Search results for: “wellbeing”





    In todays world, our lives are jam packed with things to do, things to think about and things to stress about. I’m sure you, like me, find yourself constantly running from a to b, juggling far too many balls and generally just living on high energy to try and keep up with lifes demands. But with a fast pace and demanding life and career, often we can forget to take a moment out, stop, breathe, get some perspective, just relax.

    I have made a pact with myself that this year i’ll get my ‘wellbeing’ in much better check. I’ll take more time to look after myself, and spend more time doing, well, nothing really. The benefits of taking some time out are too good to be ignored, so today I thought i’d share with you why I think it’s good to take some time out & how it can actually help you in the long run.

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    Taking time out helps your body and mind rest and refresh itself, more often than not when you take a little time out, you end up feeling more energised and motivated than if you just keep ploughing on. When we’re busy and stressed, taking a break gets de-prioritised completely, but actually this in itself is counter intuitive, as actually taking a break and some time out is a guaranteed way to help feel re-energised (and boosts your productivity, more on that to come).


    Stepping away from day to day life, and taking some time to yourself, whether it be an hour to have a coffee and read your book, a weekend away or a week or two abroad, is a great way to garner a little perspective. When you open your life to more beyond just work or your daily stresses, you help give yourself some clarity, some perspective and gradually what felt stressful before, feels far more manageable. Because you’ve had time to get some perspective.


    When you’re relaxed, you’re more creative. A relaxed state allows you to access a different part of your brain (I wrote all about in my tips post about boosting your creativity), so when you take time out to chill, to relax and to unwind, you’ll find yourself more inspired and thinking more creatively. It’s why the best ideas always come when you’re on holiday (or on the toilet). So if you’re needing some inspiration, take some time out, it’ll come naturally before you know it.


    Having time to rest and recuperate is the simplest way to ensure you are always productive. The more you wear yourself out, the less efficient and productive you become. This is especially pertinent when you’re working and swamped in deadlines and work loads, the stress and pressure means you stop taking breaks and giving yourself a moment out … but actually taking time out in these moments has never been more important.


    And more than anything, have time out to spend with your loved ones, to yourself or simply to do the things you love, of course boosts your positivity and happiness. It’s so important to have a  good balance in life, and taking time out to just escape the day to day is so important in helping you keep that positive outlook in life. I for one love to spend time escaping the day to day through my blog, or weekend trips to see my family, or even just little trips to the seaside for a beach walk – the ultimate cure for any stresses.

    So stop making excuses. Take some time out. Dedicate some time to yourself. Not only will you love it, it’ll actually have tons of benefits too.

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    Do you take time out for yourself every now and then? What are your favourite ways to escape the day to day grind & relax?





    If you follow me on instagram then you’ll have noticed that I delayed the return to work by a week in favour of some fresh snow, skiing & far too much mountain food. We go to Val D’isere every year and have done ever since I was a little tot. It’s always a great week spent tiring ourselves out on the slopes, and recovering in a cosy chalet, in front of a fire with great food & all my favourite cosy winter warmers.


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    We’ve had a fresh snow fall almost daily, and so my winter wardrobe is certainly getting its wear now. Ironically (/ frustratingly) I actually didn’t pack my favourite fur Gilet which would have been absolutely ideal in these conditions, but I did bring along my new Toyshop denim and shearling lined jacket, which was a Christmas present from Jase’s parents. I fell in love with the jacket as soon as I spotted it in store, and actually think it’ll make a fab all season jacket. For these nippy climates i’ve thrown it on with my COS knit dress and of course my UGG boots which i live in when i’m skiing. Cosy toes are the priority.

    I’m making the most of the downtime before my return to work next week, and in reality the proper start of 2016 for me. I’ll be heading back to start a new challenge, kick start all my new years resolutions & blog goals i’ve set myself, including getting a better grip on my wellbeing.

    If you missed yesterdays post all about getting more happy, less stressed and enjoying life more then I’d love you to go and check it out. It pretty much sums up my ambitions for 2016.




    2016, my year of enlightenment?

    This week my friend sent me a Guardian article entitled ‘Drowning in commitments? It’s time to stop giving a damn‘, she sent it to me, because she thought of me. I read it, and I too saw myself in the feature. The article written by Sarah Knight is an extract from her book ‘The Life-Changing Magic Of Not Giving A F**k’ (which I immediately ordered), she wrote it because she found herself drowning in life, commitments, demands, others … And i have to say, I felt relieved to know that I wasn’t alone.

    I started writing my tips features on mediamarmalade in honesty, as advice to myself, what I write is from the heart and more often than not i’m relieving my own tension, stresses and pressures by giving myself the advice I know I need to hear. It just so happened that clearly you too felt the same way more often than not, so could relate. Since I started my life, career, blog & photography tips they’ve become my most popular for you, and probably for me too.

    I’m a driven person, I strive for success, to better myself, to grow, to do the best I can, to always deliver for myself, for my family, for my friends. To never let anyone down, including myself. That’s great in many ways, and one of the main reasons I have achieved so much in my career to date, but in other ways it’s concerning, always trying to do everything, with everyone. More often than not i’m juggling more in a day than is feasibly possible, I run a full time blog and have a full time career (and because i’m a control freak I won’t sacrifice either), I am known to be late (because I simply commit to too much), I wear myself down, and I feel like I let people down in turn. My mum is forever telling me to stop worrying about others and focus on myself sometimes, if people truly love you they will understand. She’s right. It just took a painful year to realise it.

    So when I read Sarah Knights editorial at the end of 2015, I resonated with it, more than I thought I would, and perhaps more than she realised others would. And her theory’s made sense to me. Isn’t it about time we start to focus on our wellbeing, our own personal happiness and cutting out the things that don’t aid that? It isn’t necessarily about being selfish, in many ways it’s simply about taking a pressure off your shoulders and being more true to yourself … and in turn allowing you to focus your energies on the quality of your time, your effort and your enjoyment. Time spent on the projects you love, with the people you care for, and doing the things that make you happy.

    Sarah Knight is Enlightened. And 2016 I hope is my year of enlightenment too (read the article to explain).


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    Today i thought i’d share with you, inspired by my year passed and also the #NotSorry theory that Sarah Knight talks so candidly about, 5 simple ways that are sure to help you focus on your happiness, become less stressed, and generally just start enjoying life a little more, with just a little less pressure on your shoulders.

    #1 LIFE KPI’S

    I want to write a whole post on this very topic soon as it’s something I’ve really started to think about a lot, become quite interested in, and generally feel inspired by too. But in relation to living a happy and content life, firstly you need to think about what it is that you want. What it is that makes you happy. What is it that makes you feel content. What is it, overall, you want to feel, experience, do in your life? Having a really good think about what makes you happy is a really easy starting point to cutting out the bad stuff and getting more of the good stuff.

    #2 CUT IT

    Once you know what makes you happy, joyful, content, you’ll also start to understand the things that counter that. And you can probably quite easily identify the things that add pressure, stress or no enjoyment to your life too. In reality some of those things will be in your control. So why don’t you change those?


    Why on earth do we all compare ourselves to others. I am terribly bad for it. I suppose in many ways we see it as a way to measure our success in life. But that’s just so totally wrong, and deep down we all know that. When I think about the moments I feel down, hard on myself, and negative, it’s usually because i’m comparing myself to others and in turn feel like i’m rubbish (to put it bluntly). But when I take a look at myself, my work, my life in isolation, actually I can start to see that I have lots to be proud of, to say well done for, and that for me, are my successes.


    This is probably my one weakness. When I truly think about my life, my stresses, my pressures, in all honesty, most of them are because I over commit. In an effort to please people, to please myself, to please society, I say YES. Yes is great, it’s full of opportunity and chance. But sometimes, you need to learn when perhaps ‘Thank you, but not this time’ is actually the answer you really want to give. I don’t want to let anyone down, so I always try my hardest to do everything. But you know what, sometimes it’s too much.

    #5 DO MORE

    Do more of what you love. Do more of what makes you happy. Do more of what makes you feel content. Simple.


    I’d love to know if you relate at all to this? Hear your own story & of course hear any advice or tips on the #NotSorry topic that you have?



    Mediamarmalade Tartan Scarf


     January 4th (AKA TOMORROW) indicates the return to work for much of us, and after a good two weeks off work, the fear can be pretty almighty. I’ve already shared my tips on fighting the sunday fear here, but today I thought i’d share a few tips to help you cope with the return to work &hit the ground running ready for a brilliant 2016.

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    Heading back to work after a relaxing and long break can be a little scary, not least because you need to get your head back in gear and catch up on anything that’s been going on whilst you’ve been over eating & over sleeping (just me?). For me, spending 30 minutes on Sunday getting ahead of myself and just getting my mind back in gear is a really helpful way to get me back in the working zone, but also to help make Monday a little less daunting. Whether it’s checking a few emails, working up a list of jobs for Monday morning or simply getting an early night. Use Sunday to get ahead.


    The last two weeks have formed a totally different sleeping routine to the norm … without an alarm and the panicked wake up of worrying i’ll be late, i’ve found myself sleeping in each morning. Whilst it’s been wonderful, the return to work means I need to properly reset my morning (and evening routine). To ensure the 7am alarm isn’t too much of a shock, an early night Sunday & a little bit of preparation will mean the wake up bell isn’t all too horrendous. Be sure to give yourself time to wake up, take a coffee and even have some breakfast. As long as you’ve hit the hay at a good time, you can still get the 8 hours sleep you’ve got used to.


    For me, Christmas has meant santa pants & cosy knitwear, not quite my usual workwear style. Getting back into your boss girl style groove will take a little adjusting, so to save yourself that Monday morning wardrobe raid, why not think ahead and pre plan your looks for the week, or at least for Monday. It’ll save you a lot of stress in the morning, and ensures you end up wearing something to work you’ll be comfortable in (shift dress, yes please).


    When Monday comes, I always find it’s best to hit the ground running. Get yourself a strong coffee & then tackle the day with enthusiasm, motivation & determination. This is one of those occasions where easing yourself in slowly might just mean you fall asleep on your desk … set the day up well with a clear to do list & some focus. It’ll make the day go quicker & ensure you have a productive first day back.


    And most importantly … start your first day back as you mean to go on. A bright start, a healthy lunch break, and a proper cut off at the end of the day. As i’ve mentioned in so many of my lifestyle and tips post, having a good work life balance is so important not only for your wellbeing but also for your own productivity and efficiency too. So make sure you start the year as you mean to go on … take breaks, leave on time, and get a good routine in place.

    Good luck to all of you returning to work tomorrow, go kick some ass!




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    After yesterdays post all about setting better and achievable New Years resolutions, i’ve taken my own advice and had a jolly good think about what 2016 means for me, what I want to achieve, when I want to achieve it by, and also taken a little reality filter too … just to make sure i’m not dreaming of things i’ll never quite be able to stick to. So in the spirit of starting the new year fresh, here are my resolutions for the year ahead.

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    MY BIG 5 FOR 2016


    If there’s one thing that 2015 has taught me, it’s how important work life balance is. With a demanding career, a driven personality and a full time blog, I can often find myself working into the ground, and 2015 was the worst yet. With a crazy work schedule, I found myself spending all day & night at work, and weekends either in the office, flying or just scrabbling to catch up on life. It wasn’t healthy & it certainly wasn’t sustainable. My New Years break was just what I needed, a full three weeks off to shut off from work entirely, and i’ll be starting the New Year with a new role, a new challenge, and a much better perspective on my work life balance priorities. A clear work / life split is a top priority for 2016, there’s no deadline or timeline on this, its a lifestyle shift I plan to make immediately.


    I’ve spoken a little bit about wellbeing and mindfulness on my blog before (see my edits here & here), and much like my work life balance resolution, it’s something I need to master a little more in the year to come. From living in the moment, ensuring my stress levels are kept in tact, and genuinely looking after my health a little more … i’ll be giving mindfulness a big embrace in 2016, starting with my new Mindfulness colouring book which I’ll start Jan 1st.

    #3 FITNESS

    This last two years i’ve really let myself down when it comes to health and fitness, having been a committed netball player (playing club & county, running a team in my previous job & being captain for my uni team before leaving uni), a pilates & spin frequenter, and generally living an active life style, the last two years has seen all my healthy living fade away (sadly in replace for work – see point 1). 2016 is the year to kick start my healthy living again, not least because I want to shift the excess weight i’ve gained (i’m not in a happy place figure wise) but also because I want to ensure i’m living out my 20’s in the best health possible. This year I want to join a netball team again, and sign up to a regular spin or pilates class which i’ll attend each week. I don’t want to over commit or scare myself silly with a weight loss diet, for me this is about shifting my lifestyle back into a more healthy place. Permanently.


    I’ve blogged everyday since October 30th 2011. That’s 1,587 posts since I launched it. I’ve not missed a single day.

    I love blogging and I genuinely invest everything into this little space. I’m so proud of what i’ve achieved, i’m proud of my re-design & move to a  self hosted site which happened at the beginning of 2015 (and in reality has taken the entire year to perfect), my improved & increased focus on photography, the incredible partnerships I’ve been fortunate to have with some of my favourite brands (and being signed to an agency network) & generally just the fact i’ve managed to juggle both my blog and work throughout what has been quite a tough year. And most importantly that you all come along to read & follow the journey (Thank you) …

    But if i’m honest I can’t help but feel that despite my efforts, passion and dedication, my little blog hasn’t grown or blossomed as I had hoped it would in 2015. Whether that’s my  high expectations or driven nature, or a reality, this year has felt hard and slow success wise for me. Perhaps it was my time being limited so much by work that I couldn’t attend events, or perhaps my lack of proactive business proposing to brands & companies, or perhaps my content (i hope not), but regardless of the ‘why’, 2015 hasn’t felt like the success I could have wished for. And so I hope 2016 will be …

    And to help focus my attentions & ensure i’m not just being hard on myself (I have a habit of this), I’ll be setting myself some specific blog goals to help me get the time I want to focus on my content, and hopefully to help grow my blog and the traffic it gets again in 2016, and generally to help me be able to take the leap one day of making this my sole business. I might share my goals with you in a separate post if you’re interested?

    #5 INVEST

    I have a wonderful life, a gorgeous flat & so many lovely belongings which i’ve invested in over time. But the one investment I feel is missing, is investment in the property ladder. This year I hope Jase and I will be able to invest our money to either part own our wonderful West London home, or perhaps by our own little place to do up.

    In the meantime, it’s about time I finally gave in and bought myself my Chanel Boy bag. A reward I promised myself for my hard work over a year ago now.


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    So there you have it, my 5 resolutions for 2016. In reality they’re all quite big lifestyle shifts, but to ensure I can finish 2016 and say i’ve ticked them all off, i’ll be breaking them down and tackling each one little bit at a time.

    I’d love to hear what your New Years Resolutions are?





     Mindfulness has been a hot topic in 2015, it’s not a new phenomena or way of living, but it’s something that’s certainly become more prevalent in recent months. And for good reason too.

    With our lives becoming ever more demanding, stressful and busy, often we can forget to be mindful, live in the moment and be in tune with ourselves. I for one can admit to this and so for me, 2016 is set to be a year of mindfulness and wellbeing. Simply, I want to start taking more care of myself mentally and physically … and i’ve set out 5 key ways I can start to become more mindful which I thought i’d share with you today too.




    One of the wonderful elements of mindfulness is focusing on the present moment, too often we live in the past or the future, and we forget to stop and simply enjoy life right now. With busy lives and busy brains, we forget to stop & smell the roses. Literally we do. So in 2016, I’m going to make a concerted effort to truly live for today, appreciate each moment by moment (in real life, not just virtually) and take the time to really embrace life around me. It’s not hard, it just takes commitment.


    I’ve been thinking more and more about ‘life KPI’s’ lately, they sound overwhelming, but really it’s just about knowing what you want, what makes you happy & what you want to achieve in life, and ensuring everything you do is working towards these goals. In many ways, defining your life KPI’s will help you focus, eliminate the bad stuff & generally help you live a happier life everyday. What’s the point of stressing about something, if ultimately it’s not important, and probably needs to be changed anyway? Define your life KPI’s, and do what you need to, to help you start achieving that life happiness.


    Mindfulness isn’t something you do one day, and then your mindful forever. It’s a way of living, of being, and therefore it takes practice and dedication. Of course some days you’ll be swept up in the challenges life throws, but the important thing is to come back to your self when you can, and start a fresh, tune into your mind and your body & get yourself back into a good state of mind. Practice makes perfect, and so taking up some hobbies which will give you a defined time to be mindful is a great idea, I want to take up Pilates again in the new year & also try some meditation on my commute.


    A good day is all about your mental state of mind. So starting the day in a good place is always a good idea. Spend 5 minutes when you wake up to think of 5 things you’re grateful for or 5 things you’re looking forward to for the day ahead … big or small, it doesn’t matter. But the process will set you in a positive mindset for the day ahead.


    It’s not just about mentally being present & well, it’s also about being in tune with your body, and keeping your body healthy too. My health and fitness is something i’ve really not prioritised this last year, and I have to say it’s noticeable. 2016 for me, is all about putting my wellbeing first, and so dedicating some time each week to hit the gym in my lunch break is going to be non negotiable. Even a simple pilates and spin class each week will make the world of difference, not just to my body, but my mind too.


    Do you practice mindfulness? I’d love to hear your lifestyle for healthy and happy living? 



    Mediamarmalade TIps Posts


    At 27 years old I feel as though i’ve had a lot of experiences in my life already which have shaped who I am, what I believe and what I want to achieve in my life. Of course though, there’s still a lot to discover, to learn & to experience, and so there are always times in my life where I feel like i’m going through something new or experiencing a new challenge or adventure.

    Whilst this year on paper might seem the same as every other year, in reality this year has been an exceptionally challenging year, both professionally and personally. This year has been one of the most demanding on my career to date, with significant change to adapt to, incredible pressure, demands on my time that i’ve never experienced before (almost 5 months of working 16 hour days, 6 days a week), important deliverables on my shoulders and finished off with the biggest opportunities and career decisions i’ve had to make to date. I’ve found myself reaching new limits, having to learn new coping mechanisms & adapt to the challenges that a rather strained work life balance can have, on my relationship, on my social life, on my wellbeing, on my blog and just generally on my life. I’ve been trying to push my blog to a new level, from a complete re design and shift to a self hosted site back in January (and all the woes that come with that), to really trying to up my game with content, quality & my photography. I hit 4 years of blogging daily. All the while juggling my personal life on top. It’s been quite the year.

    But the difference between an adventure and an ordeal is mental attitude they say … and so looking back on this years adventures, I can see i’ve learnt a lot, i’ve changed a bit & overall I’ve learnt some new things about me! Today i thought i’d share the lessons i’ve learnt this year, perhaps you’ve had the same experiences and can relate, or perhaps these might prepare you if you ever experience similar times in your own life.

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    When you’re going through a period of extremely hard work, to the point where you don’t even see an end in sight, it’s hard to see and believe the value of your efforts. It feels like survival. But actually one of the biggest things i’ve learnt this year, is that even though it may not feel like it at the time, hard work always pays off. Sometimes it pays back in ways you may not even realise immediately, but whether it’s new opportunities, recognition, achievements or simply just new learnings & skills that will help you in the future. Hard work does pay off. So don’t ever doubt your efforts & what it might mean for you in the future.


    When you’re going through difficult periods, facing change, perhaps having to make big decisions or take significant actions, it can feel a little overwhelming to deal with, but if theres one thing i’ve learnt about myself this year, it’s that knowing your own mind is essential. I’ve always believed in gut instinct, but when life throws you a seriously tricky curve ball you can find yourself doubting your gut, your decision making, your ability etc. The end of this year has bought me 3 incredible career opportunities (proof that hard work pays off), but with that it’s bought me the biggest career decision i’ve had to make to date. Knowing  my own mind, knowing what’s important to me, knowing what success is to me, and what I want from my career and life has been a huge learning curve. When it comes to making huge life decisions, you really do need to know your own mind. It’s okay to lean on friends, colleagues, family or mentors for support, validation or simply to talk things out, but ultimately you must know your own mind, in order for you to make the best decision for you, right now!


    There are times in life when you genuinely feel like your drowning, whether it’s due to work, life or emotion, things can feel a little too much. Feeling like you can’t cope, can’t deliver, can’t keep going is normal … but having the right mental attitude to keep pushing yourself forward, and to not give up, is key. In the words of the ever so wise Dory, you simply have to ‘just keep swimming, just keep swimming …’. You’ll amaze yourself when you come out the other side, just how capable you really are.


    This year has been my most awful for work life balance, from a seriously crazy year at work & trying to juggle a full time blog on top, i’ve found myself putting my own wellbeing and my relationships last. For a short period of time, every now and then this is okay, but when you sacrifice your work life balance for too long it can be really detrimental to your wellbeing, your happiness, your relationships and your social life. The thing i’ve learnt this year, is that I will never let me work life balance become so unhealthy again, because whilst my career is unbelievably important to me, my happiness isn’t just from work, it’s from my hobbies, my boyfriend, my friends, my family, from shopping & photography to snuggles on the sofa & time to read a book. When your life becomes 100% work, you lose a really important part of yourself!

    Of course in those periods its difficult to see a way out, a way to reign your work life balance back in, but actually if i’ve learnt one thing, it’s that sometimes saying NO is actually a good thing.


    Much in line with knowing your own mind, this year has taught me how important it is to define your own success. My own career success, my own blogging success and my own life success. Its quite easy in todays society to get swept up by social norms … what society, what business, what tradition tells us is ‘success’. But actually in reality that’s absolutely irrelevant, whats important is your own measure of success, what is success to you, and not just in one silo’d area of your life, in your life in totality. Knowing what your own success is, will give you such clear direction for your life, and it’ll make things around you (like other peoples successes) irrelevant, and that genuinely is so important for happiness.

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    For me i’ve really had to think a lot about what success in my life looks life, for me, not based on what is expected. I’ve accepted that I am an ambitious person, very ambitious in fact (it’s the reason I do manage to juggle a full time blog, a full time career and my life), and so getting to the ‘top’ of my career is really important to me. But what i’ve also learnt about myself is that there will never be a ‘top’, I believe i’ll always keep working towards the next thing, wanting to learn more, grow more, experience more. Whilst CEO of a major agency is something I want to achieve, even if I get there, I have no doubt i’ll then focus on the next thing, perhaps a global ex co position or founding my own business. It’s okay to dream big, having ambition and passion and drive to succeed is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.

    My blog is something so personal to me, it’s a passion i’d never be willing to give up, when it comes to blogging success it’s perhaps even more subjective than any other area in my life, but really success for me is continuing to develop content that people love to read, love to share & perhaps that gets recognised by peers in the industry, to earn money from my work, so that perhaps one day when I want to take more time at home for a family, it could become my sole business focus! And i’d be lying if I didn’t say some of my measure of success comes from ‘numbers’, whether it’s page views, followers or income. But knowing that numbers aren’t the only factor is also really important … simply producing content makes me happy!

    Finally life, living my life to it’s fullest is also a huge huge huge factor in my definition of success, travelling and seeing the world, spending time with my loved ones and my friends, having a home and a happy set up! I’d love to own my own house soon, to have my own little doggy at home with me and Jase and just a stable set up which forms the base for our own family in the future.

    But ultimately what it all comes down to is balance … work, life balance. Knowing what success means to you, in all areas of your life, and finding the balance in what you do, to help you achieve that success!

    “Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.”

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    “Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure”

    So there you have it, the 5 things I’ve learnt this year! I’d love to hear if you can relate to any of these, of if you personally have learnt any lessons about yourself this year too?





    Wellbeing and mindfulness is a hot topic right now, and with good reason. With our lives becoming more demanding, more busy and more work orientated, often our wellbeing and happiness can become forgotten, misattributed and generally neglected. With the digital culture we live in, and the increasing demands and pressure on our careers (both from our own strive for success, and the industry expectations), we can find ourselves attached to our phones, emails & the digital world 24/7. I for one can admit that my phone is like a second skin, and whilst I love the mobility and freedom this digital evolution has provided, it does mean that shutting off is a thing of the past & genuine rest and recuperation are rare, if not non existent!

    But while I find it near impossible not to check in on my blog, my emails, my work and my ‘digital’ existent, I do know how important it is to find time to actually live without a phone in my hand, and generally shut off from the online world sometimes. And so whilst I couldn’t quite cope with a full on  phone ban, there are a few simple, more manageable ways to have a digital detox, which I thought I’d share with you today.



    First things first, and the easiest way to embrace a digital detox is to make a ‘mobile’ bed time ban. Keep the bedroom as your sanctuary for sleep and relaxation, and leave your phone outside (or at least promise yourself not to check it / turn it off). When Arianna Huffington came into my office to give a speech around her latest wellbeing book, Thrive, her biggest tip was to simply stop taking your phone to bed with you. It makes it all too easy and tempting to keep working, when you really need to be resting.

    Make a pact to yourself that your phone won’t be the last thing you look at before bed, and the first thing you look at in the morning.


    As well as being unbelievably rude and unsocialable to be on your mobile whilst at the dinner table, it’s also just stopping you from truly living and enjoying the moment. We’re all a sucker for checking instagram, sending that urgent email, or nipping off to take that important call, but actually all that happens is you don’t allow yourself to stop and enjoy the break. So why not force yourself to take a dinner ‘digital’ detox, by leaving your phone in your bag. It’s only an hour after all.


    Now i’m awful at this, but going on holiday is the perfect opportunity to truly switch off, put your out of office on, and really leave work, emails and the digital world at home. I for one, mainly because I blog daily, find this near impossible, and actually on most holidays find myself more attached to my phone, iPad or camera than normal (it’s the one time I get to focus 100% on my blog, without work playing on my mind or demanding my time). BUT, weekends away or holidays abroad are the perfect opportunity to give yourself a digital detox.

    Next time you go away, switch your emails off, put your out of office on, and limit your digital usage to an hour each evening. It’ll force you to embrace the holiday and actually help you unwind from the day to day grind.


    Another simple trick to help you reduce the amount of time you spend on your phone, or online, is to turn off your notifications. Without a constant stream of pop ups alerting you to, whatsapp messages, new tweets, blog comments, instagram likes or new emails, you’ll find yourself less tempted to constantly switch from app to app. I have most of my notifications turned off, it helps me focus on one thing at a time, and ensures i’m not ‘always on’!


    If you want to go that one step further, and totally detox rather than just attempt to reduce your time spent on your phone, then why not go cold turkey and try a full on digital detox. I have friends who’ve given this a go, yes it’s hard, but the sense of freedom and relaxation it brings is seemingly worth the efforts.

    Your best bet is to set a day (like a Sunday) to simply turn all your gadgets off and put them away, or if you’re really feeling motivated, use a weekend away or a holiday to truly switch off by simply leaving all your gadgets at home (or a least turned off).

    “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”  Eleanor Roosevelt

    Have you ever tried a digital detox? Are you keen to give some of these simple tips a go?



    Mediamarmalade Melissa Mould

    “We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.” Arianna Huffington

    We all go through times in life where before we have a moment to realise, we’re stuck in a rut of working late nights, skipping the gym, turning to red wine to unwind and generally forgetting to have a life outside of work. First things first, fear not, you’re not alone, sadly this happens more often than not, especially when you’re a city dweller and working in a high pressure industry or in a high profile position. The most important thing is to notice what’s going on, to realise that you’re work life balance has taken a rather negative shift and to feel empowered to make a few small changes to get things back on track. It doesn’t need a rash and unconsidered act to resolve it, it just needs you to take a little bit of control back, and introduce some positive changes that over time will get things back in order.

    Mediamarmalade Melissa Mould


    The problem with high pressure industries and jobs is that working all hours and forgetting to make time for yourself can become the norm. It’s fine for a few weeks, months at maximum (sometimes business just has highs and lows) but what’s important to remember is that your not likely to be contracted 8am – 10pm, Monday – Saturday, chances are your contract is 9am – 6pm Monday – Friday, so don’t feel bad when you decide to leave on time, when you make a pact to get out at lunch or even when you leave your blackberry in the office on a Friday night. Your job is super important (I know, my career is incredibly, incredibly important to me), but so is your health, your happiness and your wellbeing. And working all hours of the day, everyday, doesn’t help that!


    Breaks are the first thing to go when things get busy, but actually they’re a super important part of staying productive, happy and stress free. Whether it’s a simple tea break throughout the day, or an hour at lunch time to hit the gym. Taking back your break every now and then, or even everyday if you can, is a really positive step in getting a better work life balance. A whole hour at lunch leaves you with tons of opportunity to do things for ‘you’, a gym class, your errands, a little shopping, even time to blog, read a book, or catch up with family. Just taking back this little bit of time will enable you to feel like ‘life’ is just as prevalent as ‘work’!

    Read my post all about why you need a break here.


    Now I don’t mean to cause offence with this … but occasionally people end up working late, working their evenings or even their weekends because they can’t manage the work flow efficiently or productively enough. Whether that’s about working quickly enough to make progress and be productive, or managing work streams internally or with clients through conversations etc to ensure that you and your team are only taking on a feasible amount of work and that deadlines for delivery are realistic and achievable. Pushing back and being able to manage a work flow is in most instances far more beneficial and efficient than just saying yes to anything and drowning in a never ending flow of demands and deliverables. It might feel weird to say NO, but sometimes it’s one of the best things you’ll learn in your career.

    If you want any more tips on managing your work load, then check out this post.

    #4 TURN OFF

    It sounds simple, but how often do we turn off our emails at the weekend, how often do we switch off our work phones in the evening. For me at least, never. Now i’m not saying that turning them off is going to be feasible (wishful thinking right), but being a little stricter on how often and for how long you stay ‘online’ outside of  working hours is a really important factor in feeling like you have a better balance of work and life. Why not try for a week, restricting yourself to one email check outside of working hours for a maximum of 30 minutes. The more you’re ‘always available’ the more people will expect it, use it and take advantage of it. It’s up to you to make a change and take back your personal hours, and restricting your phone and email use is a really simple way of doing this!

    I’ve shared a few tips on how to unwind from work here.


    Regardless of your level in your office, it’s up to every one of us to set better working practices. Don’t be afraid to take a break, to leave on time, or to even encourage a little more fun in the work place – a charity bake off, a running team or even a book club. The more you ‘act’ the more you will empower others to do the same … and over time, one by one, you’ll realise you’ve started to change the culture, to change the norm, for the positive.

    Mediamarmalade Melissa Mould

    “And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, “This is important! And this is important! And this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this!” And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, “No. This is what’s important.” Iain Thomas

    Et Voila. 5 really simple ways to take back your life, and achieve a better work life balance. Start small, but be consistent. As I said, you don’t need to be rash in times of poor work life balance, but just take a moment out to assess what’s causing the issues, and slowly but surely start making some changes, start behaving differently, and before you know it you’ll not only find yourself with a better balance in your life, but perhaps too you’ll have encouraged others to take back a little more control too!

    I’d love to know if you have found these tips helpful or if you too have any advice on how to get your work life balance back?