer’s story).

    I for one am a huge believer in equality. For me it’s a fundamental right that we should all have (male or female), what we do with it is our choice, but ensuring we have equal rights and equal opportunities feels like an absolute no brainer, and International Women’s Day is simply an opportunity for us to celebrate all that has been done to date to drive equality across the world.

    So in honour of International Women’s Day I wanted to share the 3 reasons why I myself am a feminist, but also 3 reasons why embracing feminism can help you achieve success in your life and in your career.




    Believing the world is your oyster

    Feminism is all about equal opportunity and equal rights, and I personally believe we should all be entitled to an equal opportunity no matter our race, religion or gender.

    By believing that you as a female (or a male) have the same opportunity as anyone else out there, you’re more likely to put yourself forward for opportunities, have confidence and self belief and carve a career that best fits your ambition, your goals and your skills. Whether that’s CEO of Facebook, a fantastic volunteer worker or a loving stay at home mother, perhaps all three …  It doesn’t matter what you choose to do, the point is you have had a choice, and you have taken and chosen an opportunity that is right for you.

    Having equal rights (the right to vote, the right for the father to take paternity leave if that’s what’s right for the family and the right to education no matter what gender) is also a huge opportunity and enabler to carving a life that’s right for you. And not just what society has made you believe is normal or expected – no longer is the male the dedicated bread winner and the mother only allowed to be a house wife. Equal rights enables a better balance of responsibilities, it can allow you to define and live by your own life KPIs and allow you to create a life and career based on your own goals & ambitions. Perhaps starting your own business from the comfort of your home …

    If you’re not held back by doubt, whether that’s enforced by society or simply your own feelings, then life really will be your oyster. If you believe  in yourself, and you believe you can achieve whatever you want, regardless as to whether you’re male or female, then you will grasp every opportunity with enthusiasm, determination, drive and motivation … you will take that risk and start your business, you will push yourself to ask for that promotion, and you will set your sites on becoming a leader.

    TIP: Believe in yourself as an individual, define what you want, and create the opportunity to take you there.  Read my tips on how to turn your passions into your career, how to run your own business & how to turn your business idea into a reality.

    Knowing your worth

    Because I am a woman, I should be paid 20% less than men? Sorry, what?

    Unfortunately around the world right now, in many industries, females are still getting paid less than men for the same role. The issue is global and it’s especially heightened in some countries and within certain type of business. The UK is reported to have a 20% gender pay gap which is just unacceptable, fortunately change is being forced by feminists (you know, people who believe in equality) and our government, but it’s not just the pay gap, it’s the number of females in top leadership roles too and driving change at the very top (i’m proud to say a family friend is a big part of driving this change). It’s so important to understand your situation, believe and know your value, and support your own cause … As this is what will help create change  in the long run.

    “Don’t ever hear in your own head, “Who am I to say something?” You are human. You are a person. You can 100% change the world.” Emma Watson

    Embracing feminism and equality, means believing and supporting the need for people to be paid based on their role, their delivery and their ability … not their gender. If you want to run a successful business or create a financially lucrative or stable career, then believing and knowing your value regardless of your gender is imperative.

    TIP: Don’t be afraid to ask for that promotion, or fight for that pay rise. If you believe you’re worth more, then raise it, support it with strong rationale & make sure you just ask. Read all my career tips here.

    Empowering & inspiring others

    You’ll well know by now that I am a firm believer in female empowerment, all my wellbeing and careers tips features are designed to empower and inform you on your own success journey. By celebrating, rewarding and encouraging female achievement, we’ll only empower others to do the same.

    As I’ve already discussed in my feature “5 traits we can learn from successful career women“, successful people don’t trample their way to the top, they bring other people up with them. Your success is as much dependent on the people around you supporting and championing you, as it is about you believing in yourself. If you get to the top but have a whole business that hates you, then you’re not going to succeed in that role, because people won’t want to work for you. It’s quite simple but it’s easy to forget if you focus too much on your self. Don’t forget to raise others around you too.

    “you can tell who the strong women are, they’re the ones building each other up, instead of tearing each other down”  

    Me personally, I am inspired by so many females in my life, not least my mum for being the best mum anyone could dream of, and for creating a life that makes her happy & is filled with so much love and content, my former boss who is now MD of a huge media agency and who has truly shown me that it is possible to become an incredibly successful female leader, a mother, a champion for female empowerment, through hard work, self belief, a willingness to learn and of course a whole gang of cheerleaders who are willing you to do well because you’ve empowered them so much along the way, and of course other female bloggers who have carved a career and business of their own through their sheer passion, ambition and determination for creating content.

    TIP: Don’t be afraid to seek advice, mentorship or guidance from those you respect or look up to. Their experience & position can help guide your own career & your own journey to success. You can read my tips on how a mentor can help you achieve your own career success here.

    I hope you’ve found today’s feature interesting or even a little inspiring. I’d love to know your views on feminism & equality, and whether you like me will be celebrating International Women’s Day.





    A strong post title I know, but it’s true, these are three books that you genuinely do need now.

    I love reading, usually it’s my favourite blogs, a chic lit on a beach with sunshine beating down, the latest hard back cook book or an ‘it’ style editorial produced by another fashionista breaking beyond the world wide web into classic print, but more recently my reading habits have ventured towards ‘self help’.

    I’ve become a serious fan of books about wellbeing, mindfullness, and just healthy living, whether it’s Arianna Huffington Thrive, my new  mindfulness colouring book, or the three books thatI want to talk to you about today, Marie Kondu ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying, Sarah Knight ‘The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F***’, or Kikki.K’s ‘Goals’ journal.

    You’ll have no doubt heard me talk about all three of these books within my tips posts lately, and that’s because they’ve genuinely made some impact on my life. These are books which offer a breath of fresh air, some genuinely useful advice, and a little help to get you on your way.

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    This book is something I needed to read. I first discovered her rather brutal but honest novel through the Guardian who were featuring Knight as a guest editor (read the feature here), it soon spurred me on to write my own personal take on the matter (#NotSorry).

    If you’re career driven, drowning in commitments, stressed out and constantly running from a to b, then this book is for you. Sarah Knight talks openly about how she transitioned her life from over committed, to focussing on the moments that matter. If anything its reassuring to know you’re not alone, and she genuinely has some good, well thought out advice on the matter.

    “I call it the NotSorry Method. It has two steps: 1.  Deciding what you don’t give a fuck about 2.  Not giving a fuck about those things”  Sarah Knight

    I for one have been taking her advice this year so far. Oh and did I mention it’s funny?


    You’ve probably been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of Marie Kondo or the infamous #Kondoing … whether it’s the magazines writing editorials on her theories or the celebrities who live by her principles, Kondo’s book has certainly made an impact on the world.

    For me? I spent 3.5 hours clearing, organising and tidying my lounge before opening page one. So powerful was her message, the outside back blurb was enough to kick start my life changing tidying. And boy, did it make a difference These are the wise words of wisdom that Kondo shared that really made an impact on me:

    “the best way to choose what to keep and what to throw away is to take each item in one’s hand and ask: “Does this spark joy?” If it does, keep it. If not, dispose of it. This is not only the simplest but also the most accurate yardstick by which to judge.”  Marie Kondō 


    The third and final book you need, is less novel more journal, but a book (or one of a series of books) which genuinely offers something pretty awesome and unique. You’ve probably heard of Kikki K a new stationer in Covent Garden, and if you haven’t and you’re a stationary lover It’s worth checking them out, but what Kikki.K offers is beyond stationary, it’s a whole world of beautiful journals, inspirational and motivational note books & even courses to help you on your journey to better wellbeing.

    The wellness journals are my favourite (happiness, dreams, mindfulness, goals etc) they are an entire journal dedicated to helping you identify and achieve what you want and discover yourself a little on the way too. I personally chose the Goals book as I loved the idea of using it to help me on my blogging journey this year. But the range available is vast (and not least pretty) and so worth checking out.

    ‘Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow’

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    Have you read any of these books or tried out any self help journals? I’d love to know if you loved them as much as I do?