The demise of Instagram, a shift to long form content, a re-focus on quality and engagement. Why now is THE opportune time for micro bloggers …
As with most things in life, we experience highs and lows, whether it’s our emotions, our successes, our finances or simply the industries we’re apart of. In many ways this cycle is only natural, and we should expect and account for things to spike and dip throughout your life – the need to stay relevant and ahead has never been truer.
The same is true for the blogging industry, which for the last three years has been on a huge, seemingly unstoppable rise. From the volume of people starting blogs, to the expanse of brands wanting to invest in bloggers, to the diversification of blogging opportunities. New influencers were being born by the minute, blogs boomed into wonderful businesses born out of passion & creativity, before Instagram bred a whole new generation of ‘short form’ content producers and digital influencers … (hold that thought).
Blogging was about writers, photographers, real people, discussing and sharing real, inspiring and honest content. Brands wanted the authentic voice, the quality photography, original content and the genuine readership that bloggers could so readily offer. The numbers were competitive to that of publishers, the costs for brands were unprohibitive, the audiences were real, loyal and engaged and the quality and results were undeniable. It was a mutually beneficial situation for bloggers who stumbled into the incredible opportunity and brands who in an increasingly competitive & changing market needed to find new ways to engage and convert with their consumers.
But I personally wonder if somewhere along the way, as the industry grew and instagram blew up, if we started to lose sight of the authenticity, integrity and originality which made this industry boom in the first instance.
Looking back, significant change has already happened. We all as part of this industry, in some way or another have tried to keep up & adapt with this change. Embracing Snapchat, exploring video more, jumping into Instagram stories, shifting our social strategies, adapting our content based on the current consumer desire. Some of us, i’ll take me for example, were slower than others (if only I bothered trying with Instagram in the early days & not focusing so single mindedly on my blog, le sigh) but overall the industry grew, evolved and before we knew it … the currency of trade started to change.
In the last 18 months especially, success has increasingly started to become a numbers game. It’s not to say quality of content, readership and authenticity of voice have gone (after all we’re still blogging aren’t we?), but the focus shifted …
Brands wanted the big players, the big numbers, the big reach, because sadly that’s what they thought would deliver the results (which in some cases they would of course, but followers alone are a short sighted measure in this industry)!! This in turn has put pressure on influencers, the need to grow our presence and reach was (and is still) tremendous and the monumental growth and shift in focus to Instagram (because it had big numbers) only exasperated the pressures and the shift.
… this shift has unfortunately started to drive an entire lack of authenticity, originality and integrity. The precise things it used to be renowned for.
If you’ve kept abreast with the whole #instagrambotgate you’ll know that fake followers & inorganic growth is sadly a reality for some of the big influencers out there … which starts to raise some important questions for brands & the industry as a whole. Are brands truly buying engaged audiences? Who even are some of these audiences? Are they real people, do they demographically and qualitatively even fit your brand and brand values? Are these influencers actually showcasing your brand? What return is your investment delivering? The debate is live, ongoing and pertinent …
And it’s change for the good. As I said, what comes with a rise, is often a demise. And whilst I certainly won’t be quoted saying instagram is about to die a death, the facts are there and bloggers like myself are increasingly frustrated by the algorithms and lack of visibility of our content, not to mention the dishonesty we can see happening and opportunities being exploited … and brands are starting to get more savvy on true engagement and defining a better measure of success too.
Just like the backlash Google are facing with YouTube and the lack of transparency & safety of advertisers content (which has resulted in millions of pounds in advertising spend being pulled from the platform globally), Facebook and Instagram are probably next in line …
It means that numbers aren’t and won’t be the be all and end all.
Quality content and genuine audiences are going to be increasingly important again – hooray (and Googles new SEO algorithm will only drive this further), engagement will increasingly be the key measure of success as consultants like myself continue to educate brands, shifting the focus off big follower numbers. The shift will mean it’s not just about how many people saw the content, but how many of the desired audience saw it, importantly how many actually engaged with it, and critically how many converted? After all this is a business and it’s either sales or brand equity a brand is going to be looking to build.
And finally, the increased awareness around success & defining what success truly looks like (total reach regardless of audience, versus genuine engagement and actual sales etc) is going to continue. As a result we’re likely to see a shift away from big follower numbers as the key determiner for partnerships. And we’re likely to see a shift away from brands investing solely in one or two big ‘digital influencers’ who may expose their brand to a large audience but may not actually drive true engagement, brand awareness, sales, or genuine interest, to investing in a multitude of micro bloggers. Who individually of course offer less reach, but what they do offer in some instances is a more loyal, engaged and active audience, they often work above and beyond to create quality content that truly adds value to readers and brands, and that combined with other micro bloggers offer comparable scale … especially when compared to that one insta post that probably got two seconds of engagement, if you can count a double tap as engagement that is?
Micro bloggers and true digital content producers (YouTubers, bloggers big or small, et al) offer brands a huge opportunity, comparable scale, an authentic and (still) trusted voice, and potentially far better return.
Of course the big influencers, and probably more pertinently right now big instagrammers (who don’t necessarily have blogs or youtube channels) will continue to grow and get business too … but now more than ever, the opportunity for micro bloggers is there, ready for the taking and an opportunity that more blogging networks, brands and businesses will start to tap into …

How? By leveraging all the things we’re best at …
You may only have 5, 10, 30, 50 or 100 thousand readers each month, but those readers are real, genuine and likely very loyal and engaged. Don’t be afraid of talking about and being proud of your readership, no matter how big or small, real and genuine readers are something you should be incredibly proud of – be sure to pull this out in your media pack. And whilst the big ‘follower’ numbers used to be the sole focus, I can assure you that there’s more to being picked for a campaign than simply that!! Knowing who your audience is, knowing what they love and having a true relationship is what brands truly want (and need) to focus on.
Real people, means real engagement. Your better off having 100 truly engaged readers, who actually read and engage with your content, than 1000 who don’t. Whilst historically the big follower numbers might have been the first point of consideration, moving forward engagement rates, brand value measures and sales are going to be the questions brands are asking for. And that is why now, more than ever your blog is so important. Whilst instagram is great for exposure, the real engagement it offers is limited … think how long you spend on a single image, maximum, a few seconds perhaps?
I don’t know about you, but I spend hours and hours working on my content, every photo is carefully planned, shot, edited and curated, every blog post is hours and hours of work. And if I work with a brand, it’ll be a brand I adore and want to go over and above for, I will deliver work that I am undoubtedly proud of, importantly content that I know my audience will absolutely love, but also content that I hope the brand themselves will be overjoyed with. The days of poor delivery, limited exposure, 3 second views and minimal measurement are going to be a thing of the past. Focus on quality editorial & photography and your content will shine and brands will see the value you can bring.
Instagram has sent the industry nuts. With no regulations or standards, paying £400,000 for an instagram post is a reality. Madness I know. But even if you’re not Kim Kardashian, accounts with a few hundred thousand followers can absolutely rake in tens of thousands of pounds for a simple image, tag & hashtag. Of course micro bloggers have less reach, but their prices reflect this, and that in turn is attractive to brands and businesses. Through working with a few micro bloggers, a similar scale can be delivered, but ultimately the cost will be significantly lower. The same goes for YouTube and Blogging … that being said when you’re crafting your business proposals, don’t under estimate the value you have to offer.
But most importantly … a brand collaboration should be based on mutual values, a shared passion, the same audience and a love for the product or service your supporting. An authentic voice, a voice with integrity, genuine and loyal readers and a voice which is trusted offers brands incredible value and is ultimately what any partnership should come down to. One things micro bloggers most certainly offer is an authentic voice which will only be more appealing to brands moving forward.

It’s time to be proud of your numbers, proud of your content and proud of your genuine audience as a micro blogger. Whether blogging is your hobby, business or side hustle, now is the time to shine a light on your work, be brave enough to engage with brands, spark conversations and embrace opportunities. It’s time to celebrate, dear friend and content producer, what you and your blog can offer brands, companies and businesses. Because now is the time. The opportunity is upon us! Forget the follower numbers, focus on the smaller more important ones … the engagement rates, the comments, the likes, the email subscribers, your sales conversions, these are the numbers that matter.
Go forth & prosper.
The Rise Of The Micro Blogger & What It Means For You, What To Include In A Blog Business Pitch, How Successful Bloggers Get Business & Opportunities, What Brands Look For When Working With Bloggers, How To Make A Killer Media Pack, How To Increase Engagement With Your Blog Content, Why Your Blog Is More Important Than Ever
I’m so glad to read this post! I’ve always been against fake followers and followers who don’t interact with your content at all, or just follow for follow. I always block bloggers who do that to me. It’ll be great if there’s more genuinity in the community!
Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog
Agreed! The whole point of my blog or instagram is to reach out to people, to send a message or to connect with others. I’ve had so many people follow me and unfollow me a few days after because I do not follow back, and I’m ok with that because numbers are pointless when the content isn’t engaged.
Thank you Melissa fir such a helpful post! As always so informative and well explained. I am a blogger who is small & work incredibly hard with chronic pain illness & without renumeration, to produce decent content and ALWAYS engage with my readers/followers..plus those I follow too! It has been really frustrating to see some succeed off the back of things that are unfair/cheat-like. I just keep on with what I love and thankfully, have had some super feedback from brands on my posts. Hopefully, many of us that work hard can start getting a shot at some good things in the future. It will be refreshing to have a bit of a shake up amongst the community.
Amazing blog and always love your informative work, (as well as gorgeous photography).. thank you.
H x
This is such a great post. I want to print it out and hang above my desk for inspiration!
Briana | youngsophisticate.com
Absolutely love this post. Super insightful and really makes me rethink how my media pack looks!! It’ll be interesting to see what happens with instagram for sure
I really enjoyed this post, and as usual your content is always on point!
I took a break from blogging just after mid last year, because I grew so tired of how superficial the community had become. Scrolling through certain hashtags, I saw a decrease in the quality of content and so many spam comments. Scrolling through my own blog’s comment section, I saw more and more people coming to advertise their blogs or giveaways. When I first started my blog, I wanted to start a discussion. I wanted to share the things I loved, and hear about what others loved. Over time, I started feeling pressured by brands to produce content they wanted from me, or be involved with brands for the sake of being on the same playing field as similar bloggers. It was ridiculous! I just lost all happiness that came from blogging.
After announcing my blog re-launch for May earlier this month, I immediately connected with some genuine followers. I got messages so many people telling me how excited they are to see me back in the blogging game and it was honestly something I did not expect that really touched my heart. I can’t stress enough how important it is for all bloggers to be more focused on the quality of their content, more proud of what they’ve accomplished so far, and be constantly reminded of why they are blogging.
Thank you for this post, Melissa! What a refreshing read.
Loved this post and I couldn’t agree more, I much prefer putting more time and effort into my blog so I would be more than happy for this shift to take place!
Jodie / jodiemelissa.com
This is so lovely to read! I heard about the whole bot conspiracy and personally that’s totally against what blogging is – for me blogging is about sharing my experiences or my thoughts and advice to those like-minded people who can join the discussion or give me advice on my thoughts and goals! Paying for numbers and unloyal followers isn’t the right spirit and I’m so glad people and brands are beginning to recognise this!
I’m not nearly reaching out to as many people as I want to be some day but I take comfort in the fact that I read comments from the same amazing people/bloggers and I look forward to their next posts and they’re support and discussion on my own posts!
JosieVictoriaa // Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle
What a timely post for me. Thanks. My blog is small but I have a few hundred loyal followers, and we’ve become like a community. I sometimes despair at the number of shallow blogs that simply sell stuff, using minimal content, and pretty poor writing skills. This is mainly why I’ve put off and put off making a decision to monetize my blog. So happy that longer content is becoming more popular. Some of my posts are about fashion and OOTD.. but over half are about my travels, what I’m reading etc etc..and those are all pretty long in content. Your post has helped me decide to stick with what I’m doing. So… thanks again.
This was such an inspiring read! I’ve been SO tired of the numbers game when it comes to blogging and social media. It really sucked the creative energy and fun out of creating content and interacting on Instagram. It got to a point where I completely stepped away from it all as I couldn’t take constantly feeling down on myself because my numbers hadn’t reached a certain level. That’s not why I started doing this at all! I’ve just started dipping my toe back in, because I do really love blogging and creating content, while making a conscious effort to not put so much weight on the numbers.
Really appreciate this post! Gives me motivation to stay the course and keep doing me.
Ashlei / shadesofbeingme.com
This was a really interesting post and so informative, I’ve always tried to focus on creating quality content on my blog and having that be my main focus above all else so I’m really hoping that starts becoming important to brands rather than just a huge following and Instagram reach.
Julia // The Sunday Mode
This was such a welcome and refreshing read, thank you for sharing it! I started a blog 2 weeks ago because I wanted somewhere to share my writing/photos/thoughts etc but it seems like everything is focused on instagram. It totally seems like people only care about the numbers, and trying to grow any kind of following on there is a hugely slow and laborious process if you are doing it organically through great content and engaging with people (and not through bots or manually follow/unfollowing, which I’m obviously not going to do because it’s stupid) – and it’s eating into the time I have for writing, which was the whole reason I started! This has made me feel great about focusing on my blog itself :) Definitely going to give your other posts on blogging a read!
Sophie xxx | Sophar So Good
Really good read thank you. I’ve just had confirmation of my first ‘commercial’ post and it was all down to the brand and I having the same values and approach. I’m truly passionate about their products and they can see that I’ll be featuring their product in my lifestyle shots for months and years, so its a good investment for them, as opposed to just paying someone who’ll feature one shot and send an invoice!
Another reason why I agree blogging will increase in value is because it provides substance for a brand. It is easy to “appear” successful on Instagram and deceive people with beautiful imagery. However, it takes a lot more effort to write and write convincingly.
I love that you reinforced quality over quanity! :)
This is one of the most inspiring posts I’ve ever read! I honestly always felt a little embarrassed that my blog or social channels never had huge numbers, but I’ve always worked so hard on them. I was starting to feel pretty deflated but this has given me a new dose of inspiration. Thanks!
Wow my dear!
Thank you so so much for pointing out all these really great tips and views. You are actually so right in every single point.
I’ve been following your blog now for a while and I think this is the best article <3
Keep up your work!
Happy Sunday
This post is so helpful and on point! Quite frankly, it gave me hope as a new blogger with a relatively small audience. My goal is really to have an engaged audience like you mentioned in this post. This was truly inspiring! Now i can be proud of my numbers, my content and the hours and effort i put in to create something so amazing.
So inspiring and encouraging to hear! I love to write, and I love IG as well but I have been a bit less excited about it since the algorithm changes.
This is very inspiring. As a micro blogger myself, it can be discouraging. Just need to stay focused and true to your passion.
I am in fact delighted to glance at this blog posts which includes plenty of helpful data, thanks
for providing such data.
Wonderful article, Melissa! One of the things I like in blogging and marketing is how fast things are changing! I don’t like sticking to one place for too long! I love to evolve more and more :)