Finding a place that inspires & allows you time to focus.
When it comes to running a blog and producing quality content, a clear mind, some inspiration and the time to focus is essential. But what comes with juggling a full time blog with a full time career, and you know, life, is often a mind that just can’t stop to think, let alone focus. I for one can find myself seriously struggling to get my brain in gear, especially on those days when I just have too much to do and no time to do it in. Theres so much going on in my mind that I just can’t seem to concentrate or think, and when you have the pressure of time too, it doesn’t bode well.
Over the last few years I’ve tried to find places, spaces and times of the day and week that just work well for me, help my productivity, and really allow me the head space I need to write my blog. Today I thought I’d share them with you, they’re not groundbreaking, but they work for me, and they might for you too.
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It might sound counter intuitive, to find focus whilst your actually in transit from a to b, but the beauty of trains (or planes for that matter) is that you literally can’t do anything else. For me it’s the perfect set up and is a time that truly allows me to focus. If you read my feature a little while ago about how I juggle my blog and my career, you’ll know how much I maximise my commute to work. It’s 45 minutes of otherwise wasted time, that I can use to brainstorm, start writing draft features and manage my social pages. My commute on the train is one of my most productive times of day, and the perfect moment to start writing editorials for my site.
Coffee Shops
If you’ve read my blog and my blog tips for a while then you’ll have no doubt noticed a lot of cafe shots, and that’s because i’m a coffee shop fiend. Not just for the caffeine that keeps me going, but for the inspiration the space gives me to write and create content. The combination of life buzzing by besides me, and the dedicated time to sit and write, means that coffee shops have become a go to location when I’m looking to get some blogging work done. And its not just blogging, i’ve always found coffee shops a go to place when I’m looking to do any kind of work or revision.
My Desk
Finally, and most obviously is my desk. Whilst the novelty of working from bed in your pyjamas is certainly appealing, the reality is I often find myself losing hours browsing Pinterest or twitter, and don’t really find the focus I need to write my blog features. A couple of years ago I created a dedicated space for blogging in my home, with my computer, content calendar, note pads & all the other inspiration I like to fill my office with (prints, quotes, colouring pencils, style books, candles etc), and just having a space dedicated to blogging really helps boost my productivity and helps me get in the zone.
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Aside from the specific places I go to blog and plan my content, the other thing I’ve learnt over the years is that I really just have to allow myself the time to write, think and create. Ditching distractions couldn’t be more important. When I run too fast and don’t prioritise time to write my blog, when I do sit down I just can’t think. For me, creating a list of tasks and dedicating time to each one is key in allowing me to focus and productively write my blog.
Where do you go to get in the blogging zone?