It’s another bank holiday weekend and that means two things. Firstly an extra lay in come Monday morning, but secondly the perfect opportunity to get ahead with your blog before heading back to work, it’s amazing how an extra day can make so much difference, a whole extra 24 hours to get your blog on.
Being a busy working lady, it is always tough juggling my career with writing my daily blog, so keeping organised & getting ahead when I have the opportunity is always really important. A long weekend is always a treat and gives me the chance to get prepared, super organised and plan my blog a little ahead.
Today I thought i’d share my top tips for getting your blog ahead this bank holiday weekend (including those things that i’ll be doing to get my blog in a good place for the week ahead).
My top tip is to start the weekend by making a blog plan, or at least update your current blog plan. From seeking inspiration, brainstorming your up coming content to creating a schedule for the coming weeks or months. Use your extra weekend time to really get your blog organised & prepared, it’ll only make things easier when you go back to work and get busy again.
I always find that it’s my pictures and photography that take me the most time and are the one thing about blogging that really needs dedicated time and effort. Having three days to shoot your pictures is such a gift. I’ll be dedicating my Sunday morning to shooting all my looks & imagery for my future blog content.
I always think it’s a good plan to organise your shooting days around the weather and any other plans you have, so that you get the best opportunity to get perfectly lit imagery and of course that it doesn’t end up interrupting any of your plans you’ve already made (even better, you could tie in some shoots during trips out and rope in your friends to help).
Of course my third tip is quite naturally to schedule your posts. Spending a little bit of time actually writing and scheduling the posts you’ve been planning & shooting pictures for just makes things far easier to juggle when you’re back at work. I always try, if at all possible to try and schedule a few posts, especially for those days when you know you’re going to be far too busy to write blog content.
Scheduling content really can be such a saviour, so take the opportunity & get as much done as you possibly can!
Of course the weekend shouldn’t be all about work work work, so make sure you still get out, have fun, see friends, organise fun things. And you know what, getting out and about actually provides a great opportunity for your blog too … why not take your camera with you, shoot pictures for a diary entry, write a restaurant review from your lunch date, shoot yours and your friends looks, or simply just use the time to get inspired.
Getting ahead with your blog doesn’t need to mean sitting and working solidly for hours at a time, even just ‘getting out’ and living life can provide a really great opportunity for future content!
The final tip is of course relates to the dreaded emails which are clogging up your inbox in the hundreds, sat eagerly awaiting you’re response. Why not dedicate an hour or so with a cup of tea in the morning to simply get ahead with your emails, respond to all those urgent emails, filter through the trash and get your inbox into a good state.
It’s often so hard in the week to get on top of your blog emails, so this weekend is the perfect opportunity to clear your inbox & your mind at the same time!
There you have it, 5 little tips for getting ahead with your blog this weekend. I personally will be doing all of these things, brainstorming content & updating my schedule, shooting looks & imagery Sunday morning, and writing and scheduling a few posts to help me get a little ahead and relieve some pressure next week.
I’d love to know your tips and plans to get ahead with your blog this weekend? How will you be using the time to get prepared?